Does anyone know if "Strouse" and "Tumosa" or even "Morejunas" are actually Lithuanian names? I know Strouse is German, but I'm not sure if there is another spelling that is more Lithuanian or something? There were a lot of family secrets, and I've had a hard time locating any of my people in Lithuania. I know that Anna Tumosa (8 Jan 1889- 27 July 1980) was from Sovetsk, at least that's what I was told.
That makes a lot of sense to me! Thank you!!
I could not find anything anything close to "Strouse," the closest thing to "Morejunas," I found is "Motejunas" or "Moranus" but I did find; "Tumosa" exactly as is from a Lithuanian Genealogy site while I was doing my research, I looked for yours as well.
Yah, Strouse is a weird one, huh, lol? I've tried looking too like in the phone book and couldn't find it. I'm not sure if he changed it from something else when they came or before they came or not. My grandma absolutely did not talk about anything. The only thing I could think of was that they were Jewish and they put a front on with a usually German name and pretended to be Catholic... ?
Sovetsk is the current Russial name for what use to be called Tilsit (German) or Tilz^e (Lithuanian).
Go to and type in Sovetsk.
Morejunas might be Morejiunas
Tom S.
Thank you!
I checked in the Lithuanian phone book and could not find Morejunas. I was able to find Motėjūnas. Is is possible the r could have been a t?
I have done some genetic genealogy research and I am connected to a Dalius Motėjūnas from Lithuania within 4 generations, but we haven't found the exact connection/relationship (that is, our research doesn't show common surnames yet). His Motėjūnas family is from north central Lithuania. We are also both related somehow to the Atkociunas family.
My family (Valincius, Dvylys, Pertikas, Suopis, Taparauskas, Urbonavicius Luksgas, Klevinskas) is primarily from south west Lithuania....Kalvarija/Kaunas and slightly north of those towns.
It is very possible that that' s what it is. I got that name from my aunts' husband. I'm not sure if he actually saw it written somewhere or if my grandma told him once or if he over heard it.
Strouse doesn't sound Lithuanian, but German. During the last Partition of Poland (and therefore Lithuania) the area now known as Klaipeda was given to the Prussians. Lots of German-sounding names there. If you go to the forum in this group called In Lithuania: Klaipeda County, including a list of resources for that region. One of those resources is a list of 115,000 names. I found this.
-Richie C
Thanks Richie! That's a great place for me to start looking.
I have family from the southwest region of Lithuania as well. Here in the USA their names have been spelled "Krouss", "Krouse", or "Krause". But I found my great-grandfather's original Marriage Certificate from Lithuania dated 1895 and his family name was "Krauza". The name you are searching for sounds so similar. Just a guess, but maybe it was "Strauza"!
Good luck with your search.
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