Genealogy Wise

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Georgie Trammell
  • Female
  • Sacramento, CA
  • United States
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  • Juanita Maxine Millhouse

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Golden; Spilman; Dotson/Dodson; Pease; Shepherd; Morgan; Cash/Trammell
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA - MidWest to East Coast and CA
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Italian families-1840's; CA in "Gold Country"

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 12:17pm on October 19, 2009, Sara Inger Hill Memmott said…
My ggrandfather was married to a Rebecca Spil(l)man who was born abt 1845 and married to my ggrandfather, James Beat(t)y Hill in Franklin County IL on 8 Aug 1870. It looks like she may have been born in Shelby County IN. Not sure where she is buried, but her father (my gggrandfather) died in Duquion, IL (not sure whether that is a town, or county or even whether it still exists). Obviously I have much info to find about my IL ancestors!
At 8:44pm on September 9, 2009, Georgie Trammell said…
HI Michele, My Spilman's are located in Southern Eastern Iowa, mostly around Ottumawa. It is interesting that we are both living in the same town. If you would like E-mail me direct at
I am the G-GD of James Harvy Riley Spilman and one of his sons (William I believe) lived in Los Angeles and worked on the transit system down there for years, I could confirm which son, but I have a rather large all in one scanner sitting on the binder with that information. My HP printer/scanner decided to start communicating in some strange language last night and I have been fussing with in for about 7 hours off and on now. I have another one, but I don't want to have to hook it up if I can get the HP working again. Looking forwardto talking to you about the family. Hope to hear from you soon.
At 9:13pm on August 21, 2009, Rosetta Davis,JAnes said…
% Pease fam and Also Crawford co.IL
My didst couins have charted out our Crozier fam and there is and Aunt Nora Pease who is releated to the Pease fam and are also connected to the Green & Ketchum fam and Weildell/Wilham We all share the same ancestor John Crozier York co.Pa but raised in Miami co.Ohio in Piquway twp then he married and moved to Crawford co.IL and my dad`s parents and my dad and his siblings also born there in Flat Rock IL Honey Creek twp. his father Samuel Hendricks Davis was b. in Duncanville IL and so was my grt Grnpa George Minnick Crozier in Duncanville twp. and died in Honey Creek twp.
I have the Price,Allison,and Davis DeFord ,Highsmithe,Maxwell,Jones fam all inter married.
At 10:20pm on August 11, 2009, Sherry Hightower said…

At 3:02pm on August 9, 2009, Gayle Jon Killey said…
You probably have used this site, but I cann't tell. Try "USGenWeb . org>Illinois>Kendall Co." Even though Sandwich IL is in DeKalb Co, ther is a small portion in Kendall and LaSalle. Also try "rootsweb" Families of DU PAGE, GRUNDY, KENDALL, LA SALLE, and WILL Counties in northeastern Illinois
Entries: 258831 Updated: 2009-08-08 05:50:22 UTC (Sat) Contact: John Fishbeck
At 1:01pm on July 29, 2009, Juanita Maxine Millhouse said…
I saw your post today i will see what I can find. I am not sure what I will be able to help you with if anything.


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