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Missouri Genealogy

For those researching ancestors in the state of Missouri

Members: 317
Latest Activity: May 17, 2021

I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs…frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I'm from Missouri; you've got to show me. -- William Duncan Vandiver, 1899 at a naval banquet in Philadelphia.

Useful Links for researching Missouri genealogy. (Please add your own favorites in the discussion thread)

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Discussion Forum


Started by John Newmark. Last reply by Raymond Richard Nov 29, 2017. 35 Replies

For those who wish to introduce themselves - perhaps say something about your ancestral connection to Missouri, and share any details about particular areas of expertise.My paternal ancestors arrived…Continue

Tags: Introductions


Started by Herbert Holeman Feb 21, 2014. 0 Replies

Hello all. My name is Herbert P. Holeman, and I'm tracing my paternal lineage. All I know is what I've gained from the U.S. Census.My father, HERBERT SPENCER HOLEMAN, was born in Bryant, Douglas…Continue

Wright/Webster/Douglas Cos in the south

Started by Linda Schreiber Mar 5, 2013. 0 Replies

I am searching Hoover, Goss, Cross, Carrick, an lots of related names and neighbor names in these southern counties. Anyone else interested in this area?Continue

Dunklin county, Mo

Started by Mona Romans. Last reply by Rebecca Poertner Jan 16, 2012. 1 Reply

My family is from the Kennett and Seneth area. The surnames I am researching are Reed, Mayberry, Brydon, Gibbs. My Reeds are from the Seneth area and I am looking for any info on John S reed, his…Continue

Useful Links

Started by John Newmark. Last reply by Rosemary Taylor Jun 6, 2010. 16 Replies

Does anyone have useful research sites for Missouri genealogy research?I will add to the list below as suggestions are made in the discussion thread so that you don't have to read through the…Continue

Tags: Resources

1871 Jesse James Hallar named after the outlaw the James and Hallar family were neighbors?

Started by Richard Aanrich Nov 5, 2009. 0 Replies

I am trying to find information on the birth and parents, and siblings of JJ Hallar.

Wayne County marriage records?

Started by Kate Steere. Last reply by Nelda Tinker Oct 12, 2009. 1 Reply

Hi-In doing some research, I have been trying to find a marriage record for a possible marriage in Mill Spring, Wayne County, MO circa 1880-81. In my research, I have found that the Wayne County…Continue

St.Louis Training School for Subnormal Children

Started by Cindy Jeitler. Last reply by Cindy Jeitler Oct 5, 2009. 4 Replies

Has anyone in this group ever heard of the above titled school? I have learned very little about it other than it was in existence for a time and my husband's aunt was living there when the 1930…Continue

WHITAKER, BOYER, GODSEY & McGUIRE families in the "Bootheel"

Started by Linda Cardenas. Last reply by Kate Steere Sep 14, 2009. 3 Replies

I am researching my children's paternal line, the WHITAKERs, and related lines, BOYER, GODSEY and McGUIREs, mostly around Dunklin County. Are there any online websites that might help me with…Continue


Started by Suzanne Vinduska. Last reply by Tiff Wright Aug 27, 2009. 5 Replies

I am new to the group. I am researching for Dwyer and Tighe in St. Louis City and the Flaherty family in East St. Louis, IL. (lots of people in East St. Louis had ties with people in the City.I work…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Christine Kay Olsen-Needham on May 10, 2010 at 5:32am
All of my Missouri family come from the Kansas border region. Mostly Johnson County. Here are a list of the names, and the state they migrated from: Coleman of Indiana, Hedden of Indiana, Edwards of Ashe Co, North Carolina (*note* the Edward family also lived in Marshal, Saline Co, Mo and Lafayette Co, Mo.), Smith of Ohio, Elliott of Virginia and Kentucky, Talley of Franklin, Tennessee, Hayden of Indiana, Craig of Indiana, Smythe of Georgia and Kentucky, Russell of Alabama, Fox of Tennessee, Collins of Virginia (possible Quakers), Smith of Kentucky, and Lundy of Grayson Co, Virginia (possible Quakers). I know next to nothing about the Fox family, and the Georgia and Kentucky Smythe and Smiths are still quite a mystery for me. Any help is appreciated! :)
Comment by Judy Broleman on January 31, 2010 at 2:17pm
My focus is mostly on the Southeastern side of Missouri from St. Louis south to the bootheel. Families I am researching include SCHWEIZER, BROLEMAN, KESSLER, SIMMS, YEARGAIN, WESTOVER, MORTON, ANDERSON, BULL, WILSON, SNIDER, BURGHART, HREBEC AND TRCKA.
Comment by Julie Carr on January 15, 2010 at 11:15am
Most of my family settled in Missouri (Miller, Maries, Osage, Cole).
Allen, Goeller, Bishop, Jenkins, Goeller, Evers, Scott, Wilson, Holtmeyer, Kirkweg, Payne, Henson