Genealogy Wise

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Matthias House purchased land from Robert Hutcheson, and wife Ann, in April of 1771. The land was located in Bromfield parish in the great fork of the Rappahannock River on the branch of Deep Run (Source: Culpeper Deed Book G, page 249). It contained corners with Michael Kintner (Kentner, Gintner)and Henry Aylor. Jacob Hufman, Henry Aylor, John Creal, John Stonesiffer, and J. Graves are listed as witnesses. This is the land that became known as the House Place in House Hollow.

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I found this in Augusta Co., VA . I looked in every index in the court house and there was only one reference that was even close. It was for an Aron Huse and he purchase land in 1762. There is no mention of a wife but the time would be about right if Adam was born January 03, 1763.
Have you ever seen a middle inital for Mathais?

I found a record of Adam being a member of Frieden's Church in Rockingham Co. with his wife Catherine. That is in the area where I believe this land is located.
Nancy House Perry

Augusta Co., Virginia Deed pg 253

This indenture made this 15 day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred sixty two (1762) between Thomas More of the county of Frederick Colony of Virginia of the one part and Aron Huse of the County of Augusta and the Colony of Virginia the other part. Witnessed that the said Thomas More for and in consideration of the sum of five (5) shillings curr money of Virginia to him in band paid by the said Aron Huse the receipt where of he doth hereby acknowledge hath bargained and sold by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said Aron Huse one certain parcel or tract of land lying and being in the County of Augusta on a branch of the North River of Shanando call the long Meadow it being the lower half of a tract of land granted to James Gill and surveyed by Mr. James Wood. Beginning at a large pine corner to Thomas Rutherford on the west side the Meadows running south 35 degrees, West 180 poles to another corner of three triangle pines in the patten line, then south 55 degrees, east 80 poles or of sing at Meadow to a white oak near a sink in a line of the patten, then with the patten line North 35 degrees, east 180 poles to another corner of the old patten, then north 55 degrees, west 80 poles to the beginning including 90 degrees be the same more or less. The reversion/reversions remainder/remainders together with the rents, profits of the premises of every part and parcel there of. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land and all singular the pre premises herein mentioned and intended to be bargained and sold with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Aron Huse his executors, Administrator or assigns from the day be fore the date here of for and having the term of one whole year from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended yielding and paying therefore the of rent of one year of Indian Corm at the end of the said term if the same be lawfully demanded to the extent that by virtue of these presents of the statute for transferring of use into the possession of this Aron Huse maybe in actual posse ion of the premises and be enabled to accept a grant of the reversion and inheritance there of to him and his heirs in witnessed where of the said Thomas More hath here unto set his hand and seal this day and year first above.

Signed sealed delivered at Courthouse in Augusta County May 18 1762 in the presents of Andrew Bird,
Jonathan Robifon, John Johnson.

Augusta Co., Virginia Deed pg 255

This indenture made this 16 day of May in year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred sixty two (1762) between Thomas More of the County of Frederick Colony of Virginia of the one part and Aron Huse of the County of Augusta and the Colony of Virginia the other part. Witnessed that the said Thomas More and Mary his wife for in consideration of the sum of fifty pound current money of Virginia to the said Thomas More in hand paid by the said Aron Huse at or before the dealing and delivery of these presents the receipt where of he the said Thomas More doth hereby acknowledge and there of and every part and parcel there of doth clearly acquit and discharge the said Aron Huse, his executors and Administrator have given granted alienated and released and confirmed and by these presents do give grant alien release and confirm unto the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns one certain tract or parcel of land containing 90 acres lying and begining in the County of Augusta on a branch of the North River of the Shanando called the Long Meadow it being the lower half of a tract of land granted to James Gill surveyed by Mr. James Wood. Beginning at a large pine corner to Thomas Rutherford on the west side the Meadows running south 35 degrees, West 180 poles to another corner of three triangle pines in the patten line, then south 55 degrees, east 80 poles or of sing at Meadow to a white oak near a sink in a line of the patten, then with the patten line North 35 degrees, east 180 poles to another corner of the old patten, then north 55 degrees, west 80 poles to the beginning including 90 degrees be the same more or less, together with all and singular. Houfer Edifises Buildings, orchards, gardens, pastures, commons, woods, under woods, water, water courses, profits, Commodities, appurtenances what so ever to the said tract or parcel of land and premises belonging or in anywise appertaining or therewith all of occupied or enjoyed or excepted reputed taken and known as part and parcel there of all which said premises are now in the actual possession of him the said Aron Huse by virtue of one indenture of bargain and sale to him there of made for the term of one year baring date the day before the date of these presents and made between the said Thomas More of the one part and Aron Huse of the other part and by virtue of the statute for transferring of property unto possesion and all claim and demand what so ever of them the said Thomas More and wife Mary in and to the said fore and every or any part or parcel there of and the reversion and or reversions remainder and or remainders yearly and all other rents and profits of the premises and of every part and parcel there of together with all and singular deeds evidences, writings, records and exceptions of records whatsoever touching or in anywise concerning the premises or any part or parcel thereof. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land and all and singular other then premises herein before mentioned or intended to be hereby granted alienated released and confirmed and every part of parcel there of with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Aron Huse and his heirs and assigns to the only proper use behoove of him the said Aron Huse his heirs assigns forever and the said Thomas More for himself, his heirs executors and administrators, doth covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns and every of them by these presents in manner and form following that the said Thomas More at the time of ensealing delivery of these presents is veised of and in the same tract or parcel of land and all singular other the premises in and by these presents granted bargained and sold with all and every their rights members and appurtenances of a good pure perfect and absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple without any condition reversion, remainder or limitation of any kinds or Estates in or to any person or persons whatsoever to alter change or defeat determine or make void the same and that the said Thomas More at the time of ensealing and delivery of these presents hath full power food right and lawful authority to grant, bargain and sell and convey all and singular the before hereby granted or mentioned to be hereby granted premises with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns as aforesaid and that the said Aron Huse assigns and every of them shall and may by force of virtue of these presents at all times hereafter lawfully, peaceable and quietly have hold and use occupy premises and enjoy the said tract or parcel of land and all and singular the before granted premises with their and every of their rights, members and appurtenances and have received and take the rents, issues and profits there of to his and there one proper use behoove forever without any lawful set suit trouble, denial, Interruption, eviction or disturbance of the said Thomas More his heirs and assigns or from any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming by from or under him them or any of them or by his or their means act or consent Title privities or procurement that free and clear and freely and clearly exonerated and discharged or otherwise from time to time well and sufficiently saved and kept harmless by the said Thomas More his heirs and assigns of all manner of former or other gifts grants bargains sales seals mortgages indentures dowers title of dower recognizance's expert judgments executors rents and arrearages of rent forfeitures and appercuments and of and from all and singular other titles encumbrances and demands whatsoever had made committed suffered or done by the said Thomas More or his assigns or by any other person or persons what so ever lawfully claiming by from or under him them or any of them and further the said Thomas More his heirs executors or administrators doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns that he the said Thomas More his heirs executors or administrators shall and will at all times hereafter at the reasonable request and at the cofts and charges in the law of the said Aron Huse his heirs or assigns make doe and execute all and every such further lawful and reasonable assurance and conveyance in the law for the further ensuring and conveying all singular the before granted premises and appurtenances unto the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns as by the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns or their council learned in the law shall be reasonably advised devised or required In witnessed of the said Thomas More and Mary his wife have here unto set their hands and affixed their seal the day and year first above written.

