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Famous and Infamous Kin

Have you found a famous cousin in your family tree? Are you related to someone famous? What about those infamous kinfolks? Here's the group to share your discovery with!

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Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2020

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Presidential Genealogy

Started by John Scott McKay. Last reply by Christopher Gene Johnson Mar 12, 2017. 8 Replies

Famous people I am related to

Started by John Scott McKay. Last reply by Christopher Gene Johnson Feb 13, 2017. 2 Replies

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Comment by Paula Louise Spart on October 28, 2020 at 10:36pm

I found out that I'm a distant cousin of Fred Hums whom an elementary school in Mishawaka, IN, was named after and other Humses in Mishawaka. Fred Hums and my maternal grandfather, Paul Vogler, were cousins, but you would have to trace the two back to Germany to find their common ancestor.

I may be related to a Pope. My father had a grandmother named Pignatelli. He pointed out that there was a Pope by that last name-Antonio Pignatelli, also known as Pope Innocent XII. With my Italian ancestry and growing up Catholic, I may be related to other Popes. Also, my Grampa Vogler's parents came from Bavaria, so I may be related to Benedict XVI as well.

Comment by Jennifer on February 21, 2014 at 7:50pm

I have just discovered recently that I too am indirectly related to Benedict Arnold. Governor Benedict Arnold was the grandfather of Freelove Bliss, who was married to (and murdered by...that's another story) my 5th great grand uncle, Jeremiah Meacham. Freelove would have been the Aunt of THE Benedict Arnold.

Comment by Donna Gates-Smeall on June 25, 2010 at 9:09pm
Recently discovered my adoptive father and family are connected to General George Pickett, of Pickett's Charge Fame at Gettysburg.

Interested in any connections to fill holes in genealogy.
Comment by Melissa Doum on March 30, 2010 at 10:00pm
I am related to Benedict Arnold. I know that's not something to be proud to admit but I think it's kind of cool. I also found out that I am Princess Diana. My great(x20) grandfather is the brother of a man who is the great(x19) grandfather of Diana.
Comment by John Scott McKay on January 11, 2010 at 9:38pm
hey is not Lucille Ball from Jamestown, New York. Scott
Comment by Andrew Kolstee on January 11, 2010 at 9:27pm
Through the Harlan family, I am a 7th cousin 4 times removed of...

...Ida Saxton McKinley! First Lady of the United States from 1897 to 1901, wife of William McKinley.
Comment by Jeanie DiLeonardo on December 5, 2009 at 11:01pm
Here's an infamous: not too long ago, I learned that the late David Carradine, whose death was certainly infamous, was my 8th cousin.
Comment by Jeanie DiLeonardo on August 29, 2009 at 9:59pm
Now for infamous: my distant cousin Henry Sovereen of Norfolk County (near Waterford), Ontario, Canada. He was convicted and hanged for the murder of his wife, his wife's aunt, and six of his children. A baby survived, a boy had been away at the time, and the two eldest of Henry's children had grown up and moved out of the house. This happened in 1832.

Incidentally, Henry was supposed to have been hanged 13 years prior, for shooting a horse, but had been granted clemency.
Comment by Jeanie DiLeonardo on August 28, 2009 at 1:23pm
So far, the only relatives I've found that are "famous" are only regionally so, or where in their time but aren't now. Basically, big fish in little ponds. I think the most famous American cousin I've found so far is William J. Gaston, member of the US House of Representatives from North Carolina in the early 1800's. He also served in the state legislature, and as a justice of the NC Supreme Court. It's not so much him that's really famous, though, but the places in NC that were named after him: Gaston County, the city of Gastonia, Lake Gaston, and Gaston Hall at Georgetown University (he was the first student to attend).

He is my second cousin, 6x removed.
Comment by Heather Buttle on August 15, 2009 at 1:14pm
Sir/Saint Thomas More is my 14th great grandfather.

I know it's a long time ago but in our family children were born later than average and the generations are therefore longer.

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