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Missouri Genealogy

For those researching ancestors in the state of Missouri

Members: 317
Latest Activity: May 17, 2021

I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs…frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I'm from Missouri; you've got to show me. -- William Duncan Vandiver, 1899 at a naval banquet in Philadelphia.

Useful Links for researching Missouri genealogy. (Please add your own favorites in the discussion thread)

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Discussion Forum


Started by John Newmark. Last reply by Raymond Richard Nov 29, 2017. 35 Replies

For those who wish to introduce themselves - perhaps say something about your ancestral connection to Missouri, and share any details about particular areas of expertise.My paternal ancestors arrived…Continue

Tags: Introductions


Started by Herbert Holeman Feb 21, 2014. 0 Replies

Hello all. My name is Herbert P. Holeman, and I'm tracing my paternal lineage. All I know is what I've gained from the U.S. Census.My father, HERBERT SPENCER HOLEMAN, was born in Bryant, Douglas…Continue

Wright/Webster/Douglas Cos in the south

Started by Linda Schreiber Mar 5, 2013. 0 Replies

I am searching Hoover, Goss, Cross, Carrick, an lots of related names and neighbor names in these southern counties. Anyone else interested in this area?Continue

Dunklin county, Mo

Started by Mona Romans. Last reply by Rebecca Poertner Jan 16, 2012. 1 Reply

My family is from the Kennett and Seneth area. The surnames I am researching are Reed, Mayberry, Brydon, Gibbs. My Reeds are from the Seneth area and I am looking for any info on John S reed, his…Continue

Useful Links

Started by John Newmark. Last reply by Rosemary Taylor Jun 6, 2010. 16 Replies

Does anyone have useful research sites for Missouri genealogy research?I will add to the list below as suggestions are made in the discussion thread so that you don't have to read through the…Continue

Tags: Resources

1871 Jesse James Hallar named after the outlaw the James and Hallar family were neighbors?

Started by Richard Aanrich Nov 5, 2009. 0 Replies

I am trying to find information on the birth and parents, and siblings of JJ Hallar.

Wayne County marriage records?

Started by Kate Steere. Last reply by Nelda Tinker Oct 12, 2009. 1 Reply

Hi-In doing some research, I have been trying to find a marriage record for a possible marriage in Mill Spring, Wayne County, MO circa 1880-81. In my research, I have found that the Wayne County…Continue

St.Louis Training School for Subnormal Children

Started by Cindy Jeitler. Last reply by Cindy Jeitler Oct 5, 2009. 4 Replies

Has anyone in this group ever heard of the above titled school? I have learned very little about it other than it was in existence for a time and my husband's aunt was living there when the 1930…Continue

WHITAKER, BOYER, GODSEY & McGUIRE families in the "Bootheel"

Started by Linda Cardenas. Last reply by Kate Steere Sep 14, 2009. 3 Replies

I am researching my children's paternal line, the WHITAKERs, and related lines, BOYER, GODSEY and McGUIREs, mostly around Dunklin County. Are there any online websites that might help me with…Continue


Started by Suzanne Vinduska. Last reply by Tiff Wright Aug 27, 2009. 5 Replies

I am new to the group. I am researching for Dwyer and Tighe in St. Louis City and the Flaherty family in East St. Louis, IL. (lots of people in East St. Louis had ties with people in the City.I work…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Jerry Cranford on July 31, 2009 at 3:08pm
I am researching Lauderdales, Tyners, Shields, and Chaneys in the southwest of Missouri. Newton, McDonald counties primarily but my family has roots all over the state. Some of them came to Missouri because they were on their way to Indian Territory (Trail of Tears) and some came for the land. The Cherokees in my family came in the early 1830's and included the names of Lauderdale, Shields, and Tyner. My Chaneys came for the land and were in Cedar and Montgomery Counties in the early 1830's as well. I would be willing to discuss any mutual relatives with just about anyone.

