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Genealogy in St. Louis


Genealogy in St. Louis

Discussion of genealogy and history topics related to St. Louis.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Members: 84
Latest Activity: Dec 8, 2013

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Introductions and Surnames

Started by John Newmark. Last reply by Mary Farrelly Jan 21, 2013. 27 Replies


Started by Patricia T. Hefferon. Last reply by Ellen Naliboff Jan 17, 2010. 7 Replies

St. Louis Census by address

Started by Katie H. Last reply by Katie H Oct 5, 2009. 3 Replies

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Comment by Family Griot on January 26, 2011 at 1:35pm
I was sent a CW era military pension file in error by the National Archives. I thought it may help someone who is researching in the St. Louis, MO area. The soldier was Louis Benthage of Co. K 2nd Reg MO Light Artillery. He and his wife were born and married in Germany. This is a PDF file.SCAN4327_000.pdf
Comment by Joan Schaller Yeckel on October 1, 2009 at 2:14pm
Thank you, Dave, for the information on Bob Doerr's passing. He was always so helpful to me whenever I needed genealogy information. I appreciated all of his work on the Missouri State Genealogical Journal and looked forward to reading his contributions. My sympathy to his family, coworkers and friends.
Comment by Naumo on October 1, 2009 at 1:52pm
Dave, thank you for posting on your home site of the passing of Bob Doerr. I'm in shock and truly saddened to hear he is gone. Over the years I had a chance to thank him once or twice, through email, for some priceless tidbit of information I'd stumbled upon. I'm sure I have only hit the tip of the iceberg of what he had contributed, for history's sake. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to his family and friends.

Safe journey home, Bob...

~ Patti~
Comment by Naumo on September 6, 2009 at 7:35am
Thank you for the suggestions and comments Amy. I had called the Sisters of Notre Dame a while back, and Sister Carol Wildt was most helpful in my research. I originally thought my g-grand's sister had entered SSND, and Carol confirmed she was on a list from 1877, but found no further trace, and definitely did not enter the order. So I know those 'Sisters' keep very detailed records, and will follow your advice and contact the other Orders for further help (and the Archdiocese). Thanks! I know I'll find her's just a matter of time. About Resurrection, I do have a relative in SSND who is buried there, and another buried at the Motherhouse on Ripa Ave. I had wondered why all SSNDs weren't at Ripa, then I saw their cemetery. It's TEENSY!!! (But very quaint). Haven't made it to Resurrection yet, but it's on my list. Guess I'd better hurry if she's going to be moved. Yikes :D {Patti}
Comment by Naumo on September 5, 2009 at 9:31am
Happy Saturday everyone! I am trying to track records for an Eberle Bros undertaking service, specifically for Sept 1881. I just called the library and they are not on their list of microfilmed records. Anyone know the history of this mortuary and if it is known by another name today? This same person in my tree I am searching for died at the St Mary's Infirmary and MAY have been a postulate/Sister for the Sisters of St Mary. But...despite myself being employed by SSM, I cannot find a number to the Sisters' Motherhouse here in StL! Desperately seeking archived information to rule in or out "Sister Beatrice" as my g-g-grandfather's sister! I'd appreciate any tidbit (already called Calvary about this Sister, but no go on further info). Thanks for reading! ~ Patti
Comment by Katie Heitert Wilkinson on August 27, 2009 at 1:20pm
I'm a born-and-raised south-city St. Louisan who's living in Austin, Texas. I'm reseaching the following families: HEITERT, WETHMAR, GEISSMANN, KEARNEY, BROWNE, CROWLEY. I'm willing to share information and photos I've already gathered.
Comment by Rick Elgin on August 22, 2009 at 2:07pm
Hi Gail-

Those are all the addresses that I found my gr. grandparents and the children at between those years. I'm not from St Louis and not familiar with the churches and schools in those neighborhoods. They seemed to move almost every year. The only place they seemed to live the longest was on Duncan Street. Maybe 3 years.
I know it would be impossible to get the orphanage records.

Comment by Gail Holzhausen on August 22, 2009 at 1:57pm
To Rick Elgin:
You can contact the St. Louis Archdiocease Archives to see if they kep school records, but I'm doubtful. They would have the sacremental record information ( baptisms, confirmations etc). You can also get public school records pretty easily thru St.Louis Public Education as you can pinpoint where your family lived.
Comment by Rick Elgin on August 22, 2009 at 8:25am
My grandmother, Elveta Davion, was born in St Louis in 1906. Her mother, Marie Lowers, was from IL and her father, Joseph Davion, we're not sure of at this point. We believe he came to St Louis for the 1904 World's Fair for work from either Mexico or California. He spoke Spanish and English and claimed to be American Indian.
After the World's Fair, I believe he went looking for work and ended up in Peoria, IL where he met Marie. We do not know where they got married, but I have found Joseph was back in St Louis by 1906 and lived there til he died in 1940.
Together they had 6 children. In 1917, Marie suddenly left Joseph and took the oldest child, which was my grandmother and returned to IL. She changed her last name as well did Joseph. He placed the children into a Catholic Boys Orphanage for a couple of years. He changed his name to Joseph Valencia, remarried, took custody of the children again and settled in Jennings and got a job as a janitor at St Lawrence O'Toole's, which he worked until his death.

What I am attempting to locate is any Catholic School records from about 1911-1918 that would have been operational in the 3800 block of Duncan, 3600 block of Clark, 2400 block of S. 2nd and 3700 block of Hickory.
Is there any chance that the Catholic Schools would share such info or class pictures?

Thank you,
Comment by Terry Chaplin on August 22, 2009 at 7:27am
I am researching a relative who moved with her family to St Louis in 1805. Her name was Sarah (Chaplin) Kingsley Brown. I think Mr Brown was a merchant but am not sure. Her letters say they were living in Carrondelet (Vide Poche) in 1813, after that I can find no record. Would appreciate any ideas on where to start looking.

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