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Columbia County, Georgia didn't exist until 1790, when it was created from Richmond County
Keg Creek flows eastward to join the Savannah River just south of the Little River.
Keg Creek was located in the northern part of Columbia County. It was dammed and is today called
Clarks Hill Lake or Dam Stephanie
Columbia Co Ga-borders- SC-Edgefield Co., (Next to that McCormick Co SC) and Aiken Co.
In Ga. it borders Lincoln,McDuffie and Richmond Co Ga-with today's boundries.
1790-Wilkes Co Ga
Page 31--KELLY, JESSE to John and Jesse Roberts, sons of Thos. Roberts, a black cow, no
consideration named. Feb. 8, 1790. Arthur Long, Wm. Kelly, test.

1790-Columbia Co. John Roberts granted 300 acres-see below.
1790-1803 Bonds-Inventory- No Roberts seen
Columbia Co Deed Book A- pages 1 and 2 are missing from microfilm...
1792-Jan. 11th r/Jan. 10th 1795. Pages 339-341 Wilkes Co Ga
JOHN ROBERTS of Wilkes County to JOSEPH HUTCHENSON for 100 pounds sterling, 300 acres on
Little River, Griffin's corner, granted to said Roberts by Gov. Talfair, June 14, 1790.John Roberts Wit.
Robert Walton, Willilam Dowsing, Robert Atkinson

