Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I was just curious what others do as far as structured activities. I am a reunion enthusiast (read my blogs!), and have always been a little too gung-ho about planning activities.
In the past, we have had:
White Elephant Auction
Chinese Auction
Word Search (using family members' names)
Crossword Puzzle (using facts about the family, took alot of time to make but was really fun!)
Cutest baby contest (using old and new pictures)
Photo guessing contest (using old pictures)
Ice breaker games (20 questions where you have to get a signature for each one, like "Someone who owns a motorcycle" or "Someone who has served in the armed forces")
Group photo (I call this an activity because it is akin to hearding cats.)
What has worked for you, and what hasn't? If you award prizes, what type do you do?

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My cousin and I are organizing our first family reunion which will be in August. We are going to have a Scavenger Hunt, but we're not having a list of items to find, we're having the letters of the reunion and you just have to find an item that starts with the letter, so that the youngsters can play as well. We are holding the reunion at a campground, where there are a lot of activities scheduled. It is Hallowe'en theme that weeekend and there'll be trick or treating and hayrides. There is a prize for the best decorated campsite and costumes. We've asked for everyone to bring in old photos which I will scan and put on CDs. We are going to have a story-hour (or however long it takes) around the campfire, for members to share family stories. We will be taking candid and group pictures which I will put on CDs as well. We will be having a baseball tournament too, weather permitting. I am going to bake some cupcakes for the kids to decorate with a Hallowe'en theme. Some of the prizes will be gift certificates, some will be family history related, etc.
Howdy, Tara,
We will be having our 54th Brown family reunion this Thanksgiving, Wednesday night -Saturday morning. We normally have 100+ people attend at a church camp in central Texas where we have been holding it every year for the last 30 years.

Activities include meal preparation, particularly for the Turkey feast, a kids skit one night, sing-a-long, hayride, Family Olympics for kids, family picture (we're only missing 6 out of 54 years), poker, kids nature walk, the World Championship Washer Tournament and general discussion and bragging. Oh yeah, we also have a great deal of interest in the football game between The University of Texas and Texas A&M. These are the only planned activities.

We have tried and from time to time still use a photo guessing contest, magic show, games, etc. For these, everyone shows up and tries to bring something to interest the group. We draw on the interests and talents of the group. It's a family tradition that we hope will continue for decades.

My wife and I have handled the planning and billing for the last two years, but we have a marvelous history of people that have helped and taken responsibility in the past. It's the highlight of the year for almost everyone.
We used to auction family memorabilia, or those items connected to our family which were donated by other family members. It was always interesting, and some items brought high prices depending on how badly people wanted the item. Some items were humorous. The money went toward financing the next family reunion.
I have planned many-and executed them-all for my different family lines.
My Hooks Family-has gone on since the 70's.
One of the things I use-is to give each a little slip of paper-they get to pick, when they come in. I tell them, they cane SWAP. (Some get petrified at the thought!)
Each says- Names your first cousins in the room
Name your Aunt's and Uncles"
I was told by one-a long time ago, that he came every year, and did not know anyone. Now they all know each other.

We always give out certificates-which is their favorite, and I ask the cousins to bring prizes- Maybe 3 or 4 do. Don't expect miricles! We take up a collection which pays for the food and the rest.

Our certificates vary from year to year. We have th e prettiest eyes, the furtherest, and most anything you can think of.

We have mentioned biggest feet...etc.

They really love this part. And of course, get a prize.

They are printed on the computer, from things found online.
They like the least-the ones where they have to perform-like tell a story about---
Who was the best cook in your family?

Ms. Gerry Hill Albany Ga.



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