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Putnam was created from Baldwin in 1807. Eatonton is the County Seat.
In Eatonton-I have Collinsworth, Kendrick, Carter
Rev. John Collinsworth-foot stomping, bible thumping, fire and brimstone Bap. preacher, founded a
lepor colony in Ga. before coming to Eatonton. Born 1786 in Brunswick Co Va. He died 1834 Putnam
with no possessions to will but a few books and bible. His wife Mildred Louisa Scarborough-in her
death notice-born 1797 Burke Co Ga- died 1873 Eatonton.
Dtr Martha Lane married 1837 Robert Milton Carter-Rev. and Medical Dr.b 1813 to John Carter & Mary
Kendrick. Mary was dtr of John Kendrick & Martha Montgomery Ms. Gerry Hill-Albany Ga

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I have some of the Putnam County marriage indexes if anyone needs any look-ups.
Thanks, I might. I have Emmet's Some Ga Co Records-
My Putnam County lines are ODOM and BURNEY
Caroline ODOM age 57 and b. about 1813 was located in the household of her son Eben BURNEY and wife Jeanette in 1870 Eatonton PO. There is another woman in the household named Nancy BROWN as was age 70 and is possibly the mother of Jeanette.
Ella, daughter of Eben and Jeanette, married about 1874 to Silas MOORE in Putnam or Jasper County. There is no marriage in the "Colored" marriage index of either county. Between 1870 and 1874 the Burney family moved to Jasper County and Caroline ODOM now lived in the household of Silas and Ella (BURNEY) MOORE also in Jasper County.
Upon receiving the estate files of Winborne ODOM who died 1826 Putnam County, it was discovered that there was a slave by the name of Caroline, among others. The strange thing that still gets me is that these slaves were listed in order of men, women and finally children in the itemized list of property.....Caroline's name was 2nd to the top of the list and listed as a negro man!! Was this just a simple error? Have you ever heard of a man named Caroline?!
Winborne's son Boykin Bennet ODOM rec'd a part of the slaves but at the time was yet a minor (b. 1818) and a guardian was assigned (Wm. A. Slaughter) for his behalf. Winborne's widow Mary (BENNET) married 2nd to Isham SHIRLING on 14 May, 1827 Putnam County. The slaves were distributed between the Isham SHIRLING and the minor Boykin Bennet ODOM as follows on 2 Jan. 1828:

To Isham W. Shirling:
Demus, Sopha, Martha, Ransom, Leah, Hardy, Luke, David, Mariah, Patsy

(Martha and Ransom are children of Sopha)

To Boykin B. Odom:
Caroline, Cherry, Sarah, Talitha (or Tabitha), Hasty, Avaline, George, Frank, Abner, Rainey, Olive and Laury

Talitha/Tabitha was noted as a child of Cherry.

Strong evidence suggests that Eben, born about 1833 had a brother name Charles born about 1846. In 1870 Charles is located in Jasper County, Goolsby Militia District and is listed directly next to a William BURNEY, age 50 in the census. By 1880 Charles and family moved to Putnam County. Eben and family moved to Goolsby District, Jasper County by about 1874. My reasoning for believing that Eben and Charles were possible brother's is because both families named daughters Caroline and Adaline (Carrie and Addie). I'm am not sure how William BURNEY is related here, but he and his wife alsonamed daughter's Caroline and Adaline!! Eben's and Jeanette's two daughters of these names were twins. The father of Eben is not known and so the relationship between Caroline, Eben, Charles and William remains a mystery. It may be possible that the father of Eben was located on one of the Burney Plantations in Jasper County. Either way, there is a big gap between the estate files of Winburne (1827) and Boykin (after 1880 so no help there) so other documentation is needed to locate something showing who Eben and Charles "belonged" to and where they were located before emancipation.



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