Comment by Linda Hansel on July 28, 2009 at 5:37pm
Update to interests:
I am researching the TUXHORN AND WHITWORTH names in Nevada, Vernon Co. Missouri. In Franklin, Crawford, Gasconade and Jefferson I am researching the HANSEL, BROWN & WILSON names. Also in Jefferson county I have interest in the OTTO name. My uncle Willis Otto was the founder of Otto, Missouri
Comment by Christy La Barthe on July 27, 2009 at 7:21pm
Does anyone know how I might reach Ted Roller? He was listed on a Barry County (from Purdy) look up page but the email was bounced back. He was a contributor to a research page on one of my ancestors.
Thanks so much!
Comment by Bob B. Winborn on July 26, 2009 at 11:37pm
I have several ancestors born in Missouri and I have only this information about them. Caroline B. Winborn born 1830; Jessie Winborn born 1833; Adaline Winborn born 1835; Moses Winborn born 156 FEB 1836; Catherine WINBORNborn 1838; Caleb WINBORN BORN 1840. If you have information on any/all these people, please contact me. I will return the favor. Thanks
Comment by Bob B. Winborn on July 26, 2009 at 7:33pm
I am researching all Winborn's, winborne's, winburns and other variants of this surname. I will exchange information. Thanks
Comment by Nancy Lasater on July 26, 2009 at 10:05am
I am researching the Alexander WALDEN family who were in Cass County, MO on the 1850 Census. From there they were on the 1860 and 1870 census in AR. Then they moved to Indian Territory. According to an application to the Dawes Commission statements, Alexander (christened General Alexander Walden) and Morning Walden moved back to MO to live with a daughter, died in 1889 and 1887 respectively, and are buried at Keytesville,Cheriton County, MO in a small cemetery on private property. Would like to find their resting place.
Comment by Linda Smith on July 25, 2009 at 10:42am
Hi All,
I am looking for information for my paternal Grandmother's parents. She is Hellena (Helen) Francsis Hennemann and was born in St. Louis. MO. My Great Grandfather was Frank HENNEMANN, born June 1841 (possibly in Danzig, Germany) and died in 1909 in Omega, IL.. He and a brother immigrated to the St Louis, MO area in 1864. He married Anna HORPOTSKI, (born 1849 in Missouri - 1932 in Alpha, IL), the 13th of June 1868 in St. Louis. They had 5 children: Maggie 14 Jun 1871 - 1895; Anna 1873 -abt 1880; Frank 20 Jun 1880 - ?; Henry Hennemann 1883 - ?; and Hellena Francis 23 Oct 1892 - June 1982. Both the HENNEMANN and HORPOTSKI lines dead end with Frank and Anna. I have found the family in the 1880 (in St. Louis, MO), 1900, and 1910 ( in IL) census. Any help furthering these two lines would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Linda
Comment by Phillip Marr on July 23, 2009 at 2:05pm
I am trying to find information about relatives in CLAY County. My great grandfather John Wesley Marr moved to that county about 1850 and left there in 1880. All his children were born in Clay County. His children who remained behind when he left are: Alice Annie Marr (married Berry Wade); James Berryman Marr (married Myrtle Duncan) and Virginia Motie Marr (married Daniel Lewis). John also left three daughters buried in Clay County: Emily 1866-68); Helen (1868-76); and Georgie (1872-74). If anyone has information about these people and/or if anyone is related to them I would like very much to hear from you. I'm also wondering if anyone is taking pictures of headstones in Clay County cemeteries. Unfortunately I don't know where any of my relatives are buried. That you for any consideration. Phillip.
Comment by Kimberly Mayfield on July 22, 2009 at 9:29am
Looking for someone in Randolph County or access to their marriage records for Ruby BLOODWORTH who married an unknown SMILEY in Mobery or Monroe, Missouri. Ruby was born approx 1903.
Comment by Lydia McVay on July 21, 2009 at 9:39am
Thank you, John. That's a big help.

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