Genealogy Wise

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All Blog Posts (3,108)

Is stealing my genealogy illegal?

An anonymous comment to my post on who owns genealogy said, "Its true that names and dates aren't "ownable", but if someone writes up their family history in a narrative format, it is copyrighted, and any reproduction without permission is illegal." Fortunately, we do not yet have copyright police in the United States. In fact, there is no agency at all, in the entire government, that enforces copyright claims. The comment shows a very common misconception, blurring the distinction between… Continue

Added by James Tanner on August 28, 2009 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

I'm Jealous

My cousin Amy - she's a first/once removed - told me (1) that she and her mother are attending a genealogical session tomorrow entitled House History 101 and that (2) as soon as her dad retires, he's going to enroll in a genealogy course at the closest community college. Though I'm delighted for her, I'm wickedly jealous. No one in my immediate family has gotten the bug.

Added by Katie Heitert Wilkinson on August 28, 2009 at 5:10pm — 1 Comment

PROBATE GENEALOGIST: You do it for passion why not do it for profit

I have the ability of attending the FGS Conference in Little Rock next week with Probate Genealogist Cathy Decourcy.

It will be a great opportunity to meet other genealogists from around the country and internationally. I created this neat video for the conference. I hope you like it. click on blog

Added by John A. Hoda on August 28, 2009 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Genealogy finds from my aunts

If you follow my twitter, you already know that my aunt and I have traded genealogy notes. I showed her how to use Legacy and gave her a file to start out with, and also lent her my Aceves-Echeverria binder to make copies of my documents. In turn, she and my other aunt (who is visiting from Mexico) lent me their stuff. I think that I got the better deal!… Continue

Added by Patricia Aceves Wyble on August 28, 2009 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

Evidence of Salt Lake Valley New FamilySearch

During the past few months I have been focusing on the announcements of New FamilySearch introductions throughout Utah and Idaho. Those of us in Arizona have been waiting for the Wasatch Front Temple Districts to have the program introduced. Well, it now seems that they already have limited access to the program. I have started seeing Ordinance Cards printed from New FamilySearch with addresses in the Salt Lake Valley. Apparently, enough of the consultants and their friends have access to the… Continue

Added by James Tanner on August 27, 2009 at 11:17pm — No Comments

pike, perkins, page kentucky

Grandmother Mary Alice Pike from Campbellsville area. Seeking to connect to family members. Granddaughter, Sara

Added by Sara Kelly on August 27, 2009 at 9:57pm — No Comments

The Christiana Resistance Precursor to the Civil War - Christiana Pennsylvania

The Christiana Resistance thought of in some corners as a precursor to the Civil War. It is one of the many events in American History that is not widely known.

"A major episode in African-American history, along with John Brown’s raid, was the Fugitive Slave Rebellion in Christiana. This event was a harbinger of the Civil War. Frederick Douglas referred to the Christiana Riot as “… the battle for liberty.”

On September 11, 1851, Slave owner Edward Gorsuch, his son… Continue

Added by Anita Wills on August 27, 2009 at 1:51pm — No Comments

"Remembering...Life Story Triggers and Memory Essays," a new book by Hella Buchheim

"Remembering...Life Story Triggers and Memory Essays," a new book by Hella Buchheim, can help anyone starting a life memoir or life story. Originally designed as a monthly newsletter to stimulate thoughts and writing opportunities, the essays have now been compiled into a book. Each story and list of triggers helps elicit memories of events not thought of in years. The book is a perfect way for baby boomers… Continue

Added by Stefani Twyford on August 26, 2009 at 5:12pm — No Comments


The first time I began to consider truly the weighty significance of the notion of ancestry and the personal history of all who've come before us occurred when I analyzed the William Cullen Bryant poem "Thanatopsis" to prepare to teach it. Now not a day goes by that I don't wonder when I walk the streets of Austin whose feet trod exactly the same path centuries ago. I love Bryant's image of all of those who have lived forming a hand-in-hand chain than transcends time and place. When I leave… Continue

Added by Katie Heitert Wilkinson on August 26, 2009 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Showing some Wednesday Love

Added by cyndi on August 26, 2009 at 12:22pm — No Comments

We Won!!

Legacy Multimedia won ISES Crystal Icon Award for Best Videography at Sunday night's award ceremony in Houston, Texas.

Two years in a row for that honor!

Added by Stefani Twyford on August 26, 2009 at 9:14am — No Comments


Go to to see photographs and stories of the Hollingsworth, Robbins, Gray, Littlejohn, and more surname stories from our families' histories.

Added by Linda Sue Hollingsworth Robbins on August 26, 2009 at 9:02am — No Comments

Projects and Information Around the World from FamilySearch

FamilySearch, formerly The Genealogical Society of Utah, is "is dedicated to promoting the preservation of genealogical information throughout the world. To quote the FamilySearch Website:

Added by James Tanner on August 26, 2009 at 8:56am — No Comments

Family Tree Maker 2010

I received my Family Tree Maker 2010 in the mail today! Anxious to install it and check it out. Has anyone explored it's new features?

Added by Deanna Ramsey on August 25, 2009 at 8:57pm — 5 Comments

Robson Cruse

I have just discovered this site. I spent a lot of time years ago researching my family history. I am in pocession of personal affects of Robson arriving to me thru the generations. I have his bible, the buttons off his navel uniform as well a dagger...

Added by Mark William Allison on August 25, 2009 at 4:42pm — 2 Comments

I Believe in Miracles

Will wonders never cease? Today I stepped officially into the 21st century social / technological world. I joined Facebook. That I do so had been recommended by Sarah - a GenWise member. But it was an unexpected phone call from a 70+ year-old cousin who is a great grandfather that pushed me over the edge. "Why aren't you on Facebook," he asked at some point in our conversation. I could put up no convincing reason - so I joined. Will I become socially powerful? Will I attract a multitude of… Continue

Added by Katie Heitert Wilkinson on August 25, 2009 at 4:03pm — No Comments


Welcome Pauline hope you find this group interesting and informative.

Added by Mary Preston on August 25, 2009 at 3:17pm — No Comments

Happy 4th Blogiversary to our Legacy News blog

I still love birthdays. When I was little my mom hung streamers, balloons, and a big Happy Birthday sign on the wall. Today, my wife continues the tradition, minus the streamers and balloons. I still get the big sign. And I still look forward to it. Maybe I'm just trying to hold on to my youth. (I did find my first grey hair this year though....)

Today marks the birthday/anniversary of a different kind. It's now been four years since our first Legacy News blog article was… Continue

Added by Geoff Rasmussen on August 25, 2009 at 11:31am — No Comments

She stole my genealogy!

In rummaging through an online family tree service, George was surprised and angered to find his whole genealogy file posted by someone he didn't even know. He immediately sent several E-mails accusing the person of stealing his genealogy. Why did George believe that he owned the family tree information?

Added by James Tanner on August 25, 2009 at 9:15am — No Comments

Write Your Autobiography, Please

Aug 20th, 2009 by Charles Rice Bourland, Jr.

I have often said it borders on a criminal act to fail to write your autobiography. An exaggeration perhaps, but as you research your ancestors how many times have you wished your father? your grandfather? your great grandmother had written theirs? Why extend this family failure?

Here are some reasons to write such a document.

• Simply because you wish to write;

• Your children probably know little of your first,… Continue

Added by Charles Rice Bourland, Jr on August 25, 2009 at 4:00am — 8 Comments

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