Signed sealed delivered at Courthouse in Augusta County May 18 1762 in the presents of Andrew Bird,
Jonathan Robifon, John Johnson.
DAR inquiry:
A search of our Patriot Index provided the information found below.

HOUSE, Matthias
Birth: Circa 1738
Service: VA
Rank: PS
Death: VA 20 Oct 1829
Patriot Pensioned: No Widow Pensioned: No
Children Pensioned: No Heirs Pensioned: No
Spouse: (2) Margaret Mitchell
Spouse: (1) Maria Margaretha X

Birth: VA 3 Jan 1763
Service: VA
Rank: Sol
Death: MO 30 Sep 1852
Patriot Pensioned: No Widow Pensioned: No
Children Pensioned: No Heirs Pensioned: No
Spouse: Mrs Hannah Seraphim
Spouse: Catherine X
Byrd and Mamie House

The Hoffman and Allied Families of Northern Kentucky By William Warren Hoffman pub 1997.
It reads "A deed to John Thomas for 212 acres at Brocks Gap, Augusta Co., VA (now Shenandoah Co. and near Freiden's Church) 8/16/1856, shows Mathias House as one of the teste.
Mathias House purchased land on the east side of the Blue Ridge in 1771, becomming members of the German Lutheran Church.
Aaron House Bible

The data below was obtained from an old HOUSE Bible by Mary Alice Cooper, a Great, Great, Great, Great Grandaughter of Aaron House, Son of Mathias House, who lived in "Happy Hollow" near Slate Mills, Va. Although the flyleaf was missing, the Bible was apparently printed in 1815, three years after Aaron and Phoebe Mitchell were married. Franklin Zirkle

. The initial page of the front cover on the old testament is missing. The title page for
the New Testament is Philadelphia Printed and Published by M. Carey, No.
121 Chesnut Street 1815.

The letter below was found in the old Aaron House Bible.
Culpeper County, Va. Sept. 21st, 1844

Dear Brother:

I take up my pen to inform you that we received a letter from you informing us that you were all enjoying the inestimable bleysing of health. God grant that you may continue to enjoy that bleysing I once knew what it was to enjoy health but now I am compelled to bear the rod of affliction as I have been confined to my bed fifteen months and for
six monoths I have not been able to feed myself. All the rest of my family are well at present. Ephriam House and Family are all well and wish to be remembered to you and your family, hoping these few lines may find you enjoying the same bleysing. Produce is very low at present, flour three dollars seventy five cents per barrel, wheat seventy five
cents per bushel, corn old crop two dollars per barrel, rye forty or fifty cents per bushel, bacon six or eight cents per pound,oats twenty five cents per bushel. We have a very dry spell of weather for some time which still continues. Crops of corn good but crops of wheat are only tolerable. Inasmuch as I am unable to write, I requested my Grandson,
Aaron M. House, to write this letter for me; times are very hard with the crops of wheat being sorry and the price too low makes money very scarce and keeps people in debt. May you all continue to enjoy the precious bleysing of health, the boon of which I have been so long deprived, and may the God of Isreal go with you through this life and save you is my sincere desire. Nothing more at present but remain your affectionate
brother until death.

