Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

A forum to discuss the nuances specific to researching Slave Ancestry in the Americas. Share experiences, questions, tips and resource information as it relates to making our efforts researching African Ancestry more successful.

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Thanks Donna for the Indenture insight - it certainly helps!:-)
Donna, as someone who couldn't find 4 - 4th Grandparents until 1880, that would be my DREAM! That was a gift from the Ancestors for sure!:-)

LowCountry Africana has prepared a great Resource Guide for Researching African-American Ancestry.

Please check it out & pass it on to others researching Slave Ancestry -

Hi Everyone,
We have added 50 new documents to our Drayton research database in the last two days. All are for South Carolina. You can view them here:

Hi Karen,
We have a lot of SC inventories on microfilm here and will check for the names you are researching if you like. Or do the inventories not survive at all?

Hi Karen,
I do see Raiford in Colonial estate inventories. I will check to see if there are later inventories for the Raiford family. Have you had a look at SC death certificates on

I'm on the look-out for descendants with surname CURD originally from Virginia who might like to take a Y-DNA to see which family they belong to. Only men can test in order to follow a surname (generally). Contact me at the CURD family Group for details. Susan M CURD
Susan - are you on Twitter as well? It may not hurt to *tweet* your interest in CURD DNA testing. Have you already posted this to the tried n' true forums? - Ancestry, GenForum & AfriGeneas?

I have copies of the estate papers of my 3rd g-grandfather, Benjamin Tiller, of Madison County, Alabama. He died prior to the Civil War ending, so the slaves that he owned were listed in with his property. It consisted of their names, ages and sex.

I do know that after the Civil War, with the 1870 Census, when the black families were finally listed, I have found at least one of the men that had been a slave, still living close to the Tiller family. He had taken their last name. This man's name was Richard Tiller and he is pretty much where all of the black line of Tiller's in Madison County, Alabama come from.

If there is anyone out there that needs the information that I have on this family, please just let me know. I will be more than happy to share anything that I have on them in an effort to help you.
Hi Deborah!

If the docs are already transcribed it would be great if we could post them here at GenWise, as well as on my Alabama research site - Our Alabama Roots. has a Slave Forum where you can post and Ancestry also has an African American Collection, Slave Information Message Board where this information would be PERFECT.

My belief is to post to as many outlets as possible.

Thanks so much. This information will be vital to TILLER researchers with slave ancestors!

Hi Deborah! I am more than happy to post your Grandfather's information to my blogs ( &, as well as assist you with getting the information posted to relevant message boards. The key is getting the information out where it can be found! Thank you so much, looking forward to working with you!:-)

I am new to all of this and I am having problems. I think I found who I am looking for in the 1870 census in Orangeburg SC. It is Vandy Pearson his wife is Milly kids Tineh, Evey and Jim. They were in Orange then on the 1880 census They were Vandy and Millie Pearce with kids Eavy, Jim, William, Sinssy, Fannie and Nora. They were in Lyons Township.
The reason I think this is the family I am looking for is I am looking for William;s parents. On William Pierce's death record it lists his parents as Jim and Millie and he was born in Orangeburg.
So what does anyone else think? How can I find out if this is them? If it is how do I go back from here?
This is so hard!



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