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Missouri Genealogy

For those researching ancestors in the state of Missouri

Members: 317
Latest Activity: May 17, 2021

I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs…frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I'm from Missouri; you've got to show me. -- William Duncan Vandiver, 1899 at a naval banquet in Philadelphia.

Useful Links for researching Missouri genealogy. (Please add your own favorites in the discussion thread)

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Discussion Forum


Started by John Newmark. Last reply by Raymond Richard Nov 29, 2017. 35 Replies

For those who wish to introduce themselves - perhaps say something about your ancestral connection to Missouri, and share any details about particular areas of expertise.My paternal ancestors arrived…Continue

Tags: Introductions


Started by Herbert Holeman Feb 21, 2014. 0 Replies

Hello all. My name is Herbert P. Holeman, and I'm tracing my paternal lineage. All I know is what I've gained from the U.S. Census.My father, HERBERT SPENCER HOLEMAN, was born in Bryant, Douglas…Continue

Wright/Webster/Douglas Cos in the south

Started by Linda Schreiber Mar 5, 2013. 0 Replies

I am searching Hoover, Goss, Cross, Carrick, an lots of related names and neighbor names in these southern counties. Anyone else interested in this area?Continue

Dunklin county, Mo

Started by Mona Romans. Last reply by Rebecca Poertner Jan 16, 2012. 1 Reply

My family is from the Kennett and Seneth area. The surnames I am researching are Reed, Mayberry, Brydon, Gibbs. My Reeds are from the Seneth area and I am looking for any info on John S reed, his…Continue

Useful Links

Started by John Newmark. Last reply by Rosemary Taylor Jun 6, 2010. 16 Replies

Does anyone have useful research sites for Missouri genealogy research?I will add to the list below as suggestions are made in the discussion thread so that you don't have to read through the…Continue

Tags: Resources

1871 Jesse James Hallar named after the outlaw the James and Hallar family were neighbors?

Started by Richard Aanrich Nov 5, 2009. 0 Replies

I am trying to find information on the birth and parents, and siblings of JJ Hallar.

Wayne County marriage records?

Started by Kate Steere. Last reply by Nelda Tinker Oct 12, 2009. 1 Reply

Hi-In doing some research, I have been trying to find a marriage record for a possible marriage in Mill Spring, Wayne County, MO circa 1880-81. In my research, I have found that the Wayne County…Continue

St.Louis Training School for Subnormal Children

Started by Cindy Jeitler. Last reply by Cindy Jeitler Oct 5, 2009. 4 Replies

Has anyone in this group ever heard of the above titled school? I have learned very little about it other than it was in existence for a time and my husband's aunt was living there when the 1930…Continue

WHITAKER, BOYER, GODSEY & McGUIRE families in the "Bootheel"

Started by Linda Cardenas. Last reply by Kate Steere Sep 14, 2009. 3 Replies

I am researching my children's paternal line, the WHITAKERs, and related lines, BOYER, GODSEY and McGUIREs, mostly around Dunklin County. Are there any online websites that might help me with…Continue


Started by Suzanne Vinduska. Last reply by Tiff Wright Aug 27, 2009. 5 Replies

I am new to the group. I am researching for Dwyer and Tighe in St. Louis City and the Flaherty family in East St. Louis, IL. (lots of people in East St. Louis had ties with people in the City.I work…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Gary White on July 11, 2009 at 1:35pm
My family in Camden County, David White in mid 1800's. In 1850 and 1860 Census
Comment by Danny Wahlquist on July 11, 2009 at 8:37am
My great great grandfather, Nelson Hawkins Wahlquist was born 15 Feb 1827 in Bjorsater, of Ostergotland, Sweden,
and died 08 Aug 1894 in Bois City, Arkansas, at home of son William H. V. Wahlquist.
He married (1) CATHERINE A. SHELTON 11 Nov 1866 in M.E. Church, Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri,
daughter of HENRY SHELTON and PRECIOUS SHELTON. She was born 10 May 1849 in Arkansas,
and died Abt. 1872 in Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri.
He married (2) RUTH O. HARP 13 Sep 1873 in Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri, daughter of THOMAS HARP and ABIGAIL HARP.
She was born Abt. 1833 in Bohannon Mt., AR, and died Abt. 1908.

In the 1870 Census, Pettis County, Sedalia, MO, Nils H. Wahlquist, age 42, Catherine, age 21, Annie, age 2, William, age 1.,

After Catherine Shelton died, Nelson had four children to raise and advertised for a wife to help care for the children.
The next year he married Ruth O. Harp. The story goes that a friend introduced them.
Ruth was working in Springfield, Missouri, at the time.