Aaron House

<:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:>
Remarks: Aaron died the following year. Aaron M. House was eleven years
old when he wrote this letter for his Grandfather. We are unable to
determine which of his brothers Aaron was writing to. The flyleaf of
Aaron House's Bible has been found (loose ). It states that it was
published in Philadelphia by M. Carey, #121 Chesnut Stret 1814.
Franklin Zirkle
On another sheet of paper are many notations and scribbling. Aaron House
was written many times; another "to hire of waggon & geer"; "Maddison
County"; and "Aaron House his hand and pen, he will write better but God
knows when -July 22, 1809"; :Allamander Vawter February 15, 1813". On
another sheet the writing is in German on the upper half; the lower half
in English - "A man went out.... a hundred pounds (?) to buy cattle in
all one hundred head of some cows, sheep.....he give a pound for a head of cows , 1 pound for a head of.......,1 shilling for a head of sheep, now how many head of......" (This appears to be a math problem}. There are other sheets written in German.

Several more items found stuck in the old Aaron House Bible (1814).

At the top of this form it states: THE STATE OF OHIO, BUTLER COUNTY,ss.
To all to whom these Presents shall come, GREETING . WHEREAS Jacob House late of the county aforesaid deceased, did by his last will and testament in writing, make, ordain, constitute and appoint Susanna, his wife, and his son, Cornelius House executors of the same; and whereas, at a court of Common Pleas holden at Hamilton in the county aforesaid on the fifth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven before the Honorable Henry Wecerier (?), Daniel Millehein and John ????, Esquires, Associate Judges of our said court of Common Pleas, the said last will and Testament hath been exhibited and probate thereof pra-ed by the said Cornelius House the said executor the same being proved; Therefore be it known, that by the said court of common Pleas, administration of all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of the said Jacob House, deceased at the time of his death, is hereby granted unto him the said Cornelius House, the Executor therein named as aforesaid, to be by him administered according to law, and agreeably to the tenor of the said last will and testament; Provided however, that it shall be the duty of the said Executor to have
all and singular, the said goods and chattels inventoried and appraised by Samuel Hindman, John Trim (?) and Urzal Edwards, householders of the county aforesaid, and the same inventory and appraisement with an accurate statement of the debts, which to the said deceased whilst living, and at the time of his death, did belong, to exhibit, or cause to be exhibited into the Clerk's Office of the said Court of Comon Pleas
within three months, and a just and true account of administration to render within eighteen months from the date hereof, or when thereto lawfully required.

WITNESS, the Honorable Joshn Collett (?), Esquire,
President of our said court of Common Pleas at Hamilton, the fifth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven,
A Duplicate John Reily, Clerk
<^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^>
Remarks: I don't know the legal term for the above document but it apparently is not a will - it appears to confirm, in court, who the executors of Jacob House's Estate are and gives the time in which the estate must be settled. The form does not give Jacob House, Son of Mathias House, death date but it had to be prior to 11-5-1827. If this is the case, then Jacob's Father and and all of his Brothers, except Mathias, Jr. were still living when Joacob died. Does someone have the verified date of Jacob's death ? Cornelius was the oldest son of Jacob House.
Franklin Zirkle

<:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:>
Another sheet stuck in Aaron's Bible has this:

Received February 9th, 1832 from Aaron House, Administrator of the Estate of Mathias House, Deceased, the sum of One hundred and Fifty Six dollars and twenty seven cents, it being the dividend in full belonging to the Estate of Jacob House, Deceased

Cornelius House
Executor of the Estate of Jacob
<^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^>

Page 677


Aaron House and Phebe His Wife was married August the 15th, 1811

Ophraim House and Makela his wife was married August 7th day 1832
(along the side in different writing Willis is written)

William Henshaw and Belinda his wife was married May the 25th day 1837

Milton Aylor and Alpha his wife was married October 23rd, 1840

Martin Aylor and Jane his wife was married December the 28th day 1841

Aaron M. House and Rebecca Jane his wife was married January the 26th
day 1860

Charles F. House and Sarah Mildri?? his wife was married May the 26th
day 1861

Joseph W. Quaintance and Savilla Fenton his wife was married 27th day
of March 1862

page 678



Aaron House was born July the 3rd day 1788

Phibe House his wife was born August the 29th day 1780

Ephriam House son to Aaron and Phebe was born July the 5th day 1812

Harriet House daughter to Aaron and Phebe was born February the 3rd day

Twins Son and Daughter by name Aaron L. House and Phebe N. House was
born October the 31st day 1815

Eleanor F House was born September the 23rd day 1816
very, very faded--its a guess

Belinda House was born May 13th 1819

Alpha House was born August 12th 1821

Jane House was born January 1st 1824


a line is drawn to separate,

Sarah Frances Aylor daughter to Milton and Alpha was born October 18th

Mary Jane Aylor was born Febuary the 5th 1843

Henry Lewis Aylor was born Febuary 21st 1845

a line is drawn to separate,

John Milihel,? Son of Mark Milihel and ??Fuggy his wife was born in the
year of Our Lord July the 31 day 1793

a line is drawn to separate,

Elizabeth M. House daughter of Aaron and Rebecca was born Jany the 8th

Ephraim M. House was born December 24th 1862

Ethel Aylor was born Sept 14th 1883??not sure of year

Malon Aylor was born April 18th 1885

Page 679



Aaron M House son to Ephraim and Mahala was born Nov the 27th 1833

Mary Jane House daughter to Ephraim and Mahala was born the 18th April

Charles F. House was born March 5th 1838

Harriet E? House was born the 22nd May 1840

Levilla Fenton House was born December 30th 1841

Narcissa Margaret House was born March 24th 1844

Hesterill Melvina House was born Febuary 12th 1846

Mary Ella Virginia Quaintance daughter to Joseph W and Savilla his wife
was born Feby the 17th day 1863