Columbia Co Deed Book B-
no Roberts
Columbia Co Deed Book C-
no Roberts
Page 160 Recorded 17 Feb Power of Atty. dated___ from John Knott of Granville Co NC
to WM. Willingham of Richmond Co Ga to recover lands in Richmond Co. Signed John
Knott- Wit. Caleb Brasfield, James Knott, David Knott, Judah Brasfield X, Willis Roberts,
Greene Co Ga. Personally appeared before me Caleb Brasfield & Judah Boliver, who formerly
was Brasfield and made oath that they saw John Knott sign the above dated 27 Dec 1794.
1797-Dec. 17th, r/Mar. 30th 1798. LEWIS WATSON and Celia, his wife, to JOHN ROBERTS, for $600 a
200-acres tract, formerly granted to JESSE HUNTER, Sept. 1785 bounded northeast to WELDON,
southwest by PILE. Northwest by Little River. Southeast by vacant lands.
(See 1790 1792)
1801-23 Dec . Shadrach Roberts swears to administer estate of Joseph Cartledge, and to make a true
and perfect inventory.
1801-23 Dec . Shadrach Roberts appointed to administer estate of Joseph Cartledge, and John
Willingham, John Roberts and Isaac Willingham appointed to make the inventory. (Recorded in
Columbia Co. Letters of Administration 1799-1813.)
Ga. Gen. Mag. #94 p 259 Century of Columbia Co. Ga. Also owned land Richmond Co Ga.
Wills 1790-1890 Ga Pioneers
1802-Mar 26-p 236 -Columbia Co Ga
Deed of Bargain (Mortgate) John Roberts to James & Thomas Gardner, bound for sum of
$417.40,($414.46 in Ga Pioneers) secures above debt with a 200 acre tract of land. Sold Roberts
by Lewis Watson.Signed Mar 25
GEORGIA PIONEERS Gen Mag Aug 1976 XIII No 3 page 120
1804-Oct 15-Shadrack died-Columbia Co Ga
1804-Shadrack Roberts' Last Will & Testament in a book by Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas,
"Some Georgia County Records, V. 4", printed in 1991. Will of Shadrack Roberts (signed 8 Mar
1804, proved 15 Oct 1804; extract published by Georgia Pioneers in Columbia County, Georgia,
Wills). 15 Oct., 1804: 1804, 15 Oct.:
I, Shadrack Roberts, being low in body but sound mind, I give unto my beloved wife Delley Roberts,
one third of the estate of Joseph Cartledge. To my beloved dtr. Pations Roberts, I give one bed &
furniture and one pot. To my dtr. Nancey Worthey, I give one bed & furniture and one pot. To my son
David Roberts, one horse colt, also to my sons Joseph & Absolam one horse each the value of
David's. Also my son John Roberts and the son or daughter my wife is now pregnant with, each to
have an equal share, to be paid by the other sons & daughters. To my dtr., Fanny Roberts, one bed
& furniture an equal part of my estate when she comes of age. To my dtr., Genny Roberts, one bed &
furniture, an equal part of the estate when she comes of age. I appoint Isaac Willingham & Benj.
Williams my executors. Wit: Minor Mead, John Willingham. Sgn. Shadrack Roberts.
p. 30-31 Will proved on oath of Minor Mead & John Willingham in open court this 23 Feb. 1805.
Sgn. A. Crawford, Clk…This 23 Feb 1805 came Isaac Willingham and Benj. Williams and being
sworn as executors of the late Shadrack Roberts will. To make a true and perfect inventory of the
goods & chattels and exibit the same in the Clerk Office in three months.
Signed, John Foster, Esq. This 23 Feb. 1805, Recd. 8 March 1805
Source: (Columbia Co., GA, Wills Book. H or 4?,1803-1821, p. 29, 30, 31).
1805 Tax List for Columbia Co., GA
Captain N. Meriweather’s District
First Name,Last Name; Slaves; Acres;Quality; Adjoining Landowners; James
Watercourses; County; Stock in Trade;Dollars. Cents
Roberts 4 0 illegible illegible
William ? Roberts Poll.31 1/4
George Roberts 7 550 3 Wm. Jones & Others Keg Creek Columbia illegible illegible
[William (Jones ?)3 Roberts & Eubanks Keg Creek Columbia 12 91 1/2
(William (Jones ?) 360 2 & 3 ? Scott & Roberts Keg Creek Columbia illegible illegible
Capt. William Ogle's Dist. (No. 5)
First Name Last Name Slaves Acres Quality Adjoining Watercourses County Stock Dollars
Cents Riding Chair Notes
Nathaniel Hicks 4 240 3 Dorsey & Roberts Kioka Col Illeg
One of the families living in the Keg Creek watershed: Shadrick Roberts
1805; On an Jury, there is a 'Chad' Roberts, this juror is most likely him.
1805 Tax Digest, Columbia Co., GA
James Roberts 4 0
William ? Roberts Poll
Thomas Edmondson's Dist.#11 Columbia Co Ga
Joseph Tankersley 545 Roberts & Luke Keg
Richard Roberts 7, 150, 3 Tankersly & others, Keg, Col. $
Walker Harndon 0, 100, 1, Tanklersly & Roberts Keg, Col. $0.43 1/2
1805-Land Lottery- Ga
John Roberts #177 BB Columbia
Richard Roberts #181 B Columbia
James Jr #186 B Columbia
Harwood Roberts #195 B B Columbia
Harwood #333 BB Greene (Does this mean there were two Harwood's??)
Shadrack Roberts #212 BB Columbia
Jesse Roberts #217 BB blank Columbia
Richard Roberts #224 BB Columbia
George Roberts #226 B Columbia
William Roberts #337 B Columbia
John Roberts Jr B P #338 Columbia
Daniel #378 BB Greene
Joseph Sr #379 Greene
Josiah Roberts #380 BB Greene
Richard Roberts #422 B Greene
James #891 Little River BB Columbia

By the rules of the lottery, 2 draws implies that the man is married and 1 draw implies that the man is
not married. Drawing in the lottery implies that the man was age 21 or older by March 1804. A "P"
implies that land was drawn, a Prize was won, "B" implies that a blank was drawn. The column
headings are: Name, #assigned to that name, whether a Blank was drawn or whether a Prize was
drawn, county in which drawer lived. From known information of several drawers, close numbers
assigned to men of the same family name and county probably indicates a close relationship
between those men

