Genealogy Wise

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July 2011 Blog Posts (30)

Free Family History Websites

Free Family History Websites

I've operated a free family history website since 2000. And, over the years I've seen many genealogy and family history websites come and go. I can understand why as it's expensive to run a larger genealogy website, and I appreciate all of those who give it a try.

What I have a problem with are those websites that claim to be a free family history…


Added by Daniel J Pinna on July 31, 2011 at 9:57pm — 2 Comments

Sheepridge, Kirklees – Christ Church , Moorside, Yorkshire- Free Headstone Images

A small collection of images of Monumental Headstones and Markers taken at the above cemetery are available to download  at Ancestry Central  ( – go to find a grave – Select Cemetery/name etc)

Please also explore…


Added by Dan Billington, Ancestry Central on July 28, 2011 at 3:14am — No Comments

Favorite Resources

I have very few tools I use for my family history research, and maybe someone can point me in the right direction to improve my "toolbox" but I thought I'd share.

  1. FamilySearch - Absolutely phenomenal collection of records. I realize they are busy, but I do hope that more amateur researchers like me can get access to more records soon, like the family trees and such.…

Added by Mandi on July 26, 2011 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

Ancestry Central launch Services for Family History and One Name Study Societies

As web site continues to develop, Ancestry Central have launched a number of opportunities for Family History and One Name Study Societies.

At Ancestry Central, we are committed to providing a platform for new collections of genealogical data and imagery for researchers worldwide and we invite…


Added by Dan Billington, Ancestry Central on July 26, 2011 at 2:54am — No Comments



    looking for the origin of the Hardefeldt name my great great grand father was Otto Hardefeldt, i think they came from Germany many thanks colin

Added by colin james hardefeldt on July 25, 2011 at 6:47pm — 2 Comments

hi all

New in town so a warm hello to all,

I am gathering information on mainly the Addenbrook or Addenbrooke clan but i am interested in all the family's conected to us I have some 2500 people in the tree already not all of it proved so if you see an error guys don't be shy please let me know and your welcome to any information i have .

Please i am not getting involved in the now 400 year old depute with the family of Mr William Shakespeare over a piddly little 6 pound debt from the…


Added by Phillip Addenbrooke on July 21, 2011 at 3:38am — No Comments

Photo & Media Archiving – Where Do You Start?

It’s been a little over a month since my last blog post where I shared how I was heading out to Los Angeles to help my parents in their transition to an assisted living facility. I’m happy to report that they are settled in and making the adjustment to their new lifestyle. They have their moments of “how did we get here?” but for the most part, they appreciate the regular and delicious meals, the nurse who makes sure they each take their medication on time each day, the plethora of…


Added by Stefani Twyford on July 20, 2011 at 11:36am — No Comments

Images of Chorley Cemetery Lancashire now available

The main cemetery at Chorley, Lancashire now fully uploaded at

The above cemetery are available to download at Ancestry Central ( – go to find a grave – Select Cemetery/name etc)

Please also explore the other collections…


Added by Dan Billington, Ancestry Central on July 20, 2011 at 5:24am — No Comments

searching for family

I am searching for relatives or anyone that would know of the chestna family from worcester ma.  Father was Adam, mother was Nellie.  They lived in the Lamartine St. area around 1910 to 1948.

Added by phyllis gibney on July 18, 2011 at 6:12pm — 3 Comments

Sentimental Sunday,,, With the Passage of Time

  With the Passage of Time


  With the Passage of Time, we pray  God will take away our pain. With the passage of time we trust we will learn to 

  Trust God more.  The passage of time means things are going to change we must look forward to the change.

  To look back is to defeat the purpose of the change. To have good memories is a good thing. Look forward to '  

  remembering the good things. Let God have the bad memories and help you move…


Added by Susi (Susan C Jones) Pentico on July 17, 2011 at 4:09pm — No Comments

The Past

The Past


Wrinkled faces

each indentation telling a story

of a time past,

and whimsical dreams.


Indentations of tormented moments,

deep thoughts,

and life through squinted eyes.