Mattie Aylor daughter to AW and Elizebeth M his wife was born ?? ?? day
same page second column


The twins departed this life Aaron L House January the 1st day 1816 Phebe N House January the 2nd day 1816

Eleanor F? House departed this life the 2nd day of Augt 1828

Harriet House departed this life the 24th day of Oct 1828

Jane Aylor departed this life the 2nd day of May 1845

Sarah Frances Aylor daughter to Milton and Alpha departed this life Dec
5th 1843

Joseph W Quaintance departed this life at Muccersburg (VA or PA cant
tell) the 28th day of August 1863 of a wond and was intered in the
Methodist church yard

page 680



Mary Jane House daughter to Ephraim and Mahala departed this life Sept
1st 1841

Harriett Eleanor House departed this life Feby 20th 1842

Ephraim House departed this life the 14th of June 1849 upon the Ohio of
river of cholera and was intered in the state of Illinois

Charles F House departed this life Sept 30th 1862

John Mitchell departed this life April 12th 1874

Phebe House departed this life Nov 11th 1874

Ethyl Aylor departed this life June 16th 1890


Aaron House departed this life October 10th 1845

Mahala House departed this life the 29th day of March 1880 3 o clock am

written in pen at the bottom of the cover

Duty Fear and love we owe to God above Ex House
___??_____ was held at E F meeting House 1853

The end of writing from that bible.
Margaret (Peggy) Shaddock Mitchell House
Possible Second wife of Matthias House

Matthias House married Margaret Shaddock Mitchell, widow of Mark Mitchell, on 3 January 1814 in Madison County, Virginia. Margaret was 44 years old when she married Matthias, a man of approximately 75 years of age. Margaret was the daughter of James and Hannah (Samuel) Shaddock.
After the death of Mark Mitchell in 1808, Margaret moved to Madison County, VA where William and Nancy (Mitchell) Henshaw had settled. Nancy Henshaw was the daughter of Mark and his supposed first wife whose name is unknown. This is about the time that Margaret met and subsequently married Matthias House.
On 10 July 1793 in Essex County, Virginia (WB15:140), Mark was mentioned in the will of James Shaddock as being a son-in-law and one of the executors. Therefore, he was married to Margaret Shaddock before this date. James Holbert, another son-in-law, settled the estate. In the Essex Will Book 16:238 and dated 15 September 1803, Mark Mitchell purchased articles twice from the estate of James Shaddock. Some articles he left with the widow Mrs. Shaddock (maiden name Hannah Samuel).
On 14 March 1803 in Caroline County, VA Mark Mitchell acted as security for his son Lovelace Mitchell to marry Mary Sally Mitchell.
Lovelace Mitchell was the administrator of Mark Mitchell dec’d on 19 September 1808 ( Essex WB 17:89). In Caroline County, VA (OB18:429) in March of 1809 the children of John Mitchell requested the division of his estate. Lovelace Mitchell received the legacy of Mark Mitchell deceased as his administrator.
In Madison County, VA on 26 November 1812 Lovelace Mitchell was made the guardian of John, Sally, and Betsy, orphans of Mark Mitchell. William Henshaw, Lovelace’s brother-in-law, acted as his security.
On 27 April 1854 in Madison County, the dower property of the widow of Mark Mitchell was sold and she received the money. Alfred Tanner was acting as administrator for Lovelace Mitchell deceased, who was administrator.

In Madison on 9 June 1881 there was a further settlement of the estate of William Mitchell, deceased, by cash received of Mark Mitchell’s estate from Alfred Tanner acting administrator. This William Mitchell was the son of Mark Mitchell and is the same William Mitchell who married Elizabeth Lipp.
William Henshaw paid out of the estate of Lovelace Mitchell the following:
• By cash paid Aaron House (Aaron married Phoeby Mitchell)
• By cash paid Jacob Lipp (who sold Lovelace land and is the father-in-law of William Mitchell)
• By cash paid Matthias House (married Margaret Mitchell, the widow of Mark Mitchell)
This was signed by Paschal Early, William Taylor (brother of James), and John Henshaw. It was ordered to be recorded 25 March 1824.

Children of Mark Mitchell and supposed first wife:
1. Nancy Mitchell born 1778 (1850 census) m. William Henshaw
2. Phoebe Mitchell born 1780 m. Aaron House
3. Lovelace Mitchell born 30 June 1783 m. Sara Sally Mitchell
4. William Mitchell born before 1787 m. Elizabeth Lipp

Children of Mark Mitchell and Margaret Shaddock
5. John Mitchell born 7 February 1794 m. Mahala House
6. Sally Mitchell born 1795 m. Rowland Yowell
7. Betsy Mitchell born 1795/6 m. James Taylor
8. James Mitchell
Cornelius House, son of Jacob House, grandson of Matthias House

Rachel Cregor House is the wife of Cornelius House, mother of eleven children

The following information was given to me by Franklin Zirkle several years ago.

