Genealogy Wise

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I have noticed that there are charges to access family information on the sites. Why? When the LDS has gotten this information for free from our Government. I personally think that it's wrong. And any information that anyone puts out there to correct any discrepencies is Im sure noted and sold to some other folks. I sure would be interested in hearing any thoughts on this.

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I thought this over and decided to go to Ancestry myself to read about this privacy issue. It seems a bit fuzzy to me. Here is a copy of some of it: Internet Services Copyright Policy Operations Inc. (“”, “Ancestry”, “we”, “us” or “our”) owns and operates the World Wide websites,,,,,,,,,, and The design, content and graphics of those sites and all other elements created by us, or by third parties as work for hire, or where the copyright has been assigned to us or one of our subsidiaries, is subject to copyright protection with all rights reserved.

To obtain permission to use any of these copyrighted elements, which permission may be granted or refused in our sole discretion, please write to the address below with a full description of the element which you desire to use, the purpose, place and extent of use intended, and full contact information including name, address, phone, fax and email to:

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Fax: (801) 705-7010

Content which has been contributed to public areas of Ancestry sites listed above by users remains the property of the submitter or the original creator and we are a licensed distributor of such content. Occasionally, a person may feel that content submitted by another user is their property, or is covered by the copyright of someone other than the submitter. Please remember that we are only the distributor of user supplied content and the submitter, not Ancestry, is the one who has violated copyright if such a violation has occurred. However, we will respond to substantiated claims of violation. In such a case, the person who believes they have a claim under copyright should send a claim of copyright violation to:

David P. Farnsworth
Copyright Agent for Notice
360 W 4800 N
Provo, UT 84604
Hi Stephanie,
First of all, Merry Christmas! Please know that I have had past experience on this subject but am not an expert. I understand all the confusion and controversy that plays a role in copyright laws. As for your prior post, it is in regard to Ancestry's web pages that any person cannot duplicate or otherwise use any ancestry logo's or web page layouts.
I also included and underlined another part of their 'terms' and this is where it gets sticky!
As for you having 'private tree's on Ancestry, you are only blocking them from the general public. Ancestry has all your info on their server's and can use it! By putting info online, you give them that right! And then you have to continuously (usually anually) pay to 'see' your info! (Unless you remove it first)
For some of us, the $300.00 or so price tag is awfully steep when you consider that you could put up your own website for less than $100.00/yr. and have it password protected etc.
Then too, I'd say about 50% of the information on Ancestry is free to the public if they do a little searching! Don't get me wrong - Ancestry is a very reliable source and I mean no dis-respect!

Happy Holiday's,

User provided content
Portions of the Service will contain user provided content, to which you may contribute appropriate content. For this content, Ancestry is a distributor only. By submitting content to Ancestry, you grant Ancestry, the corporate host of the Service, a license to the content to use, host, distribute that Content and allow hosting and distribution of that Content, to the extent and in that form or context we deem appropriate. Should you contribute content to the site, you understand that it will be seen and used by others under the license described herein. You should submit only content which belongs to you and will not violate the property or other rights of other people or organizations.
Merry Christmas to you too, LeLani,

Yes, I read that part too that you submitted here and it concerns me I don't like such an open-ended contract that would allow a third or more parties privey to any of my information I have on their site. It has me thinking there is material that I'll remove from the site. Here is a case where I think I should have thoroughly read it all before signing up some years ago.

Also, I do not not pay $300/year as you stated in your post. I would never pay such an amount every year for their service. Maybe that is for World Wide Membership or something. I just have the US Membership and the cost is not too high but it's not cheap.

In the end it seems to me that the possibiity of "stealing" information you might have on there maybe be covered in such an agreement they have with you but seems rather unethical to me as some else stated. I guess it could be said that "user beware." Thanks for your post.

I have found now that a lot of internet sites say search for free. The key word being "search". Most people don't catch that. Once you search (for free) they charge you to get the information. Then they only give you so much information and want you to pay when you don't have all the information and are not sure that is your person.

Tammy Mellard Wheeler
Good point Tammy! That is what I am referring to. Look, I realize that the LDS makes copies for the Government. It's part of some agreement made years ago. They do not know how the family's are connected though. And, when you post that information on their site.Or, any site for that matter. then, they at that point have that information to sell to someone else. See my point? You have just given them free information and money twice over. It is not a one for one setup. Is what I am saying. People like you and I are doing the research work for them. I think someone needs to call them on this. Don't you? People just don't take the time to think any more about all the angles that other people are using to get their money or,your money. Money is getting tighter and tighter all over.
tammy,if you need reserch on irish ancestry a good site is "irish family historyfoundation".while they will eventually charge a small fee,there are various means of elimanation such as getting the area correct or mothers maiden name.Only when u have went thru this process do you make the choice to pay .
I agree, in some cases we the people who create familtrees put them up on these site and have to pay to acces them, very odd.
Also I believe that a lot of times genealogical research can be done for free if you take the time for it as it is very very time consuming. There are people out there who will offer to create a familytree for others for a fee, most of the time they just look up the information for free and then charge us for this. I love to share my data with others but we are almost forced to hide it so that no one can make a profit on it
Agreed !! Why should genealogy sites charge for access information that usually was provided by another genealogist whose sole purpose was to share information.
Exactly, when I want to look at a census, can't do it because I can't subscribe to a genealogy site.
I have an idea ...they have to pay us to put the data on the internet, can we get copy write protection for our data against commercial use of our information supplied hihi. The least that they can do is give a free membership to the people who help build there sites, this is really UNFAIR !!!!!
I am not putting any information on these sites anymore.
this is a link to site I found online that is trying to setup a nation wide site were genealogy research would be kept free for everyone. It was created abt. 2006 for one state but is now trying to expand to all state with sites to all counties in thar state. Sites have bee created for all states but not every county in a state has someone to host it. Any informatin(census,death,marriages,births,etc.)is added by other online genealogist whose sole purpose is to attempt to share what information they have found and keep it free of charge to everyone. You should check it out! I really enjoy using it and hope to be able to add to it and make it a success.
maybe it is me but I dont see the link ????



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