Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

How about this to help out the programmers. There are many more options using the Ning platform, and the WVR programmers will never know which we prefer unless we ask.

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Does GenealogyWise want to collect random suggestions or comprehensive information that educates?
I wish it would develop authoritative and annotated resources on specialized methodology. Compared to Facebook and similar generalized sites, GenyWise can use more jargon that only genealogists will understand. Moreover, GenyWise can create pathfinders which point to the general educational sites and the larger databases of linked and unlinked historical individuals and families.

Could GenyWise dare to imitate the star system popular with movie sites? Could it use a combination of member input and moderator or expert input to evaluate key resources? For example, assign stars to the automated statewide death indexes of Texas and Ohio as they relate to the death indexes of an individual county or family.
I'd love it if we were able to 'tag' FORUM entries. This would allow us to search content in ongoing Forums with many discussions.

The author of the discussion in the forum can and should be tagging when they post it.
I'd like to see a group index such as Location Groups, Surname Groups, Society Groups, Miscellaneous. I still haven't had the time to go through all the groups and I feel I might be missing something.
I have this same problem all the time. MY solution is to COPY everything I just wrote, then delete the current entry (you have 15 minutes from posting to do this), then PASTE the text in a new message and make my corrections.
I don't see how I'm supposed to locate other people who are researching the same families. Can anyone help me out? I guess my wish is that GW had a "getting started" page to explain how to do that kind of search!
I think a website called "Relatively Easy" .It would be similiar to a facebook type thing that enables users to access others looking for relatives doing research. I don't know the technology involved in setting this up. For instance most on my Dads side are deceased but there must be cousins and others out there that I dont know. They may be looking as I am for Missing Link's. I could type in a Family name and up comes others doing the same name.I know this sounds over simplified but to my logical mind it's a good idea.
P.S whats Ning&WVR,RSS etc.?
I still see this as a RootsWeb mailing list and message board thing -- the ability to search for others researching the same line.

find these at:

Divide the groups into 3 categories:
Last names, sorted alphabetically;
locations, grouped by continent, then nation, then state, province or equivelent, and then by town or city;
general groups
I am not sure if NING (the software backbone of GW) doesn't allow this, or GW programmers just aren't listening. This request to categorize the overwhelming number of groups has gone seemingly unnoticed.

Maybe we're too accustomed to being able to BROWSE instead of using the SEARCH option?

There was a GW post concerning Group Categorization

While it's referred to as an "organizational search engine" the way it is described, with categories and subcategories, suggest it is more of a browsing feature. We'll see once its installed. But the post does suggest that they've had to build this on top of NING.
Dear Debbie,
This is the first I've seen of this posting. (My DearMYRTLE blog does not accept comments, as there have been too many problems with spam comments over the years.)

It is sad that the sudden addition of 10,000 members to GW has proved daunting. Heaven help GW if it grows even bigger.

I trust that all will come out in the wash.



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