Absoltely! My Zimmerman's were from Wattenwil,Berne to Lancaster County PA. Very soon they changed to Carpenter. Connected families are Wenger,Graybill,Fierre,Line..too many to mention. I am desecended from 2 sons of Heinrich Zimmerman/Henry Carpenter and Salome Rufener. Both Emmauel and Gabriel Zimmerman/Carpenter are my ancestors.
Hi, Rick. In researching my African American TALIAFERROS I am, of course, learning about the TALIAFERROS that were their slave owners here in GA. I have traced that line of TALIAFERROS back to SC and the Edward Mobley family, and I'm stuck there. No one sees to have any info on Edward MOBLEY TALIAFERRO (born in GA) or his father Richard (Born in SC), or his mother Susan MOBLEY. Stephen GREEN DORSEY (slave owner) was born in GA. I believe that line has Maryland roots, but I haven't gotten that far back yet; I'm stuck on, and obsessed with the TALIAFERROS. I look forward to participating in this group. Regards, Sandra. P.S. Wow, you're researching a lot of surnames!!!! :)
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KREBS (Wattenwil),
JAUßI (Wattenwil),
WYß (Obermühlern-Zimmerwald),
GRÜNIG (Burgistein-Mühlethurnen),
STÜBER (Eriz-Schwarzenegg),
ROHRBACH (Rüeggisberg),
TRACHSEL (Wattenwil),
BIERI (Schangnau),
SIGENTHALER (Eriz-Schwarzenegg),
SPRIEG (Seftigen-Gurzelen),
SCHNEIDER (Uetendorf-Thierachern),
TEUß [DUSS] (Bendorf, Lorraine, France),
KÜENZI (Wattenwil),
BÄLER (Wattenwil),
WENGER (Wattenwil),
PORTNER (Wattenwil)
We have the following five surnames in common, all from Wattenwil, except the last from Burgistein.
Absoltely! My Zimmerman's were from Wattenwil,Berne to Lancaster County PA. Very soon they changed to Carpenter. Connected families are Wenger,Graybill,Fierre,Line..too many to mention. I am desecended from 2 sons of Heinrich Zimmerman/Henry Carpenter and Salome Rufener. Both Emmauel and Gabriel Zimmerman/Carpenter are my ancestors.