Genealogy Wise

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This Has NOTHING to Do With Genealogy ... But I Just HAD to Share It

Only in Berkeley
I just received an email from Berkeley High (known as "B High") which lists all the clubs students can join. B High encourages all students to participate in extra-curricular activities. There are about 3500 students at B High, from every background you can imagine, and 33 different clubs, offering something for everyone. 33? Dang. I mean no disrespect, but some of these clubs are hilarious (e.g. The Bicycling and Spoken word Poetry Club - huh?):

1. Athlete to Athlete Tutoring. The club focuses on the student-athlete though peer tutoring between a BHS honor roll athlete and a BHS athlete on the verge of ineligibility.

2. Asian and Pacific Islander Committee. Mission: To strengthen the Asian American community at BHS and to celebrate Asian heritage throughout our community.

3. Baking Club. Mission: To raise money by providing baked goods for the student body alongside the BBQ Club.

4. Barbecue Club. Mission: To provide Berkeley High students with a tasty burger and an electric atmosphere.

5. Mountain Bike Club. Mission: To interest and provide the opportunity for high school students to engage in alternative forms of team sports and exercise.

6. Berkeley High Ultimate. Mission: To give anyone who wants a chance to experience the fun-spirited and competitive game of ultimate Frisbee.

7. Black Scholars. Mission: To create a unified group of students of African American background interested in developing academically.

8. Bridge the Gap. Mission: Bridge the gap attempts to help close the achievement gap by providing struggling students with a place to go for academic help.

9. Build On. Mission: Build On is a nationwide organization that does community service in their area and raises money to build schools in developing countries

10. Chess. Mission. Play Chess.

11. Chorus Club. Mission: Singing!

12. Double Dutch Club. Mission: The Double Dutch Club's purpose is to support the athletic and physical growth of students in BHS while integrating a multitude of personalities in between two ropes.

13. Eco community. Mission: Eco community educates people on environmental issues that affect the world and the community. We would also like to reach out to people in our community.

14. Eco Jackets. Mission: To make the BHS community aware of pressing ecological and global warming issues.

15. French Club. Mission: To let students learn more about French culture.

16. Film Club. Mission: To introduce people to watching films and help those who already watch films expand their knowledge and repertoire.

17. Independent Theater Projects. Mission: Independent Theater Projects, or ITPs, is currently in its 15th year as a completely student-run endeavor. Students are in charge of booking a theater, directing, casting, producing, and acting in three short, one-act plays.

18. Italian Club. Mission: This club will focus on Italian Culture.

19. Key Club. Mission: The Key Club focuses on community service by participating in events such as AIDS walk in SF, the Holiday Meal, and helping the Alameda Food Bank.

20. Kiva Club. Mission: The Kiva Club uses the website to make micro loans to struggling entrepreneurs around the world. Our mission is to educate others about global poverty and one way to help solve poverty.

21. La Raza Club. Mission: Our club's purpose is to show our fellow classmates and the whole entire school our Latino culture.

22. Massage Club. Mission: Massage and stress relieving in the most stressful days of the week.

23. Multicultural Student Union. Mission: We want a place where multicultural students have a place to be who they are and not have to choose.

24. Quiz Bowl. Mission: We will represent BHS in academic knowledge tournaments against other high schools around the Bay Area and possibly beyond.

25. Reach. Mission: Our club's mission is to end slavery across the world. Raising money provides necessary supplies such as educational aid and other resources to help former slaves earn a living once they are freed.

26. Taste of Culture. Mission: To bring all females from different races together with different food backgrounds to show other races what their foods are like.

27. The Berkeley High Creative Writing Club. Mission: To give students a venue to causally show their writing and receive serious feedback and critiques.

28. The Bicycling and Spoken word Poetry Club. Mission: To explore the correlation between vigorous exercise and spoken-word poetry.

29. The Harry Potter Club. Mission: To be nerdy and worship Harry Potter.

30. The Knitting Club. Mission: Teach younger generations to knit.

31. The UNICEF Club. Mission: To educate students on poverty in other countries, help other countries by sponsoring fundraisers.

32. Women's Rugby. Mission: To get more BHS girls interested in the wonderful sport of rugby.

33. Youth for Christ Club. Mission: a safe environment for Christians and non-Christians alike to discuss God, Christ, and the Christian faith.

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How funny Lisa..thanks for sharing

I just thought of one( LOL)

The Little Sally Walker Club.Mission To learn how to correctly wipe your weeping eyes after letting your backbone slip.
I Love the way you think, Vicky. And though my son hasn't joined any clubs, yet, I'm hoping he'll get involved in something, in time. Making the adjustment from our Oakland elementary and middle schools to Berkeley High is enough of an adjustment on its own. So far, he seems to be holding his own. I think he's gonna join the diving team in February. Oh, by the way, next semester, the "spring" clubs list comes out. Some clubs are only seasonal. Mind is officially boggled.

- L
Lisa - thanks for sharing. I had a few good chuckles. But I was also impressed the level of social consciousness reflected in some of the clubs' mission statements. It's good to know that there are young folks out there concerned about things world poverty and the idea of making micro loans. I sure wasn't thinking about such things when I was that age.

My school had a Ski club. No -- it wasn't a bunch of affluent kids in Texas who went on ski trips. It was a club for kids whose surnames ended in -ski.
HILARIOUS! Yes, Berkeley (aka Berzerkeley) is the home of social consciousness and tolerance. I was simply amazed by the offering, as well. I guess the kids got to make up the mission statements, such as, the Harry Potter Club, "to act nerdy and worship Harry Potter." Didn't have clubs like this when I attended B High way back in 1973.

Glad you got a chuckle.

- L
LOVE that one!



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