Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

A Discussion Forum for all Genealogists to post Family, Legal and Historical related slave material.

This includes information to online and/or offline resources pertaining to period data - Wills, Estate Inventories, Journal and Bible Records, Deeds, Bills of Sale, Indentures, Records of Manumission, etc.

As descendants of emancipated African-Americans, these materials are the key to uncovering our family lineage.

Thank you for your support.

Luckie Daniels

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STATE: Georgia
DOCUMENT TYPE: Digital Abstract

State of Georgia Manumission Statue -
STATE: Non-Applicable

Schomberg Center for Research In Black Culture {NYPL}: The Abolition of the Slave Trade -
STATE: US - Slave-holding

USF Africana Heritage Project -
STATE: Americus, Georgia

Overseer Stancil BARWICK and Slave Resistance -

From the site: This database includes approximately 3,400 names found in governmental records involving the servitude and emancipation of Africans and, occasionally, Indians in the French and English eras of colonial Illinois (1722–1790) and African-Americans in the American period of Illinois (1790–1863). The Archives extracted the names of servants, slaves, or free persons and masters, witnesses, or related parties from selected governmental records to produce this database. After searching the database, researchers can see an abstract of the record by clicking the record number of the appropriate entry.
Enslaved Families at Chicora Wood, Nightingale Hall and Other Plantations of Robert F.W. Allston (1801-1864), Georgetown, SC, 1864

Hi Everyone,

Below are records for the estate of Robert F.W. Allston of Georgetown, SC, made in 1864:

Allston, Robert F.W. Enslaved People in the Estate Inventory of Rob...

Allston, Robert F.W. Enslaved People in the Estate Inventory of Rob...

Allston, Robert F.W. Enslaved People in the Estate Inventory of Rob...

Allston, Robert F.W. Enslaved People in the Estate Inventory of Rob...

Allston, Robert F.W. Enslaved People in the Estate Inventory of Rob...

Allston, Robert F.W. Enslaved People in the Estate Inventory of Rob...

These are also posted in the Lowcountry Africana group here on GenealogyWise - we invite you to visit and join if your research includes SC, GA or FL.

STATE: Georgia
COUNTY: Camden
TYPE: Deed Book, 1786-1881
Camden County, Georgia

Camden County Deed Book {1786-1881} -
STATE: Virginia
DOCUMENT TYPE: Virginia Slave Births Index, 1853-1865

Virginia Slave Births Index, 1853-1865 -

{thanks Michael Hai!:-}
STATE: Illinois
DOCUMENT TYPE: Database - Illinois Emancipation and Servitude Records

Database of Servitude and Emancipation Records (1722–1863) -

{thanks Michael Hait!:-}
STATE: South Carolina
PARRISH: Edisto Island
DOCUMENT TYPE: Freedmen's Land Certificates Issued from Edisto Island, South Carolina by Mr. Alden, Agt. of Bureau

Four {4} pages of Freedmen's Land Certificates granted to emancipated slaves in EDISTO & neighboring SC Islands -
STATE: District of Columbia
DOCUMENT TYPE: Database - Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-1863
ABSTRACT: An Act of April 16, 1862 (12 Stat. 376) abolished slavery in the District of Columbia. Under Section 3 of the Act, the President was authorized to appoint a board of three commissioners, who were residents of the District, to examine petitions for compensation from former owners of freed slaves in the District.

An Act of July 12, 1862 (12 Stat. 538), provided that petitions could be received from slaves whose owners had not presented petition for compensation.

Here is a list of the record of petitions filed under the Act of April 16, 1862, dated April 29 - July 15, 1862 showing the date the petition was filed, the number of the petition, name of petitioner, names of slaves, and value of slaves as claimed in the petition.

*3,101 records

Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-1863 -

{thanks Christine's Genealogy!}
STATE: Georgia
COUNTY: Baldwin
CITY: Milledgeville
DOCUMENT TYPE: Database - Milledgeville Historic Newspapers Archive 1808-1922
ABSTRACT: The Milledgeville Historic Newspaper database is a project of the Digital Library of Georgia as part of Georgia HomePLACE. The project is supported with federal LSTA funds administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Georgia Public Library Service, a unit of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.

Milledgeville Historic Newspapers Archive -



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