Aaron House Bible

The data below was obtained from an old HOUSE Bible by Mary Alice Cooper, a Great, Great, Great, Great Grandaughter of Aaron House, Son of Mathias House, who lived in "Happy Hollow" near Slate Mills, Va. Although the flyleaf was missing, the Bible was apparently printed in 1815, three years after Aaron and Phoebe Mitchell were married. Franklin Zirkle

. The initial page of the front cover on the old testament is missing. The title page for
the New Testament is Philadelphia Printed and Published by M. Carey, No.
121 Chesnut Street 1815.

The letter below was found in the old Aaron House Bible.
Culpeper County, Va. Sept. 21st, 1844

Dear Brother:

I take up my pen to inform you that we received a letter from you informing us that you were all enjoying the inestimable bleysing of health. God grant that you may continue to enjoy that bleysing I once knew what it was to enjoy health but now I am compelled to bear the rod of affliction as I have been confined to my bed fifteen months and for
six monoths I have not been able to feed myself. All the rest of my family are well at present. Ephriam House and Family are all well and wish to be remembered to you and your family, hoping these few lines may find you enjoying the same bleysing. Produce is very low at present, flour three dollars seventy five cents per barrel, wheat seventy five
cents per bushel, corn old crop two dollars per barrel, rye forty or fifty cents per bushel, bacon six or eight cents per pound,oats twenty five cents per bushel. We have a very dry spell of weather for some time which still continues. Crops of corn good but crops of wheat are only tolerable. Inasmuch as I am unable to write, I requested my Grandson,
Aaron M. House, to write this letter for me; times are very hard with the crops of wheat being sorry and the price too low makes money very scarce and keeps people in debt. May you all continue to enjoy the precious bleysing of health, the boon of which I have been so long deprived, and may the God of Isreal go with you through this life and save you is my sincere desire. Nothing more at present but remain your affectionate
brother until death.

Aaron House

<:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:>
Remarks: Aaron died the following year. Aaron M. House was eleven years
old when he wrote this letter for his Grandfather. We are unable to
determine which of his brothers Aaron was writing to. The flyleaf of
Aaron House's Bible has been found (loose ). It states that it was
published in Philadelphia by M. Carey, #121 Chesnut Stret 1814.
Franklin Zirkle
On another sheet of paper are many notations and scribbling. Aaron House
was written many times; another "to hire of waggon & geer"; "Maddison
County"; and "Aaron House his hand and pen, he will write better but God
knows when -July 22, 1809"; :Allamander Vawter February 15, 1813". On
another sheet the writing is in German on the upper half; the lower half
in English - "A man went out.... a hundred pounds (?) to buy cattle in
all one hundred head of some cows, sheep.....he give a pound for a head of cows , 1 pound for a head of.......,1 shilling for a head of sheep, now how many head of......" (This appears to be a math problem}. There are other sheets written in German.

Several more items found stuck in the old Aaron House Bible (1814).

At the top of this form it states: THE STATE OF OHIO, BUTLER COUNTY,ss.
To all to whom these Presents shall come, GREETING . WHEREAS Jacob House late of the county aforesaid deceased, did by his last will and testament in writing, make, ordain, constitute and appoint Susanna, his wife, and his son, Cornelius House executors of the same; and whereas, at a court of Common Pleas holden at Hamilton in the county aforesaid on the fifth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven before the Honorable Henry Wecerier (?), Daniel Millehein and John ????, Esquires, Associate Judges of our said court of Common Pleas, the said last will and Testament hath been exhibited and probate thereof pra-ed by the said Cornelius House the said executor the same being proved; Therefore be it known, that by the said court of common Pleas, administration of all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of the said Jacob House, deceased at the time of his death, is hereby granted unto him the said Cornelius House, the Executor therein named as aforesaid, to be by him administered according to law, and agreeably to the tenor of the said last will and testament; Provided however, that it shall be the duty of the said Executor to have
all and singular, the said goods and chattels inventoried and appraised by Samuel Hindman, John Trim (?) and Urzal Edwards, householders of the county aforesaid, and the same inventory and appraisement with an accurate statement of the debts, which to the said deceased whilst living, and at the time of his death, did belong, to exhibit, or cause to be exhibited into the Clerk's Office of the said Court of Comon Pleas
within three months, and a just and true account of administration to render within eighteen months from the date hereof, or when thereto lawfully required.

WITNESS, the Honorable Joshn Collett (?), Esquire,
President of our said court of Common Pleas at Hamilton, the fifth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven,
A Duplicate John Reily, Clerk
<^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^>
Remarks: I don't know the legal term for the above document but it apparently is not a will - it appears to confirm, in court, who the executors of Jacob House's Estate are and gives the time in which the estate must be settled. The form does not give Jacob House, Son of Mathias House, death date but it had to be prior to 11-5-1827. If this is the case, then Jacob's Father and and all of his Brothers, except Mathias, Jr. were still living when Joacob died. Does someone have the verified date of Jacob's death ? Cornelius was the oldest son of Jacob House.
Franklin Zirkle

<:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:>
Another sheet stuck in Aaron's Bible has this:

Received February 9th, 1832 from Aaron House, Administrator of the Estate of Mathias House, Deceased, the sum of One hundred and Fifty Six dollars and twenty seven cents, it being the dividend in full belonging to the Estate of Jacob House, Deceased

Cornelius House
Executor of the Estate of Jacob
<^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^> <^>

