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Lost Faces: Ancestor Photos & Albums


Lost Faces: Ancestor Photos & Albums

Photographs of Ancestors - we all want them, some of us are lucky enough to have them. Learn how to date these old photos. Share your ancestor photos . NOTE: Do not upload photos wider than 500 pixels. See "Uploading Photos to the Group" for help.

Members: 296
Latest Activity: Jul 20, 2018

Helpful Information - Please Read Before Posting to the Group

Uploading Photos to the Group

PLEASE upload photos in the DISCUSSION FORUM and not the COMMENT WALL. All questions, queries, and ancestor photos should go in DISCUSSION. It's easier to keep track of answers, and it helps all of us to help each other.

Photos being uploaded to this group are stretching and are not displaying properly. The solution is to RESIZE your photo before you upload. I use IRFANVIEW which is a free graphic program. But you can use any program you like.

Open your photo, and RESIZE it so that the width is no more than 550 pixels. Make sure the aspect ratio is set and that way the length will resize automatically. Click SAVE (I like to SAVE AS a new file so I still have the original) and then upload the smaller image (550 wide) to this group. Your photo will then display as it should without the stretching

How to Date an Ancestor Photograph

Click on the links below to read details of the tips and hints for dating ancestor photographs. More tips will be added over the next few weeks.

Hints For Dating an Ancestor Photograph

Corners From 1859 on, CDVs had square cut corners. From 1872 on, corners were rounded... (continue reading)

Using Revenue Stamps to Date Photographs

In the United States, an act of Congress passed on June 30, 1864 added a new tax on all "photographs, ambrotypes, daguerreotypes or any ... (continue reading)

Examples of Photographs

Click on the links to see examples and read descriptions of old photographs. The description includes tips and techniques you can use to date your own photographs.

9th Plate Tin Type

This is a 9th plate TinType, hand coloured, and... (continue reading)

CDV with 2cent George Washington Orange Revenue Stamp

Example of a CDV taken between 1864 and 1866.... (continue reading)

Carte de Visite March 1867

This is a gorgeous example of fashion in 1867.... (continue reading)

Civil War Era CDV

Example of a pre-1872 CDV with square corners which have been cut to fit into a photo album.... (continue reading)

Discussion Forum

Tintype dating

Started by sk hendeson Mar 6, 2014. 0 Replies

Tintype dating

Started by sk hendeson Mar 6, 2014. 0 Replies

another one

Started by Pam Shakespeare. Last reply by Pam Shakespeare Sep 17, 2011. 2 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Lost Faces: Ancestor Photos & Albums to add comments!

Comment by Rachel Monroe on January 9, 2014 at 12:57pm

Comment by Christine Wynne on August 17, 2012 at 7:09pm

Wow!!  I have literally1,000s of 1800s photos of family... many of them id'd, many others not. I just came into possession of them all in the last month and feel like I am drowning in delight and anticipation.  ARRRGGGHHH!!! I will have much to read on this wall.

Comment by Nancy House Barron on November 6, 2011 at 6:58pm
This photo is similar to one of my Uncle, who was born in 1917.
Comment by Pam Shakespeare on November 6, 2011 at 5:43am
Can any one help with the dating of this photo , australian ta thanks
Comment by Daniel J Pinna on March 12, 2011 at 9:26pm

Hi Lorine,


I love this group and your website! If I can help you at all with your campaign please let me know. Obviously, being the founder of I'm very partial to your movement!! :)


Comment by Katie Heitert Wilkinson on January 4, 2011 at 1:13pm

Would really appreciate if someone would take a peek at the picture I have posted in the Discussion Forum ... it has some odd characteristics least for someone not especially knowledgeable about photo dating.  Any comments would be helpful.


Comment by Sherri S on March 11, 2010 at 5:14pm
One thing I forgot to add was that a better view or description of the mans shirt collar can be helpful. The image you posted is washed out in that area; he almost looks like a pastor to me but I would think that is due to the scanning
and original. Perhaps you can inquire about that for clarification. Thnxs~Sherri
Comment by JB Peterson on March 11, 2010 at 4:36pm
Hi Sherri,

Thanks for your comments and questions. This is a digital copy received from a cousin. I have inquired regarding details of the original. If the picture if from the mid-19th century then both my 2ND and 3RD GGF were probably living in Wallace, IN.

Regards, JB
Comment by Sherri S on March 11, 2010 at 4:18pm
Hi JB,

Is this picture a scan of an original or a scan of a copy.One way to help identify the photos is by the size (if it appears untrimmed) and mounting (if Any) of the original. Are there any other characteristics to the photo that would help provide clues. What country did the subject reside in at this point of his life?

Comment by JB Peterson on March 11, 2010 at 3:54pm
Dear Laressa,

I am grateful for your comments. My 3GGF was born in 1776 in NC and died in 1854 in Wallace, IN. My 2GGF was born in 1808 in NC and died in 1887 in Polk, IA.

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