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Is anybody else researching the Davis family in Chester Co., Pennsylvania that were Quakers? My line starts with John Davis who came over from England before 1700. Descendants later moved to Randoldph, North Carolina and then eventually to Pulaski, Missouri.

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I have 6 brothers who came from Carmathern, Wales in the late 1600's early 1700's - they were the sons of DAVID GRIFFITH Their names were AP DAVID they changed to DAVIS- Not sure if this is your John - I will give you what I have -
They all lived in and around Chester county, Pennsylvania.

Llewellyn b 1670 d 1721 md Bridget JONES lived in Chester county, PA [my line]
James b 1672 d 1742 Chester, PA md 1) Elizabeth PARRY md2) LLewellyn, his brother's widow Bridget JONES
Thomas b 1668 d 1707 md in Wales Elizabeth ----- no dates [my line]
William b 1665 d 1734 md Givilene or Gwenellian PHILLIPS 1668-1756
John b 1666 d 1743 bur Great Valley Baptist Cemetery, Chester, PA md Joanna Evans Miles 1693-1756
Joseph b 1674 d --- Willistown, Chester, PA been in touch with family they are still Quakers md1) Eleanor STEPHENS
b 1678 d bef 1725 md2) Elizabeth Maule PEARL a preacher in the Quakers
Evan abt 1676 never came to US
there are sisters, I have no idea what their names were they never came to US


John and Joanna were married 1715 - they were parents of 4 children

1. Mary 2) DAVIS md Elder James DAVIS
2. Hannah 2) DAVIS
3. Benjamin 2) DAVIS
4. Benjamin 2) DAVIS md Rachel BARTHOLOMEW

NOTES: John was the emigrant along with his brothers, Llewellyn, James & Thomas; their eldest brother was William who came to America, settling in and around Chester county Pennsylvania. In 1725 guardians were appointed for Elizabeth, Issac, Sarah and Llewellyn, the children of Llewellyn *DAVID* late of Tredyffrin.

In Feb 1724/1725, the guardianshop papers of Elizabeth DAVID age 14, mentioned "Unkle John DAVID" and stepfather James DAVID. With David JONES and others. John DAVID served as one of the guardians of all the children. (taken from Seldon Rogers Collection, Genealogical Society of PA.)

John DAVID of "Valley" township (corresponding in early records to Tredyffrin) d 1748 leaving a will naming as overseers David JONES and Isaac DAVID (Martin, *Abstract of Wills and Administrations; Chester co. PA*, 1900, vol 1, page 279) These names definitely identify the decedent as the borhter of Llewellyn DAVID.
John's will is like this:

RESIDENCE: Merion, Philadelphia county, Pennsylvania
DATE: 27 7 1750
PROVE DATE: 22 Dec 1750
REMARKS: John DAVID, Merion county of Philadelphia, 27 July 1750/1. 2 Feb 1750.
WIFE: Elizabeth
CHILDREN: Mary, Enoch, John and Ann Nathan
EXEC. Elizabeth and Nathan DAVID

My husband's maternal line of Davis' descends from Reverend William Davis b: 1663 in Wales, came to New Jersey (the family then migrated to Chester Co., Pennsylvania by 1668). He was a Quaker. He married Elizabeth Brisley. Their son, John (who married Elizabeth Maxon), was also a Reverend, and a Quaker.
Ah - my Davis line!!!

I have William's wife as Brinley, but Brisley is one of the alternates. I have them leaving the Quaker church in 1691 and becoming Baptists, eventually becoming Sabbatarian (7th Day) Baptists. The family ended up in Rhode Island.

My line is: William (Elizabeth Brinley) -> Rev. John (Elizabeth Maxson) -> John (Bethia Rogers) -> David Rogers (Lydia Cartright) -> David Rogers (Elizabeth/Betsy Straight) -> Mary/Polly (Howard F. Erskine). That puts them to NY for the 1820 census. From there, the Erskines went to Indiana, and then to Michigan. Jonathan's daughter Caroline married Daniel Hosler and moved to Muskegon Co. MI. Their daughter Julia was my g-grandmother.

Would love to share information on the family!!!
The first Davis ancestor I can find is Philip Davis. I have no idea if he was a Quaker. I am descended through his son Miles whose daughter Elizabeth married James Goheen.

Philip David's was from Uchland Chester County. His will (Chester Co. Book 6 pg. 160, dated 4 Nov 1772, recorded 21 Feb 1776) named his wife, Elizabeth, and children David, Philip, Miles, Jerman and Sarah, wife of Myrick Davis.

I am through Miles too.  Philip > Miles > George > William H > Junod Zelimb (John) > Helen

My Davis line came ouf of North Carolina, were Quakers, have lots of similar names, but don't recognize any that are connected the way mine are. I have John, Aaron, Ransom leaving North Carolina probaly 1825 and settling in Bartholomew County Indiana.



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