Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

If you are researching or interested in Sicily (Sicilia) genealogically, please post your queries, family information, any resources you'd like to share and anything else that you feel is applicable to Sicily here. If you would prefer that your post be viewed by the whole group, post it to the Comment Wall and not here (please don't double post to both places), just keep in mind that posts in the Comment Wall will quickly be buried by new posts...

Provinces Include:
Ragusa (RG)
Syracuse/Siracusa (SR)
Trapani (TP)
Enna (EN)
Messina (ME)
Palermo (PA)
Agrigento (AG)
Caltanissetta (CL)
Caltania (CT)

Views: 1335

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Do you know if there are marriage allegati's for Monreale that can be viewed?




Yes, there are marriage allegati's in the civil registration for Monreale that can be viewed ranging between 1820 and 1903. 



I have been transcribing two Ship's manifests for ships that went from Palermo to New Orleans and most passengers were from Sicily, Both manifests were from the SS Liguria, one for October of 1910 and the other was for October of 1908, the manifests have over 600 passengers each so if your immigrant came in to New Orleans I can check to see if they happen to be on either of these two crossings. 

My Grandfather was from Corleone, Sicily. The last name is  DiMiceli.  My Great-Grandfather was from Chiavari / Genova. The last name is Molinari!



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