Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Greta Koehl
  • Female
  • Falls Church, VA
  • United States
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Greta Koehl's Friends

  • Laura Barnao
  • Terri Buster
  • Lisa J. Logsdon
  • Raymond R. Parker
  • Kathryn Ramsay
  • Virginia Lewis
  • Lori Shoemaker Hellmund
  • Cheri Hopkins
  • Janice Tracy
  • Apple
  • John Rampton
  • Judith Richards Shubert
  • Brian DeGraaf
  • Mary L. Beaulieu
  • Jean Duncan

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Brinlee, Moore, Lewis, Norman, Floyd, Koehl, Greenberg, D'Arco, Terrana, Matlock, Tarrant, Sisson, McKinney, Clark, Terzo, Lochner, Fichtelmann, Poole, Finley, Smith, Dyer, Neeley, Monk, Highsmith, Skiles, Moorman
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States - Texas, South Carolina, Alabama, Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, Georgia, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall (16 comments)

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At 7:32pm on September 5, 2010, Thomas Cleveland Moore said…
Hello my name is Thomas Moore. I am just beginning to search my family tree. I have found family coming from rutherford county n.c. and setteling in different parts of s.c.
My Grandfather was Grover Cleveland Moore and married Annie Laurel Bright. My Great grandparents were James (Jim) Moore and Polly ? Moore. They seem to be part of the misteries of "THE DARK CORNER" section of Upstate s.c.
Any help anyone could offer would be greatly appriciated. Thanks again Thomas Moore....
At 7:08pm on January 12, 2010, Kathryn Ramsay said…
Greta: Margaret Leake Brinlee and Robert Brown Sims were my great-great grandparents. My great-grandfather was Robert Brown Sims, Jr. His sister was Mary Ann Sims who married James Edward Sims, one of Hiram Brinlee Jr's sons. Interesting little family knot!
At 9:25pm on October 14, 2009, Rodney Williams said…
Greta, I noticed on the South Carolina group that you mentioned the MANNING surname in Greenville and Anderson Counties. If this is the same family that produced 6 governors, my grandmother worked and traveled with the family as a nanny for years. Even though she only passed away in 2004 and I was very close to her, her genealogy is still quite a mystery for me. I can't help but wonder if comparing notes with a relative of the family for whom she worked might yield more results. Hope to hear from you soon! Rodney Williams
At 8:29am on August 13, 2009, Sherry Hightower said…
At 8:17am on July 28, 2009, Sandy Strader said…
I'll go through my papers and see if I have any matching names. You never know what pops up.
At 8:12pm on July 26, 2009, Sandy Strader said…
They might be connected. I have family in Texas. I have the Highsmith family book and I am trying to update it with all of the new members. Our family came from KY to. The Lewis and Moore families are in IL and also came from Ky by way of NC I believe. I have to ck my papers.
At 1:21am on July 26, 2009, Brian DeGraaf said…
Hi, nice to meet you ! I recognized "your" photograph from all the genea-blogs that have Google Friend Connect. It must be your badge ;-) I thought I had to meet you. Kitty is looking good ! Do you have a blog yourself ?
At 5:59pm on July 13, 2009, Judith Richards Shubert said…
Hi Greta! So glad you found me. Looking forward to all we can learn here.
At 8:27pm on July 11, 2009, Cindy Curtin said…
Hey Greta - sorry it took so long to get back to you. The badge is on the main page - go all the way to the very bottom and there's a little link there.
At 10:18pm on July 10, 2009, Cheryl Palmer said…
Hi Greta! I resisted a day also and then joined. Haven't had as much time as I would have liked yet though to play much, have to learn to juggle everything! LOL Glad you are having fun and great to see you here too! :)


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