Page 677


Aaron House and Phebe His Wife was married August the 15th, 1811

Ophraim House and Makela his wife was married August 7th day 1832
(along the side in different writing Willis is written)

William Henshaw and Belinda his wife was married May the 25th day 1837

Milton Aylor and Alpha his wife was married October 23rd, 1840

Martin Aylor and Jane his wife was married December the 28th day 1841

Aaron M. House and Rebecca Jane his wife was married January the 26th
day 1860

Charles F. House and Sarah Mildri?? his wife was married May the 26th
day 1861

Joseph W. Quaintance and Savilla Fenton his wife was married 27th day
of March 1862

page 678



Aaron House was born July the 3rd day 1788

Phibe House his wife was born August the 29th day 1780

Ephriam House son to Aaron and Phebe was born July the 5th day 1812

Harriet House daughter to Aaron and Phebe was born February the 3rd day

Twins Son and Daughter by name Aaron L. House and Phebe N. House was
born October the 31st day 1815

Eleanor F House was born September the 23rd day 1816
very, very faded--its a guess

Belinda House was born May 13th 1819

Alpha House was born August 12th 1821

Jane House was born January 1st 1824


a line is drawn to separate,

Sarah Frances Aylor daughter to Milton and Alpha was born October 18th

Mary Jane Aylor was born Febuary the 5th 1843

Henry Lewis Aylor was born Febuary 21st 1845

a line is drawn to separate,

John Milihel,? Son of Mark Milihel and ??Fuggy his wife was born in the
year of Our Lord July the 31 day 1793

a line is drawn to separate,

Elizabeth M. House daughter of Aaron and Rebecca was born Jany the 8th

Ephraim M. House was born December 24th 1862

Ethel Aylor was born Sept 14th 1883??not sure of year

Malon Aylor was born April 18th 1885

Page 679



Aaron M House son to Ephraim and Mahala was born Nov the 27th 1833

Mary Jane House daughter to Ephraim and Mahala was born the 18th April

Charles F. House was born March 5th 1838

Harriet E? House was born the 22nd May 1840

Levilla Fenton House was born December 30th 1841

Narcissa Margaret House was born March 24th 1844

Hesterill Melvina House was born Febuary 12th 1846

Mary Ella Virginia Quaintance daughter to Joseph W and Savilla his wife
was born Feby the 17th day 1863

Mattie Aylor daughter to AW and Elizebeth M his wife was born ?? ?? day
same page second column


The twins departed this life Aaron L House January the 1st day 1816 Phebe N House January the 2nd day 1816

Eleanor F? House departed this life the 2nd day of Augt 1828

Harriet House departed this life the 24th day of Oct 1828

Jane Aylor departed this life the 2nd day of May 1845

Sarah Frances Aylor daughter to Milton and Alpha departed this life Dec
5th 1843

Joseph W Quaintance departed this life at Muccersburg (VA or PA cant
tell) the 28th day of August 1863 of a wond and was intered in the
Methodist church yard

page 680



Mary Jane House daughter to Ephraim and Mahala departed this life Sept
1st 1841

Harriett Eleanor House departed this life Feby 20th 1842

Ephraim House departed this life the 14th of June 1849 upon the Ohio of
river of cholera and was intered in the state of Illinois

Charles F House departed this life Sept 30th 1862

John Mitchell departed this life April 12th 1874

Phebe House departed this life Nov 11th 1874

Ethyl Aylor departed this life June 16th 1890


Aaron House departed this life October 10th 1845

Mahala House departed this life the 29th day of March 1880 3 o clock am

written in pen at the bottom of the cover

Duty Fear and love we owe to God above Ex House
___??_____ was held at E F meeting House 1853

The end of writing from that bible.
In Sept 2003, I was in Augusta Co., VA. I was always curious as to where, when and why our Mathais House was in the valley. I looked in every index in the court house and there was only one reference that was even close. It was for an Aron Huse and he purchase land in 1762. There is no mention of a wife but the time would be about right if Adam was born January 03, 1763.
Have you ever seen a middle initial for Mathais?

I found a record of Adam being a member of Frieden's Church in Rockingham Co. ( have some info on this church) with his wife Catherine. That is in the area where I believe this land is located.

If he used Aron maybe that is why it has been so hard to find any accurate marriage records.

Let me know what you think.

Augusta Co., Virginia Deed pg 253

This indenture made this 15 day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred sixty two (1762) between Thomas More of the county of Frederick Colony of Virginia of the one part and Aron Huse of the County of Augusta and the Colony of Virginia the other part. Witnessed that the said Thomas More for and in consideration of the sum of five (5) shillings curr money of Virginia to him in band paid by the said Aron Huse the receipt where of he doth hereby acknowledge hath bargained and sold by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said Aron Huse one certain parcel or tract of land lying and being in the County of Augusta on a branch of the North River of Shanando call the long Meadow it being the lower half of a tract of land granted to James Gill and surveyed by Mr. James Wood. Beginning at a large pine corner to Thomas Rutherford on the west side the Meadows running south 35 degrees, West 180 poles to another corner of three triangle pines in the patten line, then south 55 degrees, east 80 poles or of sing at Meadow to a white oak near a sink in a line of the patten, then with the patten line North 35 degrees, east 180 poles to another corner of the old patten, then north 55 degrees, west 80 poles to the beginning including 90 degrees be the same more or less. The reversion/reversions remainder/remainders together with the rents, profits of the premises of every part and parcel there of. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land and all singular the pre premises herein mentioned and intended to be bargained and sold with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Aron Huse his executors, Administrator or assigns from the day be fore the date here of for and having the term of one whole year from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended yielding and paying therefore the of rent of one year of Indian Corm at the end of the said term if the same be lawfully demanded to the extent that by virtue of these presents of the statute for transferring of use into the possession of this Aron Huse maybe in actual posse ion of the premises and be enabled to accept a grant of the reversion and inheritance there of to him and his heirs in witnessed where of the said Thomas More hath here unto set his hand and seal this day and year first above.

