Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Australian Genealogists


Australian Genealogists

A group for genealogists downunder - with roots from all over the world

Location: Australia
Members: 337
Latest Activity: Nov 12, 2023

Member Information

This is a group for those in Australia who are researching their families no matter where they originate. New arrivals with no Aussie roots will benefit from membership.

When you join the group please make an introductory comment that tells us a little about yourself.

If you are able to offer help to others with lookups, tips, cemetery photos etc. please post a message in the Offers of Help by SKAS discussion forum.

If you need assistance please post check Offers of Help by SKAS discussion forum for relevant assistance and then post your request in the IF YOU WANT HELP/LOOK UPS POST IT HERE discussion forum.

If you are seeking information on a particular surname have a look for a group devoted to that surname.... if there is not one consider setting up a's not an arduous task. Try using the Site Search on the Top Right Hand side of the page to find references to your surnames.

Please create and use the discussion forums to communicate with other members. There are only two discussions displayed - please use View All to browse through the whole list and find those of interest to you.

Have Fun

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Comment by Jeanette Martin on November 12, 2023 at 5:24pm


I am a student at the International Institute of Genealogical Studies currently enrolled in the DNA and Genetic Genealogy course.  I live in Morwell and have been dabbling in genealogy since 2009. 

Comment by Kat McNamara on July 22, 2019 at 6:41pm

Hi, I'm Kat,  living in NZ... but was born in Australia.  Am researching my family tree and also my husbands...  

Kind regards

Comment by Co Ordinator on January 22, 2014 at 10:50pm

Thanks Helen.

I really don't think it made it that far as the MPs swarmed on us in no time and was escorted back to the train with tank in tow. It was early 60's before Vietnam deployment.

Comment by Helen Thompson on January 22, 2014 at 10:21pm

Hi Wayne

Thank you for your welcome to this group.

Your trip to Dubbo sounds like it would have been very newsworthy - the Dubbo Liberal has recently been extended to up to 1954 on Trove - you might find an article about your adventures!  If it was after this date, if you can give me an approximate month and year that you were there, I can look for an article about it in later issues of the newspaper in my local public library.

Comment by Co Ordinator on January 22, 2014 at 9:53pm

Wow been a while since I was last on here.

Welcome Helen to this Forum hopefully you will find some answers that you need, like you I too have researched the 1st n 2nd fleet and found ancestors from my sister's husband's side very interesting reading. We really donot know what hard times hungry is in this day and age.

Dubbo brings back a memory or two for me when I was enlisted, I was part of the first armoured regimental train that stayed over night there and was a bad boy as I took a tank off the train and drove it down the main street, I can assure you all hell broke loose over that episode.ahh the good times!!


Comment by Helen Thompson on January 22, 2014 at 7:21pm

Hi, I am new to GenealogyWise, and have just joined this group.

I am enrolled in the Social Media Tools for the Wise Genealogist course (National Institute for Genealogical Studies), which I won as  prize at the Annual Conference of the NSW & ACT Association of Family History Societies held at Canberra in September last year. I am finding the course very interesting. 

I completed a Graduate Diploma in Local, Family & Applied History through UNE in 2012, which I also found very interesting.

I live at Dubbo, NSW, and have been researching my family history for many years (and have two 2nd Fleet convicts as my earliest Australian ancestors).  I am also interested in the local history of Dubbo.

I am researching the 1915 Gilgandra-Sydney "Coo-ee" Recruitment March (included the names of the men who joined as recruits from the many towns and villages along the way, and the march itself).  I am also involved in the committee organising a 2015 re-enactment of this march.  I will be visiting the graves of those "Coo-ees" who died during WWI in England, France and Belgium in August/September 2014, so if anyone ha a "Coo-ee" in their tree I would be happy to email you a photo of their grave later on in the year.  If anyone knows of anyone else who has has a photograph of their "Coo-ee" relative (especially in their WWI uniform),  I would very much like to hear from them.

Comment by Jan Squire on August 30, 2013 at 2:43am

Hi, I am new to GenealogyWise, and have just joined this group. I live in Adelaide and will be elected a Councillor at the imminent AGM of Genealogy SA. Almost finished the NIGS Certificate Course (English records) and am doing the Australian subjects as they are ready. I have been researching for 40+ years, but there is still lots to learn.  Jan

Comment by Carmel M Reynen on August 11, 2012 at 3:00am

the one with the fence is one that is going to be saved! We published a letter on the net and advertised it on twitter, 14000 hits in a few days

Comment by Co Ordinator on August 11, 2012 at 2:37am

Well done Carmel and The Society for standing up about this maybe if more people were informed of this the greater it would be as I for one, am a believe in people power. Just as well I am not living there as I would love to stand on toes so that they can notice what is going on around them, but it would be a massive task to find if there are living families that have their family buried there.

Yes when I visited there, there were head stones ready to fall, one had a protective fence around it so that visitors could keep away from it, that was down near the Rotunda if I recall.

Once again keep up the good volunteer work.


Comment by Carmel M Reynen on August 11, 2012 at 2:09am

Hi Wayne

There are battles going on at the moment re the Ballarat Cemetery. They were about to destroy 3 graves and luckily through some thorough research the Society had a hand in saving these when one of our members joined a committee at the cemetery. However there are many graves marked as dangerous and possible removal. 

The Ballarat and District Genealogical Society does have a fund starting for this purpose. We do have plans to go in and photograph each grave and headstone, but the weather has not been kind to us of late but the plans are in place to do this. 


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