Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Start by telling us about yourself, your family history, your genealogy interests, and the current focus of your genealogy research.

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I love your eight year old mind! I am the same way - I have to know my true roots; I am driven to know them!

Joyce, I do that too. I would like to have a picture of everyone's gravestones, their death certificate, at least one photo and a story about them. I know it's a long stretch, but it's a goal.


Joyce Garrott said:
Hi, I am Joyce Garrott, I live in Trigg County, Kentucky where I was born and have lived most of my life except for a few short periods. My main focus is in Western Kentucky as that is where both my family and my husband's family has resided since mid 1850's. But I have done research in TN, SC, NC, VA and OH. I am one who is constantly looking for old cemeteries and photography them before the stones are no longer readable. This is one of my favorite hobbies, strange I know. I started this when I decided to get a photo of the grave of everyone in my family for had passed on. I put this along with their death certificate if I can locate one.

Family Names are:
My name is Gail Winstanley and I've been on this family history journey for nearly 15 years, but as far back as I can remember, I have been fascinated by who we were and who we are. I grew up on family stories told to me by my maternal great-grandmother, my maternal grandmother and spent hours and hours looking through family photo albums. My family is actually quite small every Sunday dinner was a full family reunion. What began as a quest to find more information for my gram on her father's family, he died before she was a year old has turned into a full time labor of love. Added to that was the rather stunning realization that my father is not who he thought he was which has led me on a journey to give him the past he never knew. Each little bit of information I find unravels the story surrounding who I really am. My focus is on the Maryland area, I'm fortunate in the fact that my families on both sides are Marylanders, born bred and buried, all within a three county grouping. I try and add history to the names and dates as well.
My name is Brittney Meyer McOmber I'm 29 years and I've been interested in genealogy since the age of 10. My husband and I have 4 young children and live in California. I've always been so fascinated with family history. When I married my husband, the poor guy and his family knew absolutely nothing about their history. So that's when I began to work on it during my spare time.

I have hit many road blocks through the years, but always seem to break through them after many many hours of research and prayer. If you know of any McOmber's out there.... let me know... that's where I'm having a tough time. I love family history and figure it's one of the few ways we can honor those that have paven the road before us. We wouldn't really be who we are today without our ancestors!
I'm a retired school librarian who loves to research and take photographs. It is my good fortune to have been given printed family histories, The Descendants Of Roger Chandler and, The Fundy Family, (Irving and Cleveland families), as well as a massive enumeration of my Irish grandparents' descendants from their 9 children that have whetted my appetite for genealogy .
A trip last year to Ireland was the impetus for a new look at the Irish side of the family. Locating and connecting with Irish cousins, visiting the Lacy farm, finding a broken gravestone for my great grandparents who both died exactly 100 years ago, were the teasers that started the search for my Irish ancestors, and there are even more questions to be answered about my husband's Irish and English ancestors.
I'm a FindaGrave volunteer and after photographing a number of graves for others I have begun locating, photographing, and requesting photographs for our family. I hope there will soon be volunteers in Ireland as part of FindaGrave.
Genealogy is a fascinating hobby!
My name is Frances Ellsworth. I am 60 years young. I live in Texas, but was born in Oklahoma. I love both states.
I love doing family history work. I have worked at family history centers since 1996. My love is to find the missing puzzles. It is such an engrossing work that I forget my surroundings. My goal now is to mesh the history with the people.
I have 6 children and 13 grandchildren, a dog and a garden. They all require my loving attention and tending now and again.
My name is Terry Elizabeth Detamore Reilly. I am 33 years old and have been married to my Jr. High Sweet heart, Matthew John Reilly, for the last 12 years. We have one son, John Joseph Reilly, who turned 9 in March. At the moment we live in Marlton, NJ. The last 12 years we started our married life in North Carolina where Matt was stationed at Cherry Point Marine Air Base. After he was out of the service we bought a little home in Freehold, NJ. After a few years of working in the oil industry Matt was offered a management job in St. Croix, USVI we lived there for 2 years. He was then offere a position in Philadelphia, PA and we bought a home in Marlton, Burlington County, NJ.