Signed sealed delivered at Courthouse in Augusta County May 18 1762 in the presents of Andrew Bird,
Jonathan Robifon, John Johnson.

Augusta Co., Virginia Deed pg 255

This indenture made this 16 day of May in year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred sixty two (1762) between Thomas More of the County of Frederick Colony of Virginia of the one part and Aron Huse of the County of Augusta and the Colony of Virginia the other part. Witnessed that the said Thomas More and Mary his wife for in consideration of the sum of fifty pound current money of Virginia to the said Thomas More in hand paid by the said Aron Huse at or before the dealing and delivery of these presents the receipt where of he the said Thomas More doth hereby acknowledge and there of and every part and parcel there of doth clearly acquit and discharge the said Aron Huse, his executors and Administrator have given granted alienated and released and confirmed and by these presents do give grant alien release and confirm unto the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns one certain tract or parcel of land containing 90 acres lying and begining in the County of Augusta on a branch of the North River of the Shanando called the Long Meadow it being the lower half of a tract of land granted to James Gill surveyed by Mr. James Wood. Beginning at a large pine corner to Thomas Rutherford on the west side the Meadows running south 35 degrees, West 180 poles to another corner of three triangle pines in the patten line, then south 55 degrees, east 80 poles or of sing at Meadow to a white oak near a sink in a line of the patten, then with the patten line North 35 degrees, east 180 poles to another corner of the old patten, then north 55 degrees, west 80 poles to the beginning including 90 degrees be the same more or less, together with all and singular. Houfer Edifises Buildings, orchards, gardens, pastures, commons, woods, under woods, water, water courses, profits, Commodities, appurtenances what so ever to the said tract or parcel of land and premises belonging or in anywise appertaining or therewith all of occupied or enjoyed or excepted reputed taken and known as part and parcel there of all which said premises are now in the actual possession of him the said Aron Huse by virtue of one indenture of bargain and sale to him there of made for the term of one year baring date the day before the date of these presents and made between the said Thomas More of the one part and Aron Huse of the other part and by virtue of the statute for transferring of property unto possesion and all claim and demand what so ever of them the said Thomas More and wife Mary in and to the said fore and every or any part or parcel there of and the reversion and or reversions remainder and or remainders yearly and all other rents and profits of the premises and of every part and parcel there of together with all and singular deeds evidences, writings, records and exceptions of records whatsoever touching or in anywise concerning the premises or any part or parcel thereof. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land and all and singular other then premises herein before mentioned or intended to be hereby granted alienated released and confirmed and every part of parcel there of with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Aron Huse and his heirs and assigns to the only proper use behoove of him the said Aron Huse his heirs assigns forever and the said Thomas More for himself, his heirs executors and administrators, doth covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns and every of them by these presents in manner and form following that the said Thomas More at the time of ensealing delivery of these presents is veised of and in the same tract or parcel of land and all singular other the premises in and by these presents granted bargained and sold with all and every their rights members and appurtenances of a good pure perfect and absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple without any condition reversion, remainder or limitation of any kinds or Estates in or to any person or persons whatsoever to alter change or defeat determine or make void the same and that the said Thomas More at the time of ensealing and delivery of these presents hath full power food right and lawful authority to grant, bargain and sell and convey all and singular the before hereby granted or mentioned to be hereby granted premises with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns as aforesaid and that the said Aron Huse assigns and every of them shall and may by force of virtue of these presents at all times hereafter lawfully, peaceable and quietly have hold and use occupy premises and enjoy the said tract or parcel of land and all and singular the before granted premises with their and every of their rights, members and appurtenances and have received and take the rents, issues and profits there of to his and there one proper use behoove forever without any lawful set suit trouble, denial, Interruption, eviction or disturbance of the said Thomas More his heirs and assigns or from any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming by from or under him them or any of them or by his or their means act or consent Title privities or procurement that free and clear and freely and clearly exonerated and discharged or otherwise from time to time well and sufficiently saved and kept harmless by the said Thomas More his heirs and assigns of all manner of former or other gifts grants bargains sales seals mortgages indentures dowers title of dower recognizance's expert judgments executors rents and arrearages of rent forfeitures and appercuments and of and from all and singular other titles encumbrances and demands whatsoever had made committed suffered or done by the said Thomas More or his assigns or by any other person or persons what so ever lawfully claiming by from or under him them or any of them and further the said Thomas More his heirs executors or administrators doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns that he the said Thomas More his heirs executors or administrators shall and will at all times hereafter at the reasonable request and at the cofts and charges in the law of the said Aron Huse his heirs or assigns make doe and execute all and every such further lawful and reasonable assurance and conveyance in the law for the further ensuring and conveying all singular the before granted premises and appurtenances unto the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns as by the said Aron Huse his heirs and assigns or their council learned in the law shall be reasonably advised devised or required In witnessed of the said Thomas More and Mary his wife have here unto set their hands and affixed their seal the day and year first above written.