The face once smooth

now holds wrinkles,

it can now cradle and contain

the tears that once flowed.


Happiness of birth and sorrow

from death,

driven aches of fear,

and the thrill…


Added by Cheri Boyd on July 16, 2011 at 6:38pm — No Comments

New York Census of 1905

I am really pleased with the recent digitized records at I found some amazing records for Nansemond, Virginia that had been really elusive, and just recently I found that there are some 1905 New York census records. I looked up some of my ancestors, and found them easily. Apparently there are some problems that still need to be worked out for some of these records, but I find it just so encouraging that there are as many as there are, and that they are so…


Added by Susan Skilton on July 15, 2011 at 9:40pm — No Comments

Old Enough

I write about Frank Boyd, not just because he was my grandfather, but primarily because his family was never known by my father.  Frank died in 1960, I was four.  Old enough to remember that I had a grandpa.  Old enough to remember what he looked like.  Old enough to know that we had no relatives from his side of the family.


I write about Frank Boyd because he told that he was from Waycross, GA.  I found Frank Boyd in Waycross, GA because he told that he had sister Mary and…


Added by Cheri Boyd on July 15, 2011 at 3:21pm — No Comments

Goxhill, Lincolnshire – US Airbase memorial and All Saints Church- Free Headstone Images

A small collection of images of Monumental Headstones and Markers taken at the above cemetery are available to download  at Ancestry Central  ( – go to find a grave – Select Cemetery/name etc)

Please also explore…


Added by Dan Billington, Ancestry Central on July 15, 2011 at 6:25am — No Comments

Barton Upon Humber – St Mary’s Church, Lincolnshire- Free Headstone Images dating from 1770

A small collection of images of Monumental Headstones and Markers taken at the above cemetery are available to download  at Ancestry Central  ( – go to find a grave – Select Cemetery/name etc)

Please also explore…


Added by Dan Billington, Ancestry Central on July 13, 2011 at 4:47am — No Comments

Ellwood family of Cumbria

We recently discovered a link between our family and that of a well-researched online family tree on the Ellwood family of Cumbria, England. This has expanded the scope of our Cumbria genealogy research enormously, and we have found many people with Ellwood family members shown in online trees, often with strange anomalies and glaring errors.

We have started an…


Added by Steve Hayes on July 12, 2011 at 6:48pm — No Comments

Church Images (UK)

Along with my collection of  images of headstones/monuments, I have also started to add various Churches from my collection and as with the headstones, it will take some time to add them all.
To search, simply , go to 'Latest Information' and select 'Church-Images' from the menu. The…

Added by Dan Billington, Ancestry Central on July 11, 2011 at 12:38pm — No Comments

Creating a Storyboard for Multimedia Projects

A storyboard is an essential tool for laying out a video or film project to communicate the look of a piece, to show how a story or plot unfolds and to organize the sequence of scenes before any time or money has been spent on studio sets, location shoots or special effects. It serves as a roadmap for producers, directors, casts, crews, animators, audio engineers and post-production editors.

First developed by Disney Studios back in the 1930’s for their early animated films and used…


Added by Stefani Twyford on July 11, 2011 at 10:43am — No Comments

Sentimental Sunday,,, Blogs, and Time and Distance



   It is truly a Sentimental  Sunday, we lost a very dear friend yesterday. He has gone to a better place I am sure.

 It hurts so bad it is hard to speak of him even. He was so ready to move on with his adventures. His time here was so very, very long. Our daughter will miss her adopted Grandfather in ways I can yet to even begin to fathom. 

This man even affect the grandchildren of our children. I received a call from Upland today to say to his Grandfather,"…


Added by Susi (Susan C Jones) Pentico on July 10, 2011 at 3:41pm — No Comments

Bridlington Parish Church of St Mary's (Priory), East Yorkshire - Free Headstone Images

A small collection of images of Monumental Headstones and Markers taken at the above cemetery are available to download  at Ancestry Central  ( – go to find a grave – Bridlington etc)

Please also explore the other…


Added by Dan Billington, Ancestry Central on July 7, 2011 at 7:01am — No Comments

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