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Missouri Genealogy

For those researching ancestors in the state of Missouri

Members: 317
Latest Activity: May 17, 2021

I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs…frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I'm from Missouri; you've got to show me. -- William Duncan Vandiver, 1899 at a naval banquet in Philadelphia.

Useful Links for researching Missouri genealogy. (Please add your own favorites in the discussion thread)

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Discussion Forum


Started by John Newmark. Last reply by Raymond Richard Nov 29, 2017. 35 Replies

For those who wish to introduce themselves - perhaps say something about your ancestral connection to Missouri, and share any details about particular areas of expertise.My paternal ancestors arrived…Continue

Tags: Introductions


Started by Herbert Holeman Feb 21, 2014. 0 Replies

Hello all. My name is Herbert P. Holeman, and I'm tracing my paternal lineage. All I know is what I've gained from the U.S. Census.My father, HERBERT SPENCER HOLEMAN, was born in Bryant, Douglas…Continue

Wright/Webster/Douglas Cos in the south

Started by Linda Schreiber Mar 5, 2013. 0 Replies

I am searching Hoover, Goss, Cross, Carrick, an lots of related names and neighbor names in these southern counties. Anyone else interested in this area?Continue

Dunklin county, Mo

Started by Mona Romans. Last reply by Rebecca Poertner Jan 16, 2012. 1 Reply

My family is from the Kennett and Seneth area. The surnames I am researching are Reed, Mayberry, Brydon, Gibbs. My Reeds are from the Seneth area and I am looking for any info on John S reed, his…Continue

Useful Links

Started by John Newmark. Last reply by Rosemary Taylor Jun 6, 2010. 16 Replies

Does anyone have useful research sites for Missouri genealogy research?I will add to the list below as suggestions are made in the discussion thread so that you don't have to read through the…Continue

Tags: Resources

1871 Jesse James Hallar named after the outlaw the James and Hallar family were neighbors?

Started by Richard Aanrich Nov 5, 2009. 0 Replies

I am trying to find information on the birth and parents, and siblings of JJ Hallar.

Wayne County marriage records?

Started by Kate Steere. Last reply by Nelda Tinker Oct 12, 2009. 1 Reply

Hi-In doing some research, I have been trying to find a marriage record for a possible marriage in Mill Spring, Wayne County, MO circa 1880-81. In my research, I have found that the Wayne County…Continue

St.Louis Training School for Subnormal Children

Started by Cindy Jeitler. Last reply by Cindy Jeitler Oct 5, 2009. 4 Replies

Has anyone in this group ever heard of the above titled school? I have learned very little about it other than it was in existence for a time and my husband's aunt was living there when the 1930…Continue

WHITAKER, BOYER, GODSEY & McGUIRE families in the "Bootheel"

Started by Linda Cardenas. Last reply by Kate Steere Sep 14, 2009. 3 Replies

I am researching my children's paternal line, the WHITAKERs, and related lines, BOYER, GODSEY and McGUIREs, mostly around Dunklin County. Are there any online websites that might help me with…Continue


Started by Suzanne Vinduska. Last reply by Tiff Wright Aug 27, 2009. 5 Replies

I am new to the group. I am researching for Dwyer and Tighe in St. Louis City and the Flaherty family in East St. Louis, IL. (lots of people in East St. Louis had ties with people in the City.I work…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Larry Smith on August 6, 2016 at 5:05am

I am in search for the family of my Great-Grandmother. KATHERINE MARIE YODER. I believe she was from the Cape Girardeau County to St Francois County area. She was born in 1834. She married DANIEL SMITH. 

Comment by Deborah LeBorgne on March 27, 2014 at 9:38pm

Searching LANOIX, WATSON, EVERSON from Missouri

Comment by Margaret Long on January 16, 2012 at 10:21am

RATTCHELL/RACHEL  BOBBETT of Kentucky  married WILLIAM ALLEGER of Indiana.   Their daughter Elizabeth Margaret Alleger dob 19 Feb 1860 Linn County, MO married George Robert Nickerson 24 Nov 1876 Linn County, MO.   She died 9 Feb 1915 Bucklin, Linn County, MO.  George Robert Nickerson's mother was Lucinda Head born 1827.

Any information on Rattchell/Rachel Bobbett, William Alleger, and/or LUCINDA HEAD  would be appreciated. 

Comment by Cin Hawse on January 15, 2012 at 5:07pm

Hi All,

My husband and I live in CA but have many ancestors we have traced to Missouri in the 1800's -1900's.  Many fought in Civil War and I have just joined the MO Civil War Museum group as well as this one.  Surnames on my branch enclude; BALL, FELTS, KENNEDY and my husband has 2 branches; 1st branch includes FEMMER, HEIDBRIER, KAMP, VOSS  and  2nd branch is GREGORY, APPLING, WHITESIDE, CLARK.  Looking forward to chatting with this group.

Comment by Debbie Gibson on October 31, 2011 at 11:25am

Parkview Cemetery, St. Francois County, Mo, over 5,000 names submitted by Donald Yeager, he also has headstone photos you can request.

I am the host of St. Francois County, MO

Debbie Gibson

Comment by Nancy Featherly Stump on August 28, 2011 at 4:39pm
My family comes from Knox Co, Greene Co, Scotland Co, and has many surnames. My maternal grandmother is a Fleak from Knox Co, her mother is a Wood from Knox and Clark Co. I have photo's of some of my ancestors, I have ample information on this side of my family, but have some area's in question. Somehow we are related to the Chadwick's, Palmer and Dunn families. Have some info on them but not enough to say yes or no. Have photo that says, Mary Ellen Morey, Grandma Chadwick, and Rosa Wood. Rosa is my gr gr grandmother, her maiden name was Wheelen, don't have much on that line either. Any information on this family would be helpful, will share what I have.
Comment by Debra Egbert-Foster on May 30, 2011 at 4:38pm
In the bottom post it reads Found Photos of Joplin, Mo Tornadon It should read "ost Photos of Joplin, Mo Tornad. I'm sorry for the confusion.
Comment by Debra Egbert-Foster on May 30, 2011 at 2:29pm
If you or someone you know that lives in the Joplin, Missouri area and have found photes. Please up load them to Joplin Lost Photos or Found Photos Of Joplin,Mo Tornado. These pages can be found on Facebook. These two lady's are trying to reunited the photos with their owners. Thank you for your help.
Comment by Christine Kay Olsen-Needham on May 10, 2010 at 6:56am
I was just visiting in Johnson County, Missouri a couple weeks ago, and while I was there, I photographed all the graves in the Lundy Cemetery near Elm, Johnson, Missouri.
Comment by Kate Steere on May 10, 2010 at 5:39am
Hi Christine-
If you have specific brick walls maybe you can post them one at a time in the discussion area so we can help you with them?

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