Genealogy Wise

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Transferred one of my files to ToGo and added data onsite.  Now I'm home and my laptop can't find anything.  I have no option of "Transfer" only search for files and it is looking on my C drive to open in ToGo!  How do I sync these files??  I tried to open the laptop version and Import from the travel drive, but that is not an option and when I tried to say "I know where the files are" I got a message "LINKINFO.dll is not designed to run on Windows" and have to end program.
Also, the online message board will not accept my registration.  I'm wondering if this is worth it?
Help, pleaase, Help!!

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I use togo on my laptop, and RM4 on my desktop. Togo ALWAYS tries to save my data on the C drive on my laptop. So I have to be sure to change the location to the usb drive everytime I close it. If I am not careful, it will be on the C drive and NOT on the usb drive. I would think that is something that could be fixed in a future RM update, because it is a pain.

Do you have a "RootsMagic To Go" shortcut on the desktop?


How are you using RootsMagic To-Go? You mention transferring your files to "togo". But RootsMagic To-Go is just a little utility program that stays on your desktop computer. It installs RootsMagic (the full program) on the flash drive. It also copies your files from your computer to your flash drive (and then back when you get home).


Do you have RootsMagic installed on your laptop? RootsMagic To-Go isn't for copying files back and forth between 2 computers that both have RM already installed. It is for being able to run RootsMagic on a computer that *doesn't* have RootsMagic already installed on it.

If you are just trying to copy files back and forth between your desktop and laptop, you should use Backup and Restore to copy the file back and forth between the 2 computers.

I have an old copy of RM on the laptop, but I used RM 4 to go on the flash drive. So you are saying it is trying to save to RM3 on the laptop?

No. When you run RootsMagic on your flash drive, and then do Tools > Program Options > Folders from the menu, does it list a folder for the data files there?
I used the travel drive at the library, added data there, brought it home and tried to "sync" to my main data file (I actually have 3 different databases at home). After posting, I closed the home RM4, closed the error message thing. Went to My Computer, clicked on my travel drive (F or whatever) view files, got to Data and it opened just like real RM!! The bar at the very top of the screen said F:whatever whatever, so I was leery of making more changes, but tried a few. Still found no way to transfer. But when I went to the desktop shortcut to open RM4, it would not open. So stopped travel drive, removed. Then at desktop opened RM4 and VIOLA! My additions from the Library are there!!! Don't know what I did or how, but it seems fine. Maybe it is automatic that the travel drive files will be added to the home file whenever it finds it??
Should I have opened RMTo-Go on the home computer first, before plugging in the travel drive with new data? Just for next time. It is a devilishly clever way to take my whole family with me to anyone's computer!!!
When you get home you should run RootsMagic To-Go (the little icon on your desktop with the RootsMagic tree on wheels). There are 2 buttons: Install RM on the flash drive (which you don't need to do again), and transfer files. Choose the transfer files option and it should list the data files on both your computer and the flash drive.
that is so simple! Thanks. I've been using RM4 for nearly a year (well, since it came out) and mostly am very happy (still want a view of all the events including births of children - like my old TMG individual) but this was the first time I actually tried To-Go. And I was really delighted to see my whole database at the library without hauling my laptop in!!! So added much, then panicked when I could not get it to transfer!! Al is well now and I'm going to use this little sucker for the other families also!

Thanks very much!
You could "Share" a birth of a child with their parents. (Much like the witness feature in TMG.) This would then make the birth event viewable on their parents screen. On the child's birth fact click on the "Share" button, its on the bottom right of the edit screen under "Birth Details". You can read more about using shared events in "Help".
Duh! That is brilliant!! Thanks!
I know I don;t use anywhere near what I could of the program, but my powers are expanding, with great tips like this.



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