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Lost Faces: Ancestor Photos & Albums


Lost Faces: Ancestor Photos & Albums

Photographs of Ancestors - we all want them, some of us are lucky enough to have them. Learn how to date these old photos. Share your ancestor photos . NOTE: Do not upload photos wider than 500 pixels. See "Uploading Photos to the Group" for help.

Members: 296
Latest Activity: Jul 20, 2018

Helpful Information - Please Read Before Posting to the Group

Uploading Photos to the Group

PLEASE upload photos in the DISCUSSION FORUM and not the COMMENT WALL. All questions, queries, and ancestor photos should go in DISCUSSION. It's easier to keep track of answers, and it helps all of us to help each other.

Photos being uploaded to this group are stretching and are not displaying properly. The solution is to RESIZE your photo before you upload. I use IRFANVIEW which is a free graphic program. But you can use any program you like.

Open your photo, and RESIZE it so that the width is no more than 550 pixels. Make sure the aspect ratio is set and that way the length will resize automatically. Click SAVE (I like to SAVE AS a new file so I still have the original) and then upload the smaller image (550 wide) to this group. Your photo will then display as it should without the stretching

How to Date an Ancestor Photograph

Click on the links below to read details of the tips and hints for dating ancestor photographs. More tips will be added over the next few weeks.

Hints For Dating an Ancestor Photograph

Corners From 1859 on, CDVs had square cut corners. From 1872 on, corners were rounded... (continue reading)

Using Revenue Stamps to Date Photographs

In the United States, an act of Congress passed on June 30, 1864 added a new tax on all "photographs, ambrotypes, daguerreotypes or any ... (continue reading)

Examples of Photographs

Click on the links to see examples and read descriptions of old photographs. The description includes tips and techniques you can use to date your own photographs.

9th Plate Tin Type

This is a 9th plate TinType, hand coloured, and... (continue reading)

CDV with 2cent George Washington Orange Revenue Stamp

Example of a CDV taken between 1864 and 1866.... (continue reading)

Carte de Visite March 1867

This is a gorgeous example of fashion in 1867.... (continue reading)

Civil War Era CDV

Example of a pre-1872 CDV with square corners which have been cut to fit into a photo album.... (continue reading)

Discussion Forum

Tintype dating

Started by sk hendeson Mar 6, 2014. 0 Replies

Tintype dating

Started by sk hendeson Mar 6, 2014. 0 Replies

another one

Started by Pam Shakespeare. Last reply by Pam Shakespeare Sep 17, 2011. 2 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Lost Faces: Ancestor Photos & Albums to add comments!

Comment by Becky Jamison on July 10, 2009 at 10:00am
Lorine, thank you for pointing out how to make the text a clickable link. I hadn't thought of it. Oh, what a gem you are!
Comment by Becky Jamison on July 10, 2009 at 9:57am
Joel, were your Behnkens Lutherans?
Comment by Lorine McGinnis Schulze on July 10, 2009 at 9:28am
That's a great idea Becky - to use Picasa or even Flickr for our photos, then post the link here. Did you know you can make your link clickable in these comments?

Just highlight the the visible text (Becky's Photo Albums, for example) and then click on the little icon to the right of the "S" with the horizontal bar. That gives you the spot to insert the URL and bingo! It's a clickable link :-)

I am off to look at your photos and Joel's (thanks for posting about them Joel)
Comment by Joel S. Russell on July 10, 2009 at 9:23am
Hi Becky, you have some nice photos, what a treasure.

I was fortunate to inherit a large collection of photos also. I have many on my web page.
Comment by Becky Jamison on July 10, 2009 at 8:50am
I noticed that the photo limit in our account here is 100. I've scanned a lot of old family photos and have made albums on Picasa Web, as those albums tie in with my blog on My blog is 'Grace and Glory' at and my old family photos are in albums at I'd love to post them here but doubt that I have time to manage them at several locations. I hope others will post here as I love looking at their treasures! Thank you, Lorine, for creating this group!

Members (295)



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