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Max Bancroft
  • Male
  • Narellan Vale
  • Australia
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Max Bancroft's Friends

  • Robert Newman
  • B Asif
  • Deborah Ann (Dorscher) Anderson
  • Heather Valdez Chambers
  • Geniaus
  • Barbara Bradley Petura

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Abel, Alan, Allan, Anderson, Affleck, Afflick,Atkins, Atkinson, Bancroft, Barden, Barker, Barnes, Barnier, Bates, Beashel, Berntsson, Blackman, Bootle, Bowning, Bradley, Bree, Bridge, Bridges, Brown, Browning, Burgett, Butcher, Carlin, Carr, Carwadine, Casey, Chantler, Clarke, Cleary, Coleman, Conlon, Cook, Connor, Coulter, Crabb, Cummings, Cupit, Curtain, Davoren, Dawson, De Barnier, Denning, Dent, De Sylva, Dobbin, Dowell, Dunn, Dunnett, Eather, EmbryEzzy, Ezzey,Forrest, Flack, Flynn, Franks, Frazier, Gee, Goodland, Gorman, Gough, Graham, Grimley, Hall,Healy Hill, Hollibone, Havenden, Horsley, Hoskisson, Hovenden, Howie, Hudson, Hurst, Grange, Grimley, Flack, Frost, Jackson, Jones, Johnson, Kelly, Kentwell, Lamb,Lawrence, Le Pla, Lepla, Leplaw, Lewen, Little, Low, Lunney, MacIntyre, Mackensie, MacMahon, Marsh, Martin, Monaghan, Murphy, Newman, Nuttall, Parker, Parsons, Pearce, Pickett, Pigg, Pla, Prendagast, Puddy, Reid, Reily, Robley, Ross, Russell, Ryan, Schramm, Schuman, Scott, Searle, Sharp, Sherwin, Smith, Stiff, Sweatman, Sweet, Tailsford, Taylor, Thaler, Tharrat, Tiernan, Upton, Wallace, Wallbank, Walsh, Warnford, Welsh,Whiting, Wicks, Williams,Wise, Wilson, Wolter, Woods, Wrightson, Young.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Australia, UK, Jamacia
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
I have been a financial member of since December 2006 and have made good progress back into the 1600s

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 7:04pm on March 9, 2010, Sandra Wilson said…
Hi Max, I'm researching my Dad's family (Wilson), John Wilson Born 1831, I'm not sure it he was born in Ireland or Scotland. He married Mary Wallace Aug 10 (I'm not sure the year). John and Mary had 5 Children (Mary, Margaret, James, John and Allan (GGGrandfather).
At 5:13pm on August 31, 2009, Max Bancroft said…
Hi Nancy, many thanks for that advice.
At 4:50pm on July 27, 2009, Leif R Unosson said…
I think it will be very hard to find him with out more information but I will keep his name in mind.
At 2:20am on July 27, 2009, Leif R Unosson said…
Hi Max.
Do you know where in Sweden Ollie came from?
Have you heard or seen any other spelling or pronouncing of his name Ollie, Olle, Olof, Olov?
At 7:53am on July 23, 2009, Deborah Ann (Dorscher) Anderson said…
Alot of my relatives also lived in Arizona, because of retirement. Arizona is known for that.
At 6:47am on July 23, 2009, Deborah Ann (Dorscher) Anderson said…
I live in Taylor, Arizona. Right now wet and muggy!
At 12:34am on July 22, 2009, Geniaus said…
Please join 90 other Australians at The Australian Genealogists group on Genealogy Wise.


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