1805-Feb. 9-Jesse Roberts married Mary Fitzgerald-Columbia Co Ga
1805-Joseph Roberts Last Will and Testament - Columbia Co Ga
Resource: Georgia Wills: 1733-1860, Joseph (1805) Columbia Will, Page 33.
Dated January 1, 1805, pvd 6/1/1805
Also printed in "The Georgians", Genealogies of Pioneer Settlers, Abstracts of 283 Genealogies by
Jeannette Holland Austin, Page 307.
1806 Tax List Columbia Co Ga
Capt. John G. Willingham Dist. No 11,
Joseph Tankersly 16 546 Neighbors Roberts & Caldbreath Keg Creek
Richard Roberts 2 156 Tankersly & Sloan Keg
Walker Herndon 100 Neighbors Roberts & Ransey Keg Creek
Thomas Martin 2 100 Neighbors Marshall & Roberts Keg Creek
1807- Faithy Roberts of 3rd District,Columbia County, Georgia drew 224 acres lot #11, Wilkes Co. Ga.
in the 1807 Georgia Land Lottery. (Said to be widow of Joseph who died 1805 Columbia of
Granville Co NC)
1807-Oct 5-Mary Rebecca Roberts married John Eubank Columbia Co Ga
He died and she married childless-Everard Dowsing 22 Dec 1811 Columbia Co Ga
Everard's father wrote of the marriage "Our son Everard was married on 22 Dec 1811 to
Mrs. Susan Eubanks, a childless widow a few months his senior, who had a handsome
property in land and slaves."
1807-Nov 16-Book O p. 354 Columbia Co Ga
Elijah Willingham to Thomas Jones 16 Nov 1807 100 acres on both sides of Sullivans Creek
Bounded N. by William Lawrence, W. by William Farmer, S by John Roberts, E by Mark Sullivan Wit.
John Roberts Jesse Roberts Elijah Willingham (Legal Seal)
Jesse Roberts swore 10 Jan 1810 that he and John Roberts witnessed sale. Basil Neal, JP
1808-Feb. 1-Deed Book O-page 428-Columbia Co Ga
Joseph Hutchinson and wife to Jesse Roberts
Book P pg. 203 Mortgate for same in favor of Joseph Hutchinson for $600.00 for 130 acres on
Sullivan's Creek. Mortgate witnessed by John Roberts and Absolom Fannan J.P.
1808-May 12 - Nov 7 Columbia Co Will Book (1803-1821)
John Eubank-Will wife Rebecca son Wm. Ex. wife, brother, Richard Eubank, William Jones.
Wits: Jesse Roberts, Major Eubanks, John Germany Jr.
1809-Jul. 27-Jesse Roberts witnessed will of Nicholas Meriwether published wills pg 70
Other witnesses Archer Avery, William Meriwether and Germany.
1810-May-Columbia Co records-Jesse Roberts as guardian of minor children of Samuel
Pane Jr. Mary,- Nancy, William, George & Sarah
1811-Mar 12. John Roberts acknoledges receive $15 from John Griffin for 20 acres of land
adj. Whitton's place.
1812- Georgia Journal, Jul 22, 1812 p 4
Columbia County, Sixth Collectin District, Second Division
Noel Roberts .... 19 tax

