Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Joanne Schleier
  • Female
  • Kennesaw, GA
  • United States
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Joanne Schleier's Friends

  • Will Colbert
  • kawanafaye johnson
  • Jennifer Lynne Niedermier
  • Allen McClain
  • Betty Christy
  • Declan Chalmers
  • Elyse Doerflinger
  • Lynn Palermo
  • Caren
  • Margaretann
  • Melody Ann
  • Geoff Rasmussen
  • Donna Methot
  • DearMYRTLE


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Joanne Schleier updated their profile
Oct 13, 2022

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Banks, Baskin, Beard, Beylouny, Boddie, Brown(e), Butler, Chambers, Copeland, Dallal, Edmondson, Ford, Humphrey, Kulis, Leirana, Lewis, McCarthy, McVicker, Overton, Palazo, Pettus, Rambeau, Rodriguez, Royal, Ruffin, Schleier, Waters, Zambito...
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Tennessee; Louisiana; Tampa, Florida; Texas, Henry Co., Georgia; Brooklyn, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Dusseldorf, Germany; Lithuania; Damascus & Aleppo, Syria; Tenerife Islands, Spain; Italy, Virginia.
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
I don't know it all and would not consider myself an expert.

I've started a new blog

I have decided to bite the bullet and publish a blog just about my personal family research developments and findings for the purpose of sharing with other people seeking the same lines. It occurred to me whilst trying to balance keeping different people informed who were in different stages of communication with me over the same surname. Sounds complicated right? It was a bit tedious. I am hoping that with this blog, I can refer people to one site and they can check all the posts they are interested in.

Find it at:

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 9:13am on October 8, 2009, Richie C. said…
I checked the Lithuanian internet phone directory...there are Kuliš, Kulišauskas, and Kuliševičius. The interesting thing is that there is a married woman and a single woman, both living in Kupiškis. If I were you, I'd write them each a letter!
At 7:11pm on October 7, 2009, Richie C. said…
Ritine is very near the Latvian border. Map:

Kupiskis is in the Panevezys region
At 5:46pm on October 7, 2009, Richie C. said…
Oops....figured it out, Kupiszki would probably be Kupiškis
At 5:28pm on October 7, 2009, Richie C. said…
Hi Joanne, do you know where those villages were? I didn't find Kapiškiai (Kapishki), but I did find Kapiniškiai....and Ritinė
At 2:17pm on October 7, 2009, Richie C. said…
Hi Joanne,
I created a group on this site for Lithuanian Genealogy:

Hope you'll join and participate.
At 10:31am on July 27, 2009, Declan Chalmers said…
Hi Joanne, has you new set up worked out ok? I see you have Pinnacle I have ulead Video 11 that I used from editing all my dv videos. It is good but find it very tedious and time consuming. Have you used the new HD cameras yet.I believe they use too much space on computer. William baskin left Ireland 1731 thats way back and from Donegal a beautiful wild mountain county. Do you want help in tracing him? what a stupid question! I cant quarantee anthing but will have a look. What do you know about him Catholic /Protestant. where did he land in USA? sibling names any stayed in Donegal? let me know Declan
At 6:48pm on July 26, 2009, Declan Chalmers said…
I meant to ask you Joanne what is the new computer and software and hope it streamlines all your work for you. Declan
At 6:29pm on July 26, 2009, Declan Chalmers said…
Thank you Joanne for adding me as your friend and I likewise invite you Joanne to be my friend.Yes when I started out I had many brick wall.My poor head is bereft of all it had from battering it against those walls as you can see from my Portrait ha ha. Jokes aside what you are doing is great and I hope many on GW will watch your various episodes as they will learn much.
At 12:19pm on July 24, 2009, Declan Chalmers said…
Have seen your two episodes re genealogy Joanne and as a genealogist of many years I really think this is really great idea. Wish I had somet6hing like this when I started. Well done


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