I was bitten by the bug in my late teens. Every year at our family reunion on my moms side the older members of the family would bring out old photos and handed out a printed copy of one of our ancestors. A lot of my moms family is Mormon and are very involved with the LDS history centers etc. This is one thing that got me interested. After graduating from Business college, I took a job in Germany. I spent weekends traveling the country by train looking in the area towns where my family came from. I was so excited every time I saw a cemetery that had names of people in my family. This was the HUGE change in how obsessed I became with searching my family tree. Since my return home 15 years ago I have traveled the areas where my family settled. I have been known to drop in at old farm homes that have the family name on the barns or mailboxes. Doing this has opened many doors to 'lost" family members.

I look forward to getting to know all the other "infected" Geneaholics on this site. Sometimes I feel I am the only on who has this problem.
Yes, sometimes it is very hard to do, that is when you bug everyone in your family to help you get the information you need. It is really sad when you call someone and ask them if they have a death certficate or marriage certificate for a parent or child. I always wonder why don't they have them. But I guess there are people out there who just doesn't think that it matters about their family history. I have became the family historian for both my family and my husband's family even though we have only been married 8 yrs (my second marriage).

As far as the other photos I take once I can I put them on Find A Grave which I think is a super site. I only wish I could get out more. Just too hot right now.


Heather Valdez Chambers said:
Joyce, I do that too. I would like to have a picture of everyone's gravestones, their death certificate, at least one photo and a story about them. I know it's a long stretch, but it's a goal.


Joyce Garrott said:
Hi, I am Joyce Garrott, I live in Trigg County, Kentucky where I was born and have lived most of my life except for a few short periods. My main focus is in Western Kentucky as that is where both my family and my husband's family has resided since mid 1850's. But I have done research in TN, SC, NC, VA and OH. I am one who is constantly looking for old cemeteries and photography them before the stones are no longer readable. This is one of my favorite hobbies, strange I know. I started this when I decided to get a photo of the grave of everyone in my family for had passed on. I put this along with their death certificate if I can locate one.

Family Names are:
I live in Pennsylvania and I have been researching my family for over 15 years. Most of my relatives are from Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Glad to meet you all!
Family Names I'm currently working on:
Junghen/Younkin - Germany & Pennsylvania
Crawford - West Virginia
Matheny - West Virginia & Maryland
King - Pennsylvania
I love sharing my information
My name is Cheryl and I have been interested in genealogy for a while now. I do research when I have the time, but I am having a hard time finding information. I am hoping to use this site to get some pointers. My step daughter does research for my husband's family and does well with information. My main focus in on my fathers family, Klinka.
I have been researching my family roots for decades......since my early 20's. My focus for searching includes the following surnames: Carman/Carmen/Kirman, Cherington/Cherrington, Christiansen, Jensen, Jackson, Reynolds, Davis, Taylor, Fleming, Glynn/Glyn, Trotter, McCormick, Giger/Gieger, and many more.

I am a Family History Center Director in one of the Family History Centers in Southern California. I love teaching and helping others connect with their roots and find the excitement and joy of discovering ones past. I am excited to utilize this network to connect with others with the same enthusiasm that I have for genealogy. I look forward to meeting more of you.

I write a genealogical blog where I review various genealogical websites available for research on the internet. I have tried to focus on those sites that are off the beaten path and are generally available for researching for free or for a nominal fee. If you would like to check it out, you can go to Our Future Rooted In Our Past. Please feel free to comment and contribute to the site. I look forward to hearing from you.
Hello, all. My name is Miss Chastity D. Williams. I am 28 years young and was born April 14, 1981 in Dallas, TX to the late Mr. Julius Young and Andremia D. Willliams. I recently started my very own family and now am the PROUD mother of a son. My son James is 5 months old and was born January 25, 2009.
I have been researching off and on since 18. I go take advantage of the resources in my city and have many interresting bits of info. My searches into genealogy first began with just a simple surname search, and snowballed from there, I love family, family history, and it's funny because I honestly have over 1000 pictures of family, and I am caled the family photographer. I'd love to help in any way possible and would love for any help in my genealogy research. Thanks and be blessed.



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