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Calling all Greene County researchers!:-)


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Just came across this. None of my family but if anyone has ancestors that were owned by McGiboney, Cone, Mapp, King family, here is a link to a family bible that lists the birth of some slave children.
I have been a Greene Co Ga researcher for over 20 years, and had a column back in the Prodigy Days. I have in Greene-
Abercrombie, Armour, Booth, Breedlove, Broughton, Brown,Caldwell, Cannon, Harris (2), Gray,Lamar, Long, McMichael, Merritt, Morris, Riley (2), Watkins and a few more I can not think of. All of these families are Original and early Co. Greene. None stayed more than two generations. I have a few slave owners, but no wills that tell more...for those of you who might ask. In other counties, I did better on records. As a professional, I have done African American Research. (My lines are always free) Ms. Gerry Hill Albany Ga
I have E H Armor's Greene Co Cemeteries, if anyone needs a lookup. He was a distant cousin of mine on my Armour family.
(Also have Greene Co History and Land Records)
Hello Gerry and welcome to the group.

Noticed that you have Greene Co. History and Land Records and wondered if you have anything on a Jesse F. Pierce/Pearce.
History-no Pearce- Pierce---No-only Ann,BenjG, Bishop, George, John, Julia,Lovick,and W.L.
Deeds-Pearce-see Pierce-No-only ANn, Bartlett, Benj. Elias, James, John, Joseph, Lazerus, Lewis & Nathaniel
Sorry. Are you familiar with USGENWEB.COM go to the state of your choice, then the county of your choise.
Thanks for the welcome.
I am not sure I could help you on Philip-but I do have the family in Wilkes. I am a descendant of Rev. Sol. Josiah Carter.
Hi There Gerry! Welcome to the Georgia Root Diggers!:-)

My ears (eyes) perked right up when I heard WILKES Co. & CARTER. I have yet to be able to confirm the owner of my 4th Paternal Grandfather, Philip CARTER from Wilkes.

Was Josiah Carter related to John Carter {wife Mary STONE Carter} from Wilkes? Any Carter information would be much appreciated... I have some old Oral History about the Carters that hasn't quite lined up.

Josiah was a Rev Sol (See that heading for more) born 1745 Bedford Va-1822 Putnam Co Ga
He had a son John-mine-but born 1786 Greene Co Ga married Mary Kendrick 1804.
Josiah was married to Mary Menges Anthony-another long line. (Joseph, Mark, Charles)

I am not sure about a Josiah married to a Stone. I have the Stone Family-from Md to Va and then lateral lines of them in Hancock Co Ga. I have a Mary Stone in this family, but married to Harrison Musgrove, who almost got himself lynched-with the Yazoo Affair (Polititions took land that should have been parceled out-and sold to their friends)

This Josiah-had:
(and there is a bible)
Joseph 1772,Elizabeth 1774, Sarah 1776 Josiah 78,Thomas 80,Christopher 82, Rachel 84 John 86, Daniel 88, Nancy A 1790,James 1792, Judith 1784.
John (Several including John L & John S), James
John (Several), James, Josiah
Thanks Gerry! I will definitely reach out to Lallie as is Warren Co. has always been a "black hole" in my research.

Here is a link from my blog - Our Georgia Roots. It's a recent post about John R. CARTER of Wilkes Co. Here's hoping something, anything, rings familiar -

If he was 80-in 1860 (They did not put names on them then did they?) it would have been after Josiah left town and died. Look at the neighbors here and on the census. I see a Zachariah Kendrick-that was a family name of that family. Lots of them. See who stayed in WIlkes in 1860.
Maybe one of his sons...(Owner) Try 1850 or 60 on Ancestry-one or the other gives all the slave owners. Pages of them. See who was still there, and I may can help.
Greene County Georgia Ancestors
William Brown from Va- died before 14 Aug 1806 Greene Co Ga he married Sarah (Probably Long dtr of Henry & Mary Bond, Grandtr of Bloomfield & Elizabeth Reynolds
They had children-while in Va-I am not sure how many-as only ads for the estate settlement are found.
He had at Least-Ezekiel, Elizabeth and Reuben.
Ezekiel born 10 Mar 1764 somewhere in Va-did not marry until 1803 (If it is not his first-I found no other)
Elizabeth Merritt dtr of Wm.
They had Wm. M and 7 more. William born 1806 Greene Co Ga married same Amanda E Gray dtr of
Archibald & Cynthia Armour-also from Greene. to Crawford Co. Ga then Marion where he ditched her. (or her him)
William was a State Representative...and was murdered while trying to settle problems of the Civil War.
They had George A 1826 and 7 more. George was born in Greene and died in Sumter-as the City Clerk 1878 Americus-
where his Father was murdered in 1870. George married 3 times. #1 Julia P Raines died after the birth of her 3rd child
mine- William Nathaniel. He had one girl each by the others. #2 died #3 Divorced.
William Nathaniel was my Great Grandfather- Gerry (Brown) Hill
Greene Co. Ga.
MOST of my Father's families-came to Greene Co Ga in the late 1700's.
Brown, McMichael, Merritt, Lamar, Breedlove, Cannon, Gray, Riley (2), Harris (2), Caldwell, Armour, Booth to name a few.
William & Sara Brown-at least 3 of their children in Greene- Ezekiel, Reuben and Elizabeth who married Booth FitzPatrick.
John McMichael & Mary Irwin-several of their children including my James who later died Jasper.
William Merritt-incluuding his two dtrs. Elizabeth who married Ezekiel Brown and Nancy who married Lemuel Green.
John Lamar-and wife Frances Breedlove dtr of Benjamin & Matilda Booth dtr of John all in Greene at one time.
Joshua Cannon came with his Broughton family 3 uncles-and 2 brothers. He married Elizabeth Williamson Harris dtr of Wilmont & Caty Morris also there.

James Gray & brother Thomas- James wife Mary Riley-and her brother John and other siblings.
3 Armour Brothers-and my John wife #2 Nancy Caldwell dtr of Wm.



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