Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

This site has a lot of great things on it. If you go to research and homework, then Research database they have a genealogy link. The yellow paint mark for Digital images has City Directories. Newsdex has newspaper info. If you find something you want a copy of or want a death notice and you know the Name and death date you can get a copy from them.

I have e-mailed them and had copies sent to my home for a fee of under fifty cent a page and i have also e-mailed them and asked them to e-mail in info to me. There was no charge for the info that was e-mailed to me. And you do not have to have a Cincinnati Library card to use this.

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Here is another one from the Library at UC.
Hamilton County Ohio Will Index 1791 - 1901
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County Virtual Library - Downloadable Maps
The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County's Virtual Library has downloadable full color Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps.
More than 1 million documents from Hamilton County, (Cincinnati) Ohio Probate Court records are now online. Some records date back to 1791. Records such as birth, death, marriage, estate, naturalization and other records are available at:

Click on Records Search then Archive Search

Some will be missing as records were lost in the 3 court house fires through the years.
What started as a survey of house histories has turned into a website with genealogy information for an entire community.

In 1995, the women’s club in Terrace Park, Ohio—a village of 2,267 residents and 1.25 square miles—asked every resident to fill out a survey about the history of local buildings.
I am delighted to have found this! I am interested in a Thomas Neely who came to Cincinnati from the U.K.-most likely Scotland and married a yorkshire girl, probably Catherine Brown. I am scratching my head as to how to determine how and why this man came to be in Cincinnati by 1820 when my grandfather John Neely was born. Thomas worked in livery or as a butcher and died before 1840. I have gotten this much from someone on plus the cincinnati city directories. Where can I find information about the slaughterhouses and meat production in the early 1800s in Cincinnati?

Tracy, I went to Google and entered 'slaughterhouses Cincinnati 1800's' And got some hits that might be of interest to you. Give it a try and see if you find anything of help to you.

Thank you. I will. Until today I hadn't thought about googling for Cincinnati's slaughter houses. I have been so focused on " How did Thomas' son John get from Cincinnati to Mobile without his parents" that I really hadn't focused on Thomas much. However, typing things out  tends to help me process the gajillion thoughts in my head. Thank you very much!

 University Of Cincinnati Digital Collection.

Check out the Cincinnati Birth & death Records in the Rare Books and Archives 



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