Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Everyone needs a laugh once in a while. So here are my list of excuses as why I can't find my ancestors.


1. My ancestors were the original Cabbage Patch Kids.


2. They came from outer space.


3. They took the slow boat and haven't gotten here yet.


4. The captain of the ship was a man and wouldn't ask for directions.


5. I haven't found the rock they crawled out from under.


6. They were in a witness protection program.


7. All my ancestors had daughters and all my lines "daughtered out"


Feel free to add to these.



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Love it!
Shake your family tree and watch the nuts fall!
How can one ancestor cause so much TROUBLE??
Isn't genealogy fun? The answer to one problem leads to two more!
A family tree can wither if nobody tends it's roots.
A new cousin a day keeps the boredom away.
Any family tree produces some lemons, some nuts and a few bad apples.
This is awesome and so true,!
How about this one:

Murphy’s Law for Genealogists

1) The public ceremony in which your distinguished ancestor participated and at which the platform collapsed from under him turned out to be a hanging.

2) When at last after much hard work you have solved to mystery you have been working on for two years, you aunt says “I could have told you that.”

3) Your grandmother’s maiden name that you have searched for, for four years, was on a letter in a box in the attic all the time.

4) You never asked your father about his family when he was alive because you weren’t interested in genealogy then.

5) The will you need is in the safe on board the Titanic

6) Copied of old newspapers have holes occurring only on the surnames, especially the ones you need.

7) John, son of Thomas, the immigrant whom your relatives claim as the family progenitor, died on board ship at age 10.

8) Your great grandfather’s newspaper obituary states that he died leaving no issue of records.

9) The keeper of the vital records you need has just been insulted by another genealogist.

10) The relative who had all the family photographs gave them all to her daughter who has no interest in genealogy and no inclination to share.

11) The only record you find your great grandfather is that his property was sold at a sheriff’s sale of insolvency.

12) The one document that would supply the missing link in your dead-end line has been lost due to fire, flood, or war.

13) The clerk to whom you wrote for information sends you a long handwritten letter which is totally illegible.

14) The spelling of your European ancestor’s name bears no relationship to its current spelling or pronunciation.

15) None of the pictures in your recently deceased grandmother’s photo album have names written on them.

16) No one in your family tree ever did anything noteworthy, owned property, was sued, or named in wills.

17) You learn that your great aunt’s executor just sold her life’s collection of family genealogical materials to a flea market dealer ‘somewhere in New York City.’

18) Ink fades and paper deteriorates at a rate inversely proportional to the value of the data recorded.

19) The 37-volume. 16,000 page history of your country of origin isn’t indexed.

20) You finally find your great grandparent’s wedding records and discover that the bride’s father was named John Smith.
Here is another excuse - Your grandparents' wedding was ruled invalid because her father didn't have a license for his shotgun.

Oh my goodness, I love this one!
Wow, Alanna, you found my ancestor "John Smith". , see #20.
brilliant : )
The best reason of all.............They know I'm looking for them...........and they don't want ME to find them!!!
I am having trouble finding the Anglicized name of my gggggrandmother, the "Cherokee Princess", who married one of the original "Three Brothers"
who immigrated at an early day to Virginia and is still waiting for the vast inheritance from his great uncle The Earl of Warwick who died childless.
Also, can you send me all the information you have in the Courthouse/Library on my great grandfather "John Smith", thanks, enclosed is $2.00 for the search.
You must be researching my Anthony family, complete with Princess, and John Smith.   Gen is so funny.   
My Grandparents never talked to each other much less to me.



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