Genealogy Wise

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Robin R. Cordell-Inge
  • Female
  • Wichita Falls, TX
  • United States
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Robin R. Cordell-Inge's Friends

  • Yolanda Terry (Spina) Parks
  • GenealogyWise Memorial Page
  • Christine Kay Olsen-Needham
  • karlaskreations
  • Kathy Burris
  • Kathy Bardin Domgaard
  • Joe D. Bardin
  • Donna Chapman
  • Claudette (Ricketts) Pfingston
  • Marti Hayes
  • Deborah Aldridge
  • Betty Vaughn
  • Harold Livingston Spencer
  • Kate Steere
  • Sandy

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Ann Ciero commented on Robin R. Cordell-Inge's group The Walkers
"I have Walkers in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia area.  Not sure if these guys will help.  Good hunting."
Apr 20, 2021
Ann Ciero joined Robin R. Cordell-Inge's group

The Walkers

The Walker line that settled in Montague County is not an easy bunch to trace.... so any one that might have information or that can help, please stop by
Apr 20, 2021

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Evans, Clark, Dugan, Faleris, Walker, Maness, Bardin, Campbell, Huckabee, Inge, Faleri, Skopis, Sgoupakou, Cordell, Baker, Beasley, Weatherall, Thompson, Black, Williams, Pierce,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Palaiopanagio'as, Greece. Canada, Butler Co, Kentucky, Montague Co, TX, Tennessee, Illinois, Michigan
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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Robin R. Cordell-Inge's Blog

Puriatan Leader and Gov of Mass, John Winthorp 1588-1649

Posted on September 11, 2009 at 5:38am 0 Comments

Last night while research one of my branche's discovered someone of importance in my tree. Now, he is not a close realitive, but still. Below is a story that I found about him on

The Puritan leader and governor of Massachusetts, John Winthrop, was born in Edwardston, Suffolk, on the 12th of January (old style) 1588, the son of Adam Winthrop of Groton Manor, and Anne (Browne) Winthrop. In December 1602 he matriculated at Trinity College, Cambridge, but he did… Continue

No time to Hunt

Posted on September 3, 2009 at 8:42pm 0 Comments

Hey All,

Well school is back in session and have been really swamped the last two weeks. Hoping to go graveyard hunting this weekend and work on a story that someone sent me for Graveyard Rabbits of Wichita County Texas. Long weekend coming up, so hoping to get a lot accomplished.

Breaking Down Walls

Posted on August 17, 2009 at 9:49pm 0 Comments

I have had so much luck within the past week finding lost realitives that I had hit brick walls on through help from friends on Genealogy Wise. This is such a great place to hangout... Thanks everyone for your help and expertise. Update

Posted on August 13, 2009 at 6:27pm 0 Comments

WOW! I'm so out of touch..... I have been so covered with work and school and all my other stuff, that I have not had time to work on my family tree. I signed on to Ancestory Tree tonight and updated my account and WOW! It's really nice how they have it updated and it to me is so much easier to use. I like the new look....

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At 12:49pm on March 26, 2011, Sherry Hightower gave Robin R. Cordell-Inge a gift
At 4:10am on December 12, 2009, Willie D. Alexander said…
I did a little research in Jack Co,Tx. in 1900 and Estell Walker b.Aug 1883- is living with Will&Mollie Combs b. Mar 1872. He is listed as a brother-in-law,so Molly is his sister.I found her on a death record for a child(William W. Combs) and she is listed as Mary Walker and he as William Combs. If we could find her death record it might tell who the parents are,since his doesn't. Mollie and Estell both list their Dad as being born in Tenn and Mother in Alabama.-willie
At 9:13am on August 18, 2009, Dawn Evans Stringer said…
Hi Robin my Evans came from Morrow county, Ohio and Greene county and Montgomery county, PA, They were also in Marshall county, WV for a short time. I haven't found a connection to TX or TN. They seem to have stayed in PA and I believe that is where they came when they came from Wales
At 4:24am on August 15, 2009, Co Ordinator said…
Robin thank you for the offer to be your friend here on Gen Wise and feel privileged for the invitation

At 6:00am on August 14, 2009, Co Ordinator said…
Hi there Robin
Why am I here, well I was intrigued with the name "Finest Estell",so being a little like, what I see-have to find person, I found your site and finished up listening to Alabama singing "Angels among Us" . What a fabulous way of welcoming some one to your site. Congratulations you really did win me with Alabama. Now in regards to helping to find your "Finest Estell" I'm afraid would have me baffled.
Thank You and I enjoyed my visit
At 8:04pm on August 12, 2009, Sandy said…
Robin Have you contacted the cemetery and found the name of the funeral home I have gotten parents names that way
At 6:53pm on August 12, 2009, Judith Richards Shubert said…
Okay, I'll contact the others and see if they can make it. Get back to you.
At 6:39pm on August 12, 2009, Judith Richards Shubert said…
I would love to get together for lunch, Robin! Another one of our favorites has just moved to Burleson and wants to come this way soon - Debbie Blanton McCoy. And then there is Janice Tracy just north of Dallas. Maybe we can all have lunch somewhere and get to know one another soon! I would love it.
At 6:33pm on August 12, 2009, Sandy said…
I wish I could copy and paste in here I have found a possible lead to your Amanda. I have the census copied for 1870 1880 look in Wayne county IN for Charles Knecht in 1870 he has a child in the home named Amanda Durstler in 1880 her name is Dasher and she is listed as a servant. Her parents were from PA in 1860 there are too Dasher families in IN one with two sets of twins and two other children it maybe they gave her up because of a large family What do you think?
At 5:24am on August 11, 2009, Kate Steere said…
Good morning Robin-
I found Finest's WW1 draft registration on It has his birthdate as August 1, 1883.

I also found Carrie and Estell T(could be F) in Clay County, Texas in 1910. Estell's parents were from Alabama.

If you'd like to add a discussion on Most Wanted, with the information/records you currently have, that would be great!

Welcome to the group!


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