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Let's sort out the many and varied PA Snyders here.

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I am stuck at John Snyder, born about 1796 who married Rebecca Klock (b. about 1798). I think they were part of the Snyders who lived in the remote Jacks Mountain part of Northumberland or Union County. Their daughter, Harriet H. Snyder, b. 1826, married Andrew Burns, b. 1825.


I think you have the answer to your question now, but want to add that Rebecca's side of this marriage appears to trace back to the Mayflower per one family tree on ancestry. Also, one SAR application has been linked to the family because of ties to J. Truckenmiller. 

I am stuck on Jacob Snyder b. abt 1785 In PA. He married Pheobe (maiden name unknown) abt 1810 as his oldest child was born abt 1810. His son who was b. in 1813 was born in what was then Columbia Co., PA and what is now Montour Co., PA. At a later date I found them living in Lycoming Co., PA. They then moved to Michigan.
My ancestor Jacob Snider died 3 Mar 1790 in Berkeley Co WV. He had previously acquired land in Snake Spring Twp., Bedford Co PA and his widow Margaret and most of their fifteen children resided in that German Baptist community. The text of my booklet on this bunch (minus the illustrations which took too much file space) is posted on my web site - - in the family section. I have just worked on his children but Bob Longbottom of Mogadore OH published a listing of all known descendants. The family reunion is usually the first Saturday of August at the Snake Spring Valley Brethren Church.
I'm interested in Andrew Burns and Harriet Snyder research. I have some research that has Andrew also coming from Jack's Mt. He's also been a dead end for me.
Hi Don,
Good to see you on GW. We talked a year or so ago via email about Andrew and Harriet via email (with some other researchers). I had found them on the 1850 Census, if you recall, but haven't found out much since then.
There's a reference to Harriet Burns and the PA supreme court that can be read via Google Books if you search there. I guess they lost their house (some things never change) and she sued for some fees.
Don, what a great (and sad) find. They were in Turbot Township on the 1870 Census, but I don't know what property they purchased in 1871. I guess we'd have to get the deed from the courthouse. I'll have to look to see if I have it in old papers, but I don't think so.

I've extracted the pertinent pages to a PDF file (much smaller than the whole file on Google Books) and I'll send it out to you, Kristin and Steve.

Also, I'm wondering if Elias Lahr, the Trustee for Harriet, isn't perhaps a grandson since Andrew and Harriet's daughter, Sarah J. Burns, married Isaac Lahr. I don't have any children for Isaac and Sarah, however.
I have Harriet's brother, John M. Snyder, having a dau. named Maria Polly Sndyer. She seems to have married Elias T. Lahr. So I'm guessing that the Lahr in this appeal was a husband of a niece. I don't have any info on his occupation.
I'm looking for any information on a Charlotte Clara or Clara Charlotte Snyder b. Dec. 22, 1856 in Pennsylvania. She married William Patriquin abt. 1874. They lived in Strattonville PA and both died in 1885 and 1886 leaving 5 children. The youngest, George, abt. 18mos - 2 yrs old lived with a family named Doverspike until the age of 12. Wondering if they were related to the Snyders? Wm. Patriquin was from Nova Scotia.
There was a Charlotte b. 1857 (which is how a Dec. 1856 birthdate would be interpreted on the census) who was at the Soldiers' Orphan School in Wayne, Armstrong County. Could this be your Charlotte? Can't figure her out on the 1860 Census though.
Hello, I'm interested to find out if anyone has any info on a John A. Snyder. Born in 1856 in Huntingdon PA, died 1935 in Altoona PA according to the obituary. He was married to an Emma V. Caldwell, but there is no mention in the obituary of any parents or siblings. Any information would be greatly appreciated.



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