1812-Sep. 15-Military Officers- Ga Archives- Columbia Co Ga Militia
Jesse Roberts Cornet, Vol . Tr. L. Dr., 3rd Sq. , 2nd Cor. Regt.
(Capt. James G Hutchinson-29th Battalion, Ga Militia
Wm C Avery, Augustus Clay, James Ramsey, Th. Cartledge, Wm Hutchinson, Irby Roberts, James
Coleman, Th. J. Lanton, WM. B. Hawes, Sherman Parks, Jesse Roberts) The Armchair Researcher
pg 144 Joel Dixon Wells- no yr given-search-
1812-Sep. 5 (or 15) -Jesse Roberts Cornet Vol tr L J 3rd Squad, 2 Cor Reg (Columbia Co.) Co M
1815-Jan. 30 #95 Feb. 6 1816
Partition Commission. Wm. Underwood, Harwood Roberts, others for writ of partition by Eleanor
David widow of Blanford. Arthur Foster in right of Polly, Thomas Howard in right of Henrietta, Nancy
& Verlinda Davis represente3d by guardian Eleanor relick wishes to divide in equal shares, also a
writ of dowenger to widow.
1816-Apr. 13-Deed Book R pg. 157 Columbia Co.
John Cartledge to Jesse Roberts of Columbia for 16 acres on Sullivan's Creek.
Second deed is dated Aug. 17- from William B. Willingham to Jesse Roberts.-
Previous page-Book R pg 156-Mark & Obediah Sullivan to Jesse Roberts of Columbia
for land on Sullivan?s Creek, Dated Jan. 4, 1817. (All 3 lodged for clerk recording at same time)
(John's widow later married SHERWOOD ROBERTS as his #2-had 2 more children)
1816-Jun 6-Apprenticement-Sarah Roberts mother and guardian of infant Thomas 2 years 3 mo.
to learn art of practical farming under care of John Milton. He shall conduct himself in orderly
fashion, not frequent taverns or gaming houses, not to play at unlawful games and obey commands
of his master.
1817-Oct 29-List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Columbia Court House 1st Oct.
Mrs. Nancy Willingham
Mar 14 1818
Jesse Roberts of district #4 tolls before me,one Red Heifer, between 4 and 5 years old, smooth crop
in the right ear, and under slope in the left, valued at 9 dollars by Zenos Parker and George Roberts,
this 21 Feb 1818 Mar 14 George Willingham JP
1820-One Jesse married Mary Irby 3-6-1820-Greene Co Ga-GA Pioneers Aug 1964
1820-3 Aug. Edmond Roberts signed with Dread & Susannah Pace for John Bealle . (Original
Columbia Co Records Mar 2007)
1820- Census, Columbia Co, Ga.
Josiah 027
David, Jeremiah, Jesse, John 028
George 029 George 029
Zachariah Robert 039
Willis 044
Capt Willingham's Dist, image 1 line 7
[ in same district with Jeremiah, David A[?], and John. Harwood, Willis, George, and George are also
in Columbia. Harwood does not show in Census Record)
------ Jesse Roberts
male 26 under 45
female 26 under 45
male 10 under 16 (Wiley)
male 10 under 16 (Irby)
male under 10 ???
male under 10 ???
male under 10 Augustus (Or George and Augustus & Iggy go above)
female under 10 Mildred
female under 10 Matilda
7 children under 16
1820-Jun 12- Recorded 1824-Columbia
Arbitration to establish line between property of Harwood Roberts & Dreadzil Pace and to divide
2 tracts whereon they now live after viewing, do run a line. Each shall peacefully take off crops
now growing and have privilige of removing all rains, fence post.
1820-Nov. 22-Columbia Co. Court records page 104
1820 Heads of families, Columbia Co., GA
Capt. William Payne's District Nr. 3

