Let me start off by saying that I know some of you aren't going to like the combination of paranormal and genealogy. Whether it be because of your ethnic background or religious background. Let me also say that I mean this lady or her family no disrespect. And believe me I mean you no disrespect either.
The paranormal part of this story is how myself and five other people were attracted to this lady's grave. The genealogy part is my research to determine who she was and possibly why I was attracted to her.
I moved to York Co. PA in May 2008. In the middle of June I did a paranormal investigation with some friends from a local paranormal group. They showed me how to use divining rods (dowsing rods) to contact spirits. One night in August I was at Barlow's Knoll on the Gettysburg Battlefield testing my rods with a local sensitive. The rods would not work because they kept pulling to the left. The Almshouse Cemetery is located there.
The next week in the daytime I went to the cemetery with my rods and asked if the spirit that pulled my rods towards the cemetery the previous week was still there and to cross my rods if so. The rods crossed. I then asked the spirit to make the rods point to where they were. The rods swung around to point to a tombstone. I moved around the cemetery and asked the rods to point where the spirit was and each time they pointed back to the same stone. During the rest of the summer I was there numerous times and the rods pointed to the same stone. Five times while I was there others came to photograph the same stone. I asked if they were relatives. Each one said they were attracted to her stone, but were not relatives.
The lady's name is Rebecca Little who died 1882. Her maiden name was Wyble or Weible. She was married to Sam Little and they lived in Straban Twp., Adams Co. PA They had two daughters Ann and Ruth. Ann died in the Almshouse too in 1880. Ruth married. I do not know where she or her family nor do I know where Sam Little are buried. I posted a message on the Wyble page on rootsweb and a relative replied saying it was an interesting story but he knew of no psychic or paranormal powers in the family.
I have Wolford relatives in Adams Co. Just last week I discovered a David Little married a Wolford. I wonder if Rebecca and I are related.
Last week when I was there, I noticed the flowers I put on her grave earlier in the summer were still there and now there is an American flag. ( I wonder the significance.)
In all over the last 3 summers I have been to the cemetery 25 times to say hello. 24 of the times the rods pointed to her stone. The one time they did not, the rods pointed to her daughter Ann's stone.
Let me reiterate. I mean no disrespect to Rebecca or Ann or their family. I mean no disrespect to anyone who may be offended by reading this.
Carol, I have Little also. They are alive ones. Of course some are dead. Bet the baby is big now.
Yes, Hank is special we have him come talk often and we shared stories after meeting last time.
An update on my Paragenealogy posts. Last Saturday about dusk I went to visit Rebecca and her daughter Ann's graves. I took along a mag light (A small twist on flashlight) and a digital voice recorder as well as my divining rods. Again as in the past the rods pointed to Rebecca's tombstone when I asked the spirit to point to where she was. My main focus this time was on my mag light. I placed the light next to her tombstone in the off position. ( Anyone turning the light on would need to slightly turn the light.) I asked Rebecca to turn on the light for a yes answer. Some questions she answered "yes" but to some there was no reaction. Sometimes the light came on more quickly and brighter than other times.
The questions she answered "yes" to included "Is Ann with you?" ( her daughter who is buried nearby), "Did you know the Wolfords in Straban Twp" "Were you from a religious family?" Then I listed several churches in the area and asked her to make the light come on when I said the one she attended. The light came on when I said "Church of the Brethren" Then I went back to asking questions and the light came on when I asked her if she wanted me to pray for them next time I went to church. The quickest and brightest answers came from the question about Ann and praying for them.
I have reviewed part of the voice recorder and there seems to be an answer when I asked about the Wolfords. I need to download this and see what is there. More next time.
Any replies are welcome.
My mother used to be drawn to one particular cemetery whenever we went to visit my grandfather, I remember her saying over and over again: next time we come up, we MUST visit and walk it.
Turned out that there was a family member buried there (she was the only 'family historian' within the family at the time) and no one knew it. In fact, their funeral card named a cemetery 3 counties away! One can only wonder about the connection.
I have since learned to get out and photograph when I feel that same urge .. who knows what the pull is, but maybe someone wants where they are buried to be known. Or just remembered.
Thanks for your response. We have a informal paranormal chat in the chatroom here every Wednesday night at 10 pm eastern time.
Not to get into any religious aspect, but I'm curious to know why she would need prayers after death. Something to think about....
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