Genealogy Wise

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Iowa Genealogy

Iowa has a rockin' state census. The 1925 census is a dream for genealogists, with questions on parents, religion, education, marriage, for every member of the household. Let's see how we can help work through though tough Iowa research problems.

Members: 220
Latest Activity: Feb 23, 2022

Discussion Forum

Jefferson & Van Buren Counties: Jones, Hoskins, Smith, Ream

Started by Gina Poremba Peterson. Last reply by Gina Poremba Peterson Sep 4, 2010. 12 Replies

Benton County / Tama County

Started by Lynnette McMahon Aug 9, 2010. 0 Replies


Started by john armstrong Aug 9, 2010. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Deborah I. Welte Gosa on July 9, 2009 at 2:29pm
I have a question...would naturalization records be in the Washington County courthouse for Kalona, Iowa?
Comment by Theresa Liewer on July 9, 2009 at 2:22pm
This is where access to Ancestry comes in handy. They didn't digitize the film of the 1905 cards, I assume because the quality of the filming was so poor. But they did scan and index what I call a master list for lack of any better name. It lists everyone in a location in card number order and they seem to be in family groupings as the census taker prepared the cards. So that would indentify all the children in a family. You can then look at the film for the name and try to decipher the information. For the 1915 census, you're stuck with looking at the number in the corner of the card. Again, Ancestry can help because you can do a search in the 1915 census for a surname and limit it to a specific townland or town in a county. If you don't want to take the time to download the actual image of the card to view, you can click instead on "View Record" and what is called Line is actually the card number.
Comment by Brenda K. Wolfgram Moore on July 9, 2009 at 11:45am
Theresa, I agree the 1925 is great the 1915 / 1905 not sure on the other state census but they are on individual cards not families. Did you ever figure out a way to get the entire family by using the card number in the upper left corner? If you don't know of a child you lose them by doing the individual. Need to find a way around this! ;) Thanks for your work.
Comment by Theresa Liewer on July 9, 2009 at 11:37am
I've been a volunteer researcher for the Iowa Genealogical Society for 30+ years. I'm a transplant to Iowa but my husband's family is from the very German communities in Carroll County - Liewer, Schreck, Klingseis, Venteicher, Muhr, Kramer
Comment by Cheryle Hoover Davis on July 9, 2009 at 9:23am
Brighton, Muscatine, Kellogg, Newton, Des Moines, Runnells, Red Oak, etc.

My Iowans there are:

Hoover, Halterman, Martin, Bullington, Warren, Boatwright, Cottrell, Harmon, McDuffie, Ackles, Messer, Jameson, Boltz, Racer, Minear
Comment by Brenda K. Wolfgram Moore on July 9, 2009 at 8:28am
Essex, and....... Muscatine area mostly. Not my family but one I research. Back and forth they go from Rock Island Il and Muscatine Iowa.. I will add more later.
Comment by Paula Hinkel on July 8, 2009 at 9:30pm
My Iowans are in Southwest Iowa (Mathena, Ball, Clothier, Hirst, Spence), LeMars (Armfield, Fruechtenicht), and Sioux City (Johnson, Fruechtenicht, Dinkel)

Members (220)



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