Capt. Thomas Willingham's District Nr. 4
Roberts, Jeremiah
Roberts, John
Roberts, Daniel P.
Roberts, John
Capt. Thomas Willingham's District Nr. 4
Roberts, George
Roberts, George
Capt. Benjamin Watson's District Nr. 9
Roberts, Zachariah
Captain James Wright's District Nr. 12
Roberts, Willis
Captain R. Bourroughs District Nr. 1 (continued)
Roberts, Harwood
Columbia Co., GA
John ?Pearth, Wm.McGar & Jno. Roberts, Larmon Lamar & W___Wilkins, 18 Oct 1821
22 Nov 1820 Heirs’ sale-Elijah, Thomas, as self and agent for Jesse Roberts, Elizabeth, George, for self and as agent for Beverly, John, Nancy, Reuben, Isaac as self and agent for Caleb , Edward Gaither, Willingham sell to William Willingham, 180 a on Keg Creek for $550.
1821-1830-Augusta Chronicles Vol IV
Jesse Roberts other 5-22-1824 003-04-Cr
7-10-1824 003-04 Cr
5-4-1825 003-04-Cr
Sh F 12-31-1825 003 03 Cr
1821-1839-Will Book W-Will of John Roberts Red 19 Nov 1821 (Columbia Co Court House Mar 07)
Older children #1
Sally Atkinson
Polly Parish
Ailsey Roberts
wife Judah
Younger Children
Held together until younger children come of age. Thomas Willingham & Josiah Roberts signed
and Ed, Robert, Lucrecy & Wm. Davis
Heirs sale signed by Elijah Willingham, Thomas Willingham, Thomas as agent for Jesse Roberts,
Elizabeth Willingham, George Willingham selling to William Willingham 180 acres on Keg Creek for
1823-Nov. 1 - 1824-1833-Columbia Co Estate Records- pg 85
Jesse Roberts Guardian of Polly, Sarah, Eliza Ross
minors of Edward Ross dec'd.
Nov. 1 1824 Pd. Thomas E. Burnside fee $25.00
Tax Paid .85
Sep. 7 1825 Paid S. Crawford for Letters of Guardship 1. 8%
Tax Paid . 76 3/4
Aug 12 1826 To 2 pair of shoes purchased of Polly & Eliz. al 3.25
Sep 13 1826 Paid F. Walker on per acct. $15.00
Dec. 23 1826 Paid Polly Clay 4.00
Paid Doctor Collins $ 3.50
( $54.25 )
Contra Cd ?
By cash for the hire of negro for the years 1825-1826 80.00
Due 25.75
Signed 9th day of Jan. 1827 G. Jones. Clk. Jesse Roberts
(1824-Alachua County Fl. was created from Duval & St John-Gainesville County Seat)
(It is just north of Marion-which was created in 1844 from Alachua,Hillsborough,Mosquito)
1823-Jun 26-Division Wm., Th, Peter Crawford, Edmond Roberts divide a piece of land...between
John & Charles Bealle. (No amt. Given)
1825-Columbia Co. tax List. Capt. Cuthbreath’s Dist.
John Roberts Capt. John Cole’s Dist. Jesse Roberts 230 acres adjoining Cartlidge
and Roberts on Sullivan Creek, next to George Roberts with 185 acres adjoining
Wright and Roberts on Sullivan Creek.
1825-Dec. 25 son Wiley Asberry married Columbia co Ga.
1827 GEORGIA LAND LOTTERY, Columbia County
2 2 151 Roberts, C. L. C. orps - Columbia County, Clarks
35th Day's Drawing - April 16 1 28 387
Roberts, John - Columbia County, Stallings
46th Day's Drawings - April 28
3 1 68 Roberts, John - Columbia County, Culbreaths
48th Day's Drawings - May 1
5 14 62 Roberts, John - Columbia County, Adams
60th Day's Drawings - May 15
1 12 26 Roberts, John - Columbia County, Adams
5 3 61 Roberts, Thomas orphan - Columbia County, Clarks
Conclusion of the 67th day's (May 23) drawing, with the whole of the prizes drawn on the 68th
and 69th days. May 24th a
1 3 157 Roberts, Yerby - Columbia County, Coles
1827-Apr 10-Columbia Co Ga
Mortgage Henry Dozier and Thomas Wheeler guardian of Constancia Louisa Catherine Roberts
mortgage negro Jim for $255.
1827-May 24-Columbia
Mortgage Edward Crawford to Peter Crawford to securt $1000 note motgages 1/2 tract land Ochee
Creek Contains 1,280 acres whereone Robert Crawford lived in his lifetime, and where Elizabeth his
widow now lives also 1/2 of 250 acres by said Robert 1st Dist. Early Co.
1830-Roberts John 335 Columbia Co Ga
Josiah 338
Wesley 340
Jesse 341
John 354
361 Willingham
363 Who?

1830- Ga Census Columbia Co Ga Index pge 241,
. Same district as George [40 under 50], also in Columbia are Sherwood, John, Simeon]
Jesse Roberts male 40 under 50 (NO wife)
female 20 under 30 Mildred
female 15 under 20 Matilda
male 10 under 15 (Wiley was living alone) (Was Irby?) Either Irby or Augustus
male 10 under 15 Augustus
male 5 under 10 Ignatius Few (or George Born 1820) (Or John born 1822
male under 5
male under 5
(To the 7 children in 1820 add at least 3)
1832-Aug 2--May 21 1833-Jesse bought from Henry W Lowe 2nd Dist. Meriwether CO Ga
202 1/2 acres LL 120-137 WD B 440 H 405
1833-Oct. 24 Irby married Mary Fuller Columbia Co Ga
(in 1834-Alachua-there was a petition to Pres. Ancrew Jackson-about protecting live oak trees
1835-Jul. 15- Mildred married Abraham Rittenhouse Morris
1838-Feb 5 Columbia Co Ga
Sherwood occupied house property of James Kilpatrick was Wm. G Bonner 3 other master
carpenters claimed encumbrance.
1840-Columbia Co Ga
James Robert 314 11th Dist
Isaac 291 2nd Dist. (And one in Greene, Carr, Murr, Lump)

Josiah Roberts 292 3rd Dist.
Larkin 311 9th Dist Zachariah 309 9th Dist.
Sherwood 317 17th Dist.
Willis 313 10th Dist.
1840 Meriwether Co. Ga. Census 099 Pg. 98 Image 7
Jesse Roberts-1 60/70
Males 2 15/20 1 20/30
females 1 15/20
Ms Gerry Hill-Albany Ga

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I am researching slaves of Lock Weems of Columbus Georgia. Lock died in 1853.



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