Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I have had some wonderful experiences lately visiting the blogs of several serious researchers, and have been finding out some wonderful pieces of information about them, thier perspective on history and am getting a chance to see some unique aspects of history through the eyes of the blogger. Now I maintain several websites, but have become more and more fascinated by the creativity of bloggers and look every day to see the latest genealogical gems that they are sharing.

I still have my favorite websites that I frequent, but I know that I am finding that genealogical blogs are taking me to new places and providing new project ideas for me as well.

What is your preference---website or blog?

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I've maintained a web presence for my Washington-Wilkes ancestry in some form or other since 1997.

While I've enjoyed every incarnation of the websites, I must admit the fluidity of blogs are hard to beat!

The ability to publish real-time content with the immediate capability of generating open dialogue is challenging for a static website to achieve.

What's happening now is that people like myself are using the BEST capabilities of both to create "hybrid" Web Blogs - combining real-time content with static (and/or database driven) data.

Ultimately ANY web presence is a benefit for genealogists, but my communication choice is a blog 100%.

I'm just now getting into blogging, Luckie and A. Spence were my inspirations. So far I'm enjoying it.
Websites can be (very) static.

Blogs are very dynamic, easy to setup and maintain.
Blogs allow for spontaneous communications via the comments section.
Most bloggers tend to their sites daily (or at least several times a week).

I vote Blog!
Here are some very interesting blogs that I have found:

Find Your Folks:
Family Griot:
Reclaiming Kin:
Too Long Forgotten:
George Geder's Blog:

Just a few that I have come to enjoy in recent weeks.




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