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  • Lorraine Kay Allan
  • Deborah Neyle
  • Dance Skeletons
  • lynda cuper
  • Di Aspinall
  • Debby Mil
  • Janelle Bramble
  • nancy ann cole
  • Anja van Steel
  • Ellie
  • Robin R. Cordell-Inge
  • jennifer suzanne dawson
  • Heather Laverty
  • linda
  • Patty Wimpsett Killion

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Yorkshire Families

Just came across this web site for anyone looking for family trees ETC in the Yorkshire region in the UK.It is mainly people inquiring for information plus allowing you to put your quest in as well.If you need to go back to the home page just click it and you are there.The site is: More
Oct 28, 2020
Lorraine Kay Allan left a comment for Co Ordinator
"Oh wow, a Cheeseman! My grandmother's (Florence Rebecca Trowbridge) sister - Edith Louisa Trowbridge married Edwin George Cheeseman. I have a photo of their 4 children, also of Robert & Sophia. Sophia was born 1867 in Summertown, died…"
Jan 26, 2020
Lorraine Kay Allan left a comment for Co Ordinator
"Hi Wayne, As there are no recent comments not sure if you are still here. I have just joined and see that you are related to the same family as myself. My great grandmother was Sophia Louisa Wilhelmina Aufderheide (Trowbridge). Would love to be in…"
Jan 25, 2020

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Aufderheide, Cutting, Bordoni, Hasse, Plate, Horstmann And a Few more on the US side of: the family of Cornelius Evans, Catherine Batten and a Lashbrook Laker,Bryceson families of late
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, UK,Scotland, Germany,Prussia
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
I like to do my own thing but will always ask for help
Also enjoy searching for other users, by doing this helps me in my searching as well.Plus I Index and Transcribe for various sites.

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At 12:21am on January 26, 2020, Lorraine Kay Allan said…

Oh wow, a Cheeseman! My grandmother's (Florence Rebecca Trowbridge) sister - Edith Louisa Trowbridge married Edwin George Cheeseman. I have a photo of their 4 children, also of Robert & Sophia. Sophia was born 1867 in Summertown, died 19.3.1902 in North Adelaide and buried at West Tce Cemetery. My cousin told me that she died of cancer. Robert Trowbridge travelled with the family and it seems his main abode was a tent (these are stories told through my grandmother). At one stage he left them all in a tent somewhere and my grandma had to look after her siblings. Just a bit of trivia there. Did you have any luck with details of Eva May Trowbridge? I only have her birth date and nothing else.


At 6:56pm on January 25, 2020, Lorraine Kay Allan said…

Hi Wayne, As there are no recent comments not sure if you are still here. I have just joined and see that you are related to the same family as myself. My great grandmother was Sophia Louisa Wilhelmina Aufderheide (Trowbridge). Would love to be in contact with you.


At 11:04pm on October 29, 2011, nancy ann cole said…

Hi Wayne-Thanks for answering me so soon- I do have both of the links you sent me about my gr.grandpa George Hranka- I got some more info from Tom Vadjik , too...but I can't find out anything about what happened to George after he got hurt--the family in Kuselov never found out anything about George, either. George was Tom's Gr.Grandpa too---He's the one who told me about George-- I never even knew my Grandma's parents names before Tom got in touch with me !!! How can I see a copy of the 1930 Census you talked about ??

I did find a Hranka in another state, but it seemed it was not the one I was looking for-------- talk to you again -------   Nancy Cole

At 4:15pm on November 3, 2010, Ellie said…
Hi Wayne, I may be able to help you in finding those graves your looking for, would you like to send me the details and I will see what I can find Cheers Ellie
At 1:18am on June 26, 2010, Janelle Bramble said…
Country is awesome My hubby hates it as does my kids am training grandies into loving it tho but one 7 yr old wentt o the dark side with her aunty and loves ACDC crazy people!
If you love country you may love this place
At 6:54am on January 11, 2010, Albertus Lang said…
Hello Wayne ,no i have not received the email or doc that you sent ,so would be very pleased if you can resend it again ,many thanks Albertus.
At 2:14am on October 12, 2009, Anja van Steel said…
Wayne - sent you an email with info.
At 4:20am on October 11, 2009, Anja van Steel said…
LOL Wayne - thought I was in trouble there in the first instance I noticed you sent me a comment.

Send me the information to the email address I left for Heather and I will get back to you. I do have a register for Ballarat but not personally worked on that cemetery.

The name BATTEN does not ring a bell but I still have thousands and thousands of photos yet to be indexed
Sometimes there is no other option than to purchase the death certificate - were are you located ?

At 6:36pm on October 6, 2009, Ellie said…
Hi Wayne, I was in the chat room as usual lol, will be happy to help if I can
At 6:21am on August 14, 2009, Robin R. Cordell-Inge said…
Good Morning Wayne,

Thank you for all the nice complements about my site. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. As for Finest, think I have a lead for parents. I am working on it now. Will post more information this weekend when I get it all put together.


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