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Genetic Genealogy

A group for anyone interested in using DNA to augment traditional genealogical research.

Members: 211
Latest Activity: Nov 10, 2021

Discussion Forum

DNA Testing Companies

Started by Rashi Rosenzweig. Last reply by Rashi Rosenzweig May 31, 2016. 4 Replies

Hi Everyone:I tested close to three years ago with 23andme and I am satisfied with my results.  However, I'll be blunt and state that I chose 23&me because FTDNA, for the 'whole 9 yards' cost the…Continue

Tags: #DNAgenealogy, #FTDNA, #23andme

Genetic Genealogy Questions

Started by Blaine Bettinger. Last reply by John Hale Nov 29, 2012. 13 Replies

Are you interested in genetic genealogy? Curious how it works, or how it can be used to benefit you? Join the discussion and benefit from the many others who have used DNA to augment their…Continue

Value of Autosomal DNA testing

Started by William Bernard Allen. Last reply by james e rohrer Mar 18, 2012. 5 Replies

So ive tested with Ancestry, Sorenson and Familytree DNA. Ive been researching my Y and Mito haplogroups but just cant get enough. What are your opinions on or any other autosomal…Continue

Which DNA test?

Started by Julie Flowers Ock. Last reply by Debbie Kennett Mar 1, 2011. 4 Replies

I want DNA testing tha will tell me my population profile, that is the percentages of all my ethnic background, the main ones tested for being European, Native American, African, Asian I think.  Does…Continue


Started by Robert Sliwinski. Last reply by Robert Sliwinski Mar 13, 2010. 5 Replies

This haplogroup is quite controversial today with opposing views on it's origin(s). One side sees it as Central Asia and another sees it as India. There is quite the debate in the scientific…Continue

The Genetic Genealogist

The Growing Phenomenon of the Unlinked Family Cluster

Have you experienced this? You’ve identified a very clear cluster that includes numerous DNA matches that all descend from a single family, but you have no idea how this family links into your family tree. Try as you might, and…

The post The Growing Phenomenon of the Unlinked Family Cluster appeared first on The Genetic Genealogist.

Leveraging the Power of Siblings and Cousins to Narrow Relationship Possibilities

The Shared cM Project is a collaborative research project that uses data from 100s of genealogists to generate shared DNA ranges and averages for nearly 50 different genealogical relationships. The most recent version of the Shared cM Project, Version 4.0,…

The post Leveraging the Power of Siblings and Cousins to Narrow Relationship Possibilities appeared first on The Genetic Genealogist.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Mavis Jones on November 15, 2009 at 10:33am
Since Family Tree DNA is having a sale right now, I've decided to take full advantage (this will be my Christmas present). One thing I'm doing is retesting both my maternal and paternal lines. The first time I went through Ancestry. I've determined that the analysis was probably correct but the interpretation for the haplogroups is definitely suspect (have a few earlier posts about this). One question I have is I'm doing the full sequence on my mtDNA.

I'm also planning to have a "new" cousin tested, if she is willing. Per information handed down from my grandmother, my cousin's great grandmother was my grandmother's half sister. Based on information gathered so far, I think that the connection is via my great-grandmother (grandmom's mom) but I've never been able to fully connect them via paper trail and am hoping that this will possibly provide the link. My question is would I need to also do the full sequence on my cousin if I'm doing the full sequence?
Comment by Brian DeGraaf on July 23, 2009 at 12:41pm
News: English mayor using citizens' #DNA in attempt to prove The Lost Colony in NC (1585) has descendants today in USA:
Article is from the North Devon, England newspaper North Devon Gazatte. Title of article is Search for ancestors of the Lost Colonists of America in North Devon
Link to The Lost Colony DNA Project:
Comment by Brian DeGraaf on July 23, 2009 at 12:40pm
News: English mayor using citizens' #DNA in attempt to prove The Lost Colony in NC (1585) has descendants today in USA:
Article is from the North Devon, England newspaper North Devon Gazatte. Title of article is Search for ancestors of the Lost Colonists of America in North Devon
Link to The Lost Colony DNA Project:
Comment by Blaine Bettinger on July 15, 2009 at 7:20am
Jason - unless you're asking some sort of specific question about your very close relative, it's probably not worth getting him tested. A father, brother, uncle, or cousin usually have identical results, and any differences won't be very useful anyway.

On the other hand, you might want to have your father tested just so that his DNA will be available to you in the future (some companies such as FTDNA will store the DNA samples) for other types of testing as they become available through the company. If you were to do this, I recommend getting his permission now to use his DNA in the future if anything were to happen to him.
Comment by Jason Presley on July 15, 2009 at 7:02am
Something I've been wondering for awhile, if I've already joined a DNA surname group, is there any real value to having my father or an uncle or cousin who are fairly closely related also join (beyond just increasing the number of participants in the group)?
Comment by Dorrliss E. Hale Ware on July 14, 2009 at 10:36pm
My mtDNA haplogroup is "H" The Colonist 263AG. I am in the process of having my oldest brother do his testing for our Y-DNA
Comment by Phillip Roderick on July 14, 2009 at 6:32pm
Being busy on the old keyboard tonight.
Please all excuse my way of talking typing etc I tend to be a bit random in what I do or say.
Now for the mtDNA side my mtDNA haplogoup is according to FTDNA group "I" and so far I have literally hundreds of matches, many of whom have emailed me.
The only problem I have is I cannot put my mtDNA line back any further than my GG Grandmother who was born in the USA and came back to to Wales sometime before 1881. She states on the census born USA. Her name was Mary Hughes born possibly Chicago 1856.
Any takers
Comment by Phillip Roderick on July 14, 2009 at 5:49pm
Thank you Debbie I will have a look.
Comment by Blaine Bettinger on July 14, 2009 at 4:42pm
Ms, Krauss - I have a guide available here (pdf).
Comment by Aleta Alene Carroll Krauss on July 14, 2009 at 4:17pm
Hi.. My brothers have both submitted their DNA for analysis and have received numerous matches. However, I have no idea how to interpret the original data that we received from the testing and what to do with the matches. Is there somewhere that I can go that will provide guidance in very basic English and maybe a step by step set of instructions? Thanks!

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