In the 1880 Census, Carroll County, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, N.H. Wahlquist, age 52, Ruth, wife, age 47, William H., age 13, George W, age 10, Charles N., age 8.
A border, Minnie Bohannon, age 74, widow with "sore eyes." Nelson is said to have had rheumatism.,

Nelson was an invalid for fifteen years before his death at his son's home (William HV) where he had been living for two years.
Nelson was the younger of two sons and was trained to be a tailor.
Early records in the US indicate his name as Nils Walquist.

OBITUARY -- N. H. WAHLQUIST DEAD. He passed away at exactly 4:45 last Sunday morning, father of the junior editor of the paper.
N.H. Wahlquist, aged 67 years 5 months and 24 days, died last Sunday morning at the residence of his oldest son, W. H. V. Wahlquist in Boice City.
The cause of his death was general debility, he having been an invalid for over 15 years.
Mr. Wahlquist was born in Sweden in 1827, came to America in 1862 and settled at Rolla, Mo. where he married shortly afterwards Miss Catherine Shelton.
Five years afterwards she died leaving four children all of whom are still living.
Mrs. G. W. Cannaday, Huntsville, Ark., Charlie at Decatur, Ill. and George at Stoltz Texas county, Mo.
After the death of his wife Mr. Wahlquist left Rolla and went to Huntsville, Ark., from thence to Eureka Springs
and finally to St. Louis where he remained until two years ago when his son, H. H. V. Wahlquist induced him to come here
where he might administer to his father's wants during his declining years.
For forty years he was a consistent member of the Lutheran church and a good man and despite his feebled condition
made many friends here who deeply regret his loss. -- END OF OBIT.

Burial: Bois City, Arkansas (near Mammoth Spring, now called Old Town)
Census: Early records indicate name as Nils Walquist
Emigration: Abt. 1862, Into USA from Sweden
Medical Information: Afflicted with Rheumatism.

Henrietta Marianna was five when her mother died. This would make it late in 1872.
Burial: Rolla, MO, Cemetery not found at this time
Cause of Death: Hemorrhage from lifting a heavy pot shortly after the birth of Charles Washburn.

Marriage: 11 Nov 1866, M.E. Church, Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri

Notes for RUTH O. HARP:
From Obituary of Ruth Harp -- Aged 75, made home in Huntsville, AR, with Mr. & Mrs William Geron Cannaday (Henrietta Marianna)
for the past 12 years, died Monday after a brief illness.

OBITUARY -- Mrs. Ruth Wahlquist, age 75 years, who has made her home in this city with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cannaday
the past twelve years, died Monday after a brief illness and her remains were interred in the Huntsville cemetery, Tuesday,
Rev. A. N. Wylie conducting the funeral services. The deceased, whose maiden name was Harp, was the stepmother of Mrs. Cannaday.
Mr. Cannaday and family request the Democrat to express their thanks to the friends who assisted them during the sickness
and death of the old lady. -- END OF OBIT.

More About RUTH O. HARP:
Burial: HSV Cemetery, Huntsville, Madison, Arkansas

Marriage: 13 Sep 1873, Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri

2. i. HENRIETTA MARIANNA2 WAHLQUIST, b. 27 Aug 1867, Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri; d. 30 Apr 1951, Huntsville, Madison County, Arkansas.
3. ii. WILLIAM HENRY VALENTINE WAHLQUIST, b. 15 Feb 1869, Sedalia, Missouri; d. 12 Sep 1955, Mammoth Spring, Fulton County, Arkansas.
4. iii. GEORGE WASHINGTON WAHLQUIST, b. 14 Nov 1870, Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri; d. 14 Apr 1956, Mountain View, Arkansas.
5. iv. CHARLES WASHBURN WAHLQUIST, b. 1872, Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri; d. Texas.
Comment by Danny Wahlquist on July 11, 2009 at 8:32am
My great grandmother JESSIE BLANCHE BROWN was born Aug 1890 in Missouri,
and died Abt. 1974 in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee.
She married WILLIAM A. NELSON, Sr. 29 Mar 1908 in Lonoke, AR, son of JOSEPH NELSON and MARY BREWER.
He was born about 1880 in Mississippi, and died Bef. 1920.

