Genealogy Wise

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I'd like to open a discussion for those of us seeking information about our colonial (1600s-1700s) ancestors in Long Island. Many were dissidents who left Massachusetts Bay seeking religious freedom; some of these were Quaker, and others followers of Anne Hutchinson. Some of the names among my ancestors there are Underhill, Weeks, Merritt, Titus, Willlis, Willets, Haviland, Seaman, Kirby, Jackson, Franklin, Coles, Cock, Bowne, with much intermarriage among them. Let's share what information we have about them and their lives.

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How does one acces the information from the Vedder Library? I was seeking marrige information for Thomas Powell and Clarissa Rebecca Ketcham around 1840. I believe his parents were John Powell and Catherine Smith but I am not sure.Marilyn Powell Tallent

My ancestors were Quaker also, Cocks,Seaman,Coles,Titius,Downing,Carpenter,Craft,Frost Weeks, and a few others. Family was mostly in Glen Cove (Musketa Cove) and Oyster Bay. Have been doing research for over a year.

Abigail Valentine became a Kirk she married William.

Deborah Seaman also became a Kirk she married John

Richard Kirk married Phoebe Robins then Ann Downing.

Richard and Ann had Daniel Daniel married Mary Titus.

Daniel and Mary had Joshua who married Hannah Cocks.

Daniel and Mary had Benjamin Kirk he owned a large estate on forest ave that he sold to Seaman. He passed and his mother Hannah moved to 143 school st where she passed. Joshua owned a mill and a 3 story building where the Cole's had a business. 

Oh, how exciting for this Canadian grandmother to find you folks, many of whom must be distant cousins!  My  Rehoboth and Long Island names are: Carpenter, Titus, Millard, Dean, Haviland, Powell, Swazey Willots, Van Winkle and Koemans.

I have two lines (so far!) that lead back to Carpenters of both Rehoboth and Rhode Island, and am still attempting to sort them out.  My gg grandmother was Phoebe Titus Dean, and her parents were Daniel Dean and Abigail Carpenter.  This family were Quakers, going back many generations.  Phoebe T. Dean's grandsom, Edward Jay Lowe, was my grandfather; he left Michigan in 1908 for "free" (not quite, but that's another story!) land in southern Alberta, Canada, and never returned to the U.S. 

I'm relatively new to genealogy, but have become passionate about discovering my American ancestors - I'm driving to New England in Sept, with an American cousin, to research as many of these ancestors as we can.  I'd love to correspond with any of you who are interested - I have a lot to learn, an open mind and overwhelming curiosity!

Gail in Vancouver

Peter CAVERLY 1694-1747

Also referred to as Cavalier or Cavalie.

Possibly Huguenots of Oyster Bay, Musketa Cove.

Question: Why do we find the Cavalier families in the New York city area and then Peter Caverly in Queen's County. Are we sure these two surnames are the same origin.

Petition of Peter Caverly of Oyster Bay, in Queen's County, praying a patent for a ferry between neck of land in that town called Caverly's Island and Rye.

They had their children baptized in St. George Church at Hempstead, Long Island.

NY Indorsed Land Records 1643-1803. 1730 Peter Caverly of Oyster Bay in Queen's County, praying a patent for ferry between a neck of land in that town called Caverly's Island and Rye.

1683 - Oyster Bay in Queens County

1784 -   "          " in          "

1883-  transferred to the town of Huntington, Suffork County.

1899 - Oyster Bay now in Nassau County

Will for Peter , copy provided through Bruce Murduck (Darcy's files). Will Book 16 of New  York County, Oyster Bay, pgs 239-241.

Peter Gerardus CAVALIER 1672-1699

New Amsterdam & New York Reformed Dutch Church

Baptisms 1675

This is one of a series of transcribed records for baptisms at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (New York City) in New Netherland (New York The baptisms are laid out in order as follows: The date of the baptism; the parents; the child; and the witnesses. Note the separation of each item by semicolons.

(1) New Amsterdam: Marriages & Baptisms of the Reformed Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730)

Abbrev: New Amsterdam: Marriages & Baptisms of the Reformed Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730) Vol. l, pg 85

den 3 apr. Pieter Chavelier, Wedr, Cornelia Bosch, Jd. van N. Yorke, beyde woonende alhier. den 3 april, met een licentie.

(2) New Amsterdam & New York Reformed Dutch Church Baptisms 1700

21 Feb; Pieter Cavelier, Cornelia Bosch; Henricus; Hendrik Bosch & wife Maria Van der Beek

(3) Collections of the NYG&B Societh Vol l, pg 136

Hendricus/Henry Cavalier married

Eleanor/Helena Burger, 9 Sept 1721

by license dated 8 Sept in the NY DRC

(4) New Amsterdam & New York Reformed Dutch Church Baptisms 1698

24 Jul; Pieter Cavelier, Cornelia Bosch; Johannes; Jurian Bosch & de Moeder self

(5) New Amsterdam & New York Reformed Dutch Church Baptisms 1702

15 Apr; Pieter Cavelier, Cornelia Bosch; Helena; Pieter Bant, Maria Cavelier


Possibly lived on Lang De Wall (Wall St., south side).

John Cavalier & Peter Cavalier report to maj. Anthony Brockholes, June 1696.

R.D. Owen also wrote that "Jean Cavalier...came to New York before 1670...He died in 1699 and had served as a clerk in a law court."  Other sources give 1696 as date of death.

I have speculated that Jean might have been Huguenot and, therefore, left France to avoid persecution by Catholics and that he might have travelled via England.

In 1721 the Oyster Bay Town Records show that Job Iarland sold his land and house near Musketa Cove to Peter Caverly, I for 200 pounds.  Since it reads that Job Iarland is of the "Towne Shipe of Oysterbay in Queens County" and "Peter Caverly of New York, Shipe Carpenter", I'm thinking that the Caverlys stayed in New York City until Peter, I made the above purchase.

Leaving France via England to escape prosecution of Catholics is a strong possibility.  But the English were Anglican and also anti-Catholic.  In fact England requested a report in 1696 of the known Catholics in New York City.  There were only 10 listed, Jean and son Peter being among them.  There were other religions be practices but the mother country only asked for a list of Catholics. 

CAVERLYS of Long Island later migrated up the Hudson River to Ulster County near Marlboro. As the families expanded some moved to Upper Canada (Ontario) during and after the revolution.

Has the question of the ancestry of Elizabeth Dickinson who married Caleb Wright 11 Oct 1671 ever been cleared up? Most researchers have her as a descendant of John Howland of the Mayflower. However, I read a blog in which the writer is a member of the Mayflower Society and states that there is no proof of this connection.

Does anyone have any current news?

I have a ton of Oyster Bay ancestors due to my 3rd great-grandmother Phebe Coles marrying into the Van Gelders of Brooklyn. But what a mess! So many books contradict each other and they all married each other! In fact, four of Nicholas Wright's children were ancestors: John who married Mary Townsend; Sarah who married Josiah Latting; Caleb who married Elizabeth Dickinson; and Mercy who married Robert Coles. 

It's a wonder I can do any genealogy at all! 



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