Signed sealed delivered at Courthouse in Augusta County May 18 1762 in the presents of Andrew Bird,
Jonathan Robifon, John Johnson.
In trying to locate the original homestead of Matthias House August 08, 1739 possibly Germany - October 20, 1829, which I had been led to believe was in the Shenadoah Valley, I ran across some Lutheran Church record for Frieden?s Church in Rockingham Co., Va.

There is an entry for April 27, 1794 for Jacob Haus born June 12 1794 baptised April 27, 1794 son of Adam Haus and Chatrina .
And a daughter Margreda born Jan 19 1798 baptised Sep 30 1798 daughter of of Adam Haus and Chatrina .
Could this be the Adam Haus son of Matthais House (Haus)?

Adam House 1763 - 1852 son of Matthias House August 08, 1739 possibly Germany - October 20, 1829 Slate Mills, Madison Co., Va.

.. +Catherine LNU 1766 - 1837
........ 2 Mary Louise House 1786 - 1865
............ +Hollingsworth Vandiver
........ 2 Matthias House 1788 - 1860
............ +Susannah Parks
........ 2 Jacob House 1794 - 1870
............ +Matilda Ivy
........ *2nd Wife of Jacob House:
............ +Mary Bellar 1798 -
........ 2 John House Sr. 1796 - 1870
............ +Margaret W. Claunch 1803 - 1832
........ *2nd Wife of John House Sr.:
............ +Kisiah Pinson
........ *3rd Wife of John House Sr.:
............ +Tabitha LNU
........ 2 Catherine House 1805 - 1852
............ +Thomas Hopson
........ *2nd Husband of Catherine House:
............ +John Thornton 1798 - 1847
........ 2 Adam House, Jr. 1807 - 1862
............ +Margaret Coleman 1812 -
........ 2 Joseph House 1809 - 1880
............ +Emily Jane Marler 1830 -
*2nd Wife of Adam House:
.. +Hannah Seraphim 1767 - 1854

A Second entry is for St. Michael?s Union Church for Susanna Hause born Sep 10 1800 baptised July 19 1801 daught of Philip and Barbara Haus.
Does anyone know who they are??

Michael House January 03, 1764-September 26, 1839 (brother of Adam House 1763 - 1852 son of Matthias House ) daughter Elizabeth House October 01, 1790-September 27, 1872 married Lewis Utz abt 1792-September 23, 1823 and their children were born in Rockingham Co., Va.

I would be most interested in sharing House (Haus) information with anyone researching this family.
Nancy House Perry

The response:: "John Blankenbaker"
The seventeen hundred and twenty-ninth note in a series on the Germanna Colonies

Nancy House Perry asks a question about Adam House and wife Catharine in
the Shenandoah Valley. In particular, she asks if this could be the
Adam House in the family of the Robinson River Valley Matthais House family.
I think the answer is that it well could be.
Adam House himself was confirmed at the German Lutheran Church in 1782
at age 18. In 1785, he is a communicant with this added notation after his
name, "wife confirmed." In the list of people being confirmed that
Sunday, there are these House family members, all of them believed to be
siblings of Adam: Matthias (age 19), Eva (age 17), and Margaret House (age 16).

There is one more House, namely Catherine (age 18) whose maiden name is
given almost illegibly. It is about eight letters long and the last
part does seem to be "bach." It also seems that the initial letter is "F."
Between these parts, it is a guess. Eisenberg thought it was, in total,
Farnbach. Andreas Mielke and I looked at in the microfilm and in the
original and we could not say anything with certainty. George M. Smith
took the easy way out and gave it as ? for which he may deserve an A for
honesty. I tried to see if the name could be read as Fischbach as being
the only name I knew that would fit what we could approximately see. It did
not look like Fischbach to me.

Probably the marriage of Adam and Catherine took place shortly before
her confirmation when she was 18. Nancy House Perry gave children as born
in 1786, 1788, 1794, and on to 1809. These would certainly be consistent
with the Adam and Catherine that I have been describing.

There is another point worth mentioning. After 1785, Adam House
from the Robinson River Valley. Though his father and his younger
Michael are in the 1787 private property tax list for (old) Culpeper
County, Adam is not present. Adam never appears in the communion lists
after the case in 1785 above. Nor is this Adam ever present in the
baptismal records as a parent or as a sponsor where the family is
moderately active.

I would say that the appearance in the Shenandoah Valley of an Adam
House with wife Catherine having children starting in 1786 and running to
1809 would be very consistent with the Adam House and Catherine who are in
the 1785 communion list at the German Lutheran Church (Hebron) in the
Robinson River Valley. I feel terrible that the name of Catherine could not be
read with some certainty.

John Blankenbaker
I have recently run across family genealogy sites that list the son of Valentine Bunger as John House Bunger. This would be the John Bunger who married Eva House, daughter of Matthias. Does any one have proof that John Bunger's middle name was House?

Secondly, I ran across a site that said the first wife of Matthias House was Mary Margaret Kintner. That is the first time I have seen this and it certainly made my ears (or eyes) perk up. Matthias did have some connections with the Kintner family as seen in the deed which he witnessed for Conrad Lamb. Conrad daughters married the Kintner brothers.

Any thoughts?



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