In the 1900 census Union township, Daviess County, MO )censys date June 11, 1900)
Jessie B Brown, niece age 9 Born Aug 1890 born MO Father born Ky mother born MO
Samuel A Heaston head age 37 born Nov 1862 MO was farm laborer
Mary Heaston wife age 31 born Feb 1869
Samuel R Heaston son age 11 born Apr 1889
Alice M Heaston daughter age 6 born May 1894

In the 1910 census England, Lonoke County, MO (census date Apr 19-1910)
William A Nelson head age 31 born Ark Father born Miss Mother born Miss Ice Plant
Blanche Nelson wife age 19 Born Mo Father born Ky Mother born MO Clerk Dry Goods store
William A. Nelson Jr son age 6 mo Born AR Father born Ark Mother-Mo

Postcard from W. A. Nelson to Inez Nelson on 1-26-12 to Jebb, Ark (She married on 18 Feb 1912)
Dear sister,
I am leaving L.R. for St. Louis tonight.
Will write from St. Louis.
Your brother,
W. A. Nelson

In the 1920 census Oregon City, Holt County, MO (census date 1-6-1920)
Blanche Nelson age 29 Born Mo Father born Mo Mother born Ky. Clerk Dry Goods store
Wm. A. Nelson (prob Jr) age 10 Born AR Father born MS Mother-Mo
Vivian Nelson age 8 Born AR Father born MS Mother-Mo
Joseph G age 6 Born AR Father born MS Mother-Mo

In the 1930 census
Blanche B Nelson age 39 Born MO Father KY Mother MO
William A Nelson (prob Jr) age 20 Born AR Fa AR Mother MO
Joseph G age 16 Born AR Fa AR Mother MO

i. WILLIAM A. JR. NELSON, b. Abt. 1910, Arkansas.
ii. VIVIEN NELSON, b. 01 Jun 1911, Arkansas; d. Feb 1974, Memphis, Shelby, TN.
iii. JOSEPH G NELSON, b. Abt. 1914, Arkansas.

Death Notice
Mrs. Jessie Blanche Nelson, 83, of 1807 Faxon, widow of William A. Nelson, died Friday at Bright Glade Convalescent Center.
She was a Christadelphian.
Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at Forest Hill East Mausoleum chapel with burial in Forest Hill East Cemetary. Forest Hill Funeral Midtown has charge.
She leaves a sister, Mrs. Mable Wahlquist of Prescott, Ark.; two sons, William A. Nelson and Joe G. Nelson, both of Chicago; four grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Comment by Carolyn Dunlap Franklin on July 10, 2009 at 10:42pm
My husband's family were in Bethany, Mo., in Harrison County in the mid 1800's.
They migrated on to Kansas and Oklahoma from there.
Comment by Carolyn Dunlap Franklin on July 10, 2009 at 10:41pm
My family of Dunlap, Pleasant, and Gills settled in Dunklin Co. from Kentucky and Tennessee.
Comment by Charles Wesley Smith Sr on July 10, 2009 at 5:04pm
My first wife Lola Mae (Taylor) Smith b.28 Jun 1942 near Mexico(Adrain) MO d, 4 Feb 2004 St Peters (St Charles) MO.

She was raised in Clay and Ray Counties of Missouri. Her family came from SW Virginia to SE Kentucky to Posey county, IN then Missouri.
Comment by Toni A. Groves on July 10, 2009 at 4:20pm
The earliest 'rumor' I have of my Payne ancestors is when they moved from Roanoke Cty, Virginia to Chariton County, Missouri in the 1830's. James F. PAYNE is my ancestor, he would have been a baby for this trip. There is no indication of his parents or siblings on any records I have. He married Margaret Rebecca LOCK(E) who moved to Chariton Cty, MO from Kentucky. Of their children, Benjamin Stout PAYNE m Mrs. M. E. Ball in 1891, their only child was Benjamin Franklin PAYNE and M. E. Ball (I believe nee Friend, altho there appears to be a McCoy somewhere in her history as well as a Ball) died in the early to mid 1990's. Benjamin Franklin PAYNE m Docia E. HASTON in 1912. So far having the most problems with finding M. E. Ball's family, and anyone prior to James Francis Payne. I do have a picture of my grandfather, Benjamin Franklin PAYNE with his cousin, James FRIEND (or so it says on the back). Anyone who needs any information on any of these people, or who has information, please let me know.
Comment by Cindy Johnston Sorley on July 10, 2009 at 12:59am
My Missouri line is mostly in Laclede County
I have Laughlin's, Clarks, McAvoy, Pings,

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