Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Second Life Genealogists


Second Life Genealogists

A group of genealogists who enjoy getting together in Second Life for real-time online discussions.

Location: Second Life
Members: 105
Latest Activity: Jan 29, 2013


The UGG Union of Genealogy Groups sponsors a calendar, to coordinate events.

Discussion Forum

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Second Life Genealogists to add comments!

Comment by tami osmer glatz on November 19, 2009 at 5:26pm
I'm hosting my first chat in Second Life tonight, Thursday Nov 19, at 6pm SL time (that's Pacific) at the Just Genealogy Fire Pit. I'll be discussing "Finding Your Family Stories Online" - part one of a couple part series, every 3rd Thurs monthly. Hope to see folks there!
Comment by Illya Daddezio on July 25, 2009 at 8:50pm
Another genealogy chillout chat will begin in 10 minutes.. Join at -- it's FREE. Once you're in SL, search for "Live Roots" and you'll find us.
Comment by Illya Daddezio on July 18, 2009 at 8:08am
If you missed the chit-chat last night, don't worry because we host them EVERY night from 8pm to 10pm PT. Feel free to join us this evening. Also, there is a tour setup for Sunday 3pm PT for folks that are new to Second Life.

To locate my genealogy area in Second Life, click on the Search button on the bottom of the SL software screen, select the Places tab and search for "genealogy". My area is called the Live Roots Genealogy Zone.
Comment by Sherry Hightower on July 18, 2009 at 12:42am
I just twittered about you group. This one still blows me away...(I have to get with the program!)
Comment by Illya Daddezio on July 17, 2009 at 9:02pm
Friday night chit-chat now in session. The nightly chats are very casual chillouts where we bounce ideas around for genealogical things to do in Second Life, and help newbies with questions. If you're reading this and are online, come join us in the Live Roots Genealogy Zone. We'll be there for the next 2 hours!
Comment by DearMYRTLE on July 15, 2009 at 1:22pm
GeneJ -- you now know, perhaps that for the SURL to work, you have to have Second Life already open? You DID make it to last night's EVIDENCE EXPLAINED discussion, so you must have done something right!
Comment by Melanie Armstrong on July 14, 2009 at 8:42am
My spelling is okay but my typing speed is about turtle speed lol
Comment by DearMYRTLE on July 14, 2009 at 8:20am
I can type fast, but really need help with my SPULLING. [grin]
Comment by Dae Powell on July 13, 2009 at 8:57am
Yes, indeedee! The Second Life was a very new experience for me. I've been in virtual reality areas, but not without a weapon. [wink] Nice to have a civil discussion in there w/o the monsters continually trying to destroy me. Now, if only I could improve my typing speed to keep up.
Happy Dae·
Comment by DearMYRTLE on July 13, 2009 at 8:49am
Diana, I am so glad you enjoyed the genealogy chat last night. With so many newbies, we tended to have more "how to do Second Life" than "genealogy" content. But the GENEALOGY QUIZ certainly taught me that attendees know their stuff. CONGRATS to Second Life's "Genie Weezles" who one the free 1 GIG flash drive courtesy of our friends at Ol' Myrt here is addressing the snail mail as we speak, so it shouldn't be long before she receives it.

Members (106)



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