Genealogy Wise

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All Blog Posts (3,108)

George Washington's Whiskey

A 15 year long project of research and archaeology has now revealed George Washington's recipe for making rye whiskey. In 1797, following his role as a general in the Revolutionary War, Founding Father and the first president of the United States, Washington became a successful distiller.

Dennis Pogue, vice president for preservation at Mount Vernon, says the venture was all about the money.

"Washington came back from the presidency in 1797 and he was looking frankly for an…


Added by William S Dean on July 19, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments

Handwriting Analysis, Fun or Tragedy

Handwriting Analysis

Handwriting Analysis can be fun or it can be a hair tearing, tears watering event.
I love working with the census reports and old writings and challenging my self to be able to
read what was written way back when.

Chuckling because MOM says my hand written letters are like a puzzle for her to follow any more.

She says I write in to much computerize and shorten the sentences to…

Added by Susi (Susan C Jones) Pentico on July 18, 2010 at 4:32pm — No Comments

Preparing for a Library Visit

With so much information available online, it’s easy to forget the wealth of publications that are only available in print or on microfilm and that can often be found at libraries.

I find it helpful to prepare before visiting a library, otherwise I become overwhelmed with all the choices when I get there. Most libraries today have . . . → :…


Added by Tonia Kendrick on July 18, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Amos and Betty Johnson Headstone

Amos Johnson and his wife Betty are buried in Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery in Gilmer County, Georgia. They may be my 3x-great-grandparents, Amos and Elizabeth; however the dates don’t quite match up.

Census records (1850 and 1860) indicate that Amos Johnson was born about 1826, while the birthdate on this stone is 1817. The stone also records Amos’ death in . . . → :…


Added by Tonia Kendrick on July 18, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

When doves fly - searching for a sign

shrine n. A place of religious devotion or commemoration, such as: a place where devotion is paid to a deity or deities, the tomb of a saint or other venerated person, a location where an important event in the life of a holy person is thought to have occurred. 2. A container or receptacle for sacred relics; a reliquary. 3. A site hallowed by association with a revered person or object or with an important…

Added by Jennifer Swan on July 18, 2010 at 6:05am — No Comments

Genealogy Topics Running Across my Screen

Genealogy Topics that of late run across my screen have been varied and interesting and wondering if we need to back up or slow down and re address our research.

One I liked was what are your favorite top websites to use for research. This is a question that comes with many answers, at least that is my prospective.

Lets say we are doing New England research, and had just stopped tracking the name in VA.
Well in Virginia you would use…

Added by Susi (Susan C Jones) Pentico on July 17, 2010 at 10:28pm — No Comments

Ghostly Tales Of Wisconsin:The Book

Recently I went to my local library and checked out a book called Ghostly Tales Of Wisconsin. I think the book is good but not great. I guess maybe I would've enjoyed it more if I had not already known about all the spooks mentioned in the book and if even HALF of the facts about the spooks were true. I'll give you two examples. 1.) Ed Gein's home was Prairie Du Chein, NOT Plainfeild...although I beleive the towns do border eachother and are not far from my uncle Danny's home in Gays… Continue

Added by Leeann Boone on July 17, 2010 at 6:19pm — No Comments

Looking for some answers

Hi, my name is Quincy Cruse and I'm looking for some answers in my history for my family with the last name Cruse.So can anyone help me?

Added by Quincy Cruse,Sr. on July 16, 2010 at 6:52pm — 3 Comments

Ancestry launches the Australia Birth, Marriage and Death Index

The release of Ancestry's Australia BMD Index seems to have been met with mixed reviews. Interestingly, here in the UK, although it got press coverage, and links to the website, there are no obvious details there!

However, full details can be found on the…

Added by William Douglas on July 16, 2010 at 3:46am — 2 Comments

The Scoundrel in My Wood Pile

James R. Jones there's a name I'd never heard until becoming addicted to family research.

Jamie, me bucko, you're my 3rd great grand pop on my dad's side of the clan. It's been great to meet you .... even if only through paper documents. A terrible shame it is that not one of the Heiterts of the last generation knew your story. Then again .... perhaps they did but decided to take the better part of caution. Trust me, Jamie; I never…


Added by Katie Heitert Wilkinson on July 15, 2010 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

I have run into a Brick wall with my 5th Great-Grandmother, Margaret "Maggie" Choulyn-Greyhorse. Can you HELP??

I have run into a Brick wall with my 5th Great-Grandmother, Margaret "Maggie" Choulyn-Greyhorse. She was married to Johann "Hans" Harmon in 1760 in Virginia at the Peaked Mountain Church. It has been told through my family for generations that she was a Full-Blooded Cherokee Indian. She was born in 1734 in Tennessee to TWO unknown Cherokee Indians.…

Added by Peggy (Fry) Dahler on July 15, 2010 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Seeking Robert West Information

I’m looking for information on Robert West, who may have been my 3x great-grandfather. I’ve identified Robert as the father of William West, my great-great-grandfather based on two facts: 1) the Robert West family includes a William W. West in 1850 and 1860 in Polk County, Tennessee, and 2) William himself was enumerated as head of . . . → : CONTINUE…


Added by Tonia Kendrick on July 15, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

China Diary: Looking At Ancestors

I recently got back from a 10 day trip to China where I visited the main cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. I had a really great time although I haven’t finished organizing and tagging all my photos and hope to get that done soon before I forget all the finer details of where each photo was taken. As I go through notes and photos I’ll be adding some thoughts to this “China Diary” over the next couple of months. …


Added by Stefani Twyford on July 14, 2010 at 12:34pm — No Comments

Medical GENEALOGY to be Presented by Susi Pentico

Now I find it interesting that no one commented on the topic of Medical Genealogy.

Does that mean everyone knows what it is and what it can do for us?

This topic will be shared in Vital Chats in another week.

Added by Susi (Susan C Jones) Pentico on July 13, 2010 at 4:56pm — No Comments

Dick Eastman Reviews Maureen Taylor’s New Book “The Last Muster”

My friend Maureen Taylor, aka The Photo Detective, just published her newest book, “The Last Muster.”

“A remarkable work of documentary history, The Last Muster is a collection of rare nineteenth-century photographic images—primarily daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, and carte des visite paper photographs—of the…


Added by Stefani Twyford on July 12, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments


It fascinates me to find connections between different branches of my family tree, possibly because I’ve always known there was a connection between my parents (besides the obvious).

Before you start thinking “cocktails in Appalachia,” I should explain that this is not a close connection. My father’s (maternal) great-grandmother is my mother’s (paternal) first cousin twice removed. . . . → :…


Added by Tonia Kendrick on July 12, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

The Genealogy News - Free Service

This service, which I launched last week, is available Online or via E-Mail (daily or weekly), and highlights new resources and information of interest to genealogists from a variety of sources. It's a convenient and efficient way to keep up with all of the latest news stories, transcriptions, press releases and popular blogger posts.…


Added by Illya Daddezio on July 11, 2010 at 12:48pm — No Comments

MEDICAL GENEALOGY to be Presented by Susi Pentico

Medical Genealogy to be presented at Bonita Library

Medical Genealogy to be presented by Susi Pentico of the CVGS on

Saturday 1 to 3 p m.

Why learn about" Medical Genealogy" you may ask. There are many

reasons for doing…

Added by Susi (Susan C Jones) Pentico on July 9, 2010 at 10:49pm — No Comments

An Almost-Missed Finding

I received an email from Ancestry today with “Possible record matches” in the subject line. Those of you who use Ancestry know that they give you hints, with little green leaves indicating some sort of match in their records, whether it be in another tree, a historical record, etc. This email contained three such hints. Sometimes . . . → : CONTINUE…


Added by Tonia Kendrick on July 9, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

need some one to read a German document for me

I need some one to siper a document for me . It is my grandfather baptism or some kind of birth record. contact me direct at so i can send a copy of it to you.

Added by John A. "JACK" Andresen on July 7, 2010 at 4:34pm — No Comments

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