Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Australian Genealogists


Australian Genealogists

A group for genealogists downunder - with roots from all over the world

Location: Australia
Members: 337
Latest Activity: Nov 12, 2023

Member Information

This is a group for those in Australia who are researching their families no matter where they originate. New arrivals with no Aussie roots will benefit from membership.

When you join the group please make an introductory comment that tells us a little about yourself.

If you are able to offer help to others with lookups, tips, cemetery photos etc. please post a message in the Offers of Help by SKAS discussion forum.

If you need assistance please post check Offers of Help by SKAS discussion forum for relevant assistance and then post your request in the IF YOU WANT HELP/LOOK UPS POST IT HERE discussion forum.

If you are seeking information on a particular surname have a look for a group devoted to that surname.... if there is not one consider setting up a's not an arduous task. Try using the Site Search on the Top Right Hand side of the page to find references to your surnames.

Please create and use the discussion forums to communicate with other members. There are only two discussions displayed - please use View All to browse through the whole list and find those of interest to you.

Have Fun

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Australian Genealogists to add comments!

Comment by John Patten on January 23, 2011 at 3:13am
I'll be blogging on Shelley's topic, and giving it a go from both angles (Australia day/Survival day). I look forward to seeing the other contributions!
Comment by Marian Pringle on January 23, 2011 at 2:11am
Sorry no blogging from me :) I'll be too busy as it's my daughter's birthday and the tribe are coming to our house for an Aussie BBQ and swim.
Comment by Geniaus on January 22, 2011 at 11:46pm

Shelley at Twigs of Yore is running an Australia Day blogging activity. How about joining her?

Comment by Bob Kerr on January 14, 2011 at 6:14am

Hi Geniaus,

Thanks for your comments, something to look at. 

Comment by Geniaus on January 14, 2011 at 5:24am

I use two products The Master Genealogist to keep my data on my PC. See some reviews here:

And TNG to publish my tree on the web. See some reviews here:

Also my blog post on TNG I still agree with what I said over 12 months ago.


Comment by Rosemary Miles on January 11, 2011 at 9:51pm
I keep my information using Family Tree Maker.  I've used it for a number of years and wouldn't be without it.  Of course, this is just for my benefit and is not on-line.  The reports and charlts features on it is brillian and there is a feature for compiling a book. However, although I do keep my information on, I also use Tribalpages (which I much prefer).  It's virtually like having your own website and you select your own privacy levels.  They have a free version available and it's a great way to find out if the site suits your needs.
Comment by Carmel M Reynen on January 10, 2011 at 4:18am

I have been entering my research on to You have the oportunity to add documents, newspaper cuttings, records etc. You can also mark this as private so only people you want to see your tree can look at it or have it public. There is also a way to print your tree and make it into a book.

No harm in checking it out, I have been researching my tree for over 30 years and have found so much in the last two years including a number of cousins also researching the famiy

Comment by Bob Kerr on January 9, 2011 at 11:06pm

Hi, Like Sheree I'm looking at the challenge of how best to record the genelogy information I have built up over the past year.  I have paper everywhere, electronic material from the State Library and ScotlandsPeople, to mention two.  Some suggestions on the best way forward would be welcome.  An option that provides an avenue to eventual publication on the web is what I'm looking for.

Thanks in anticipation.  Cheers  Bob . . .


Comment by Co Ordinator on January 9, 2011 at 4:23am

Hi Janelle this group seems to be on a roll at the moment

a Question were any of your Taylor's, Convicts,if so I have 4/5 in this book I have on the first fleet if you need info.


Comment by Janelle Bramble on January 9, 2011 at 1:37am
My Taylors were from Tamnworth and Castle Wicombe originally I think I must het all my papares out also as I have same issue as you Sherre but I know there are some free places on teh net where you can add your info.I hope to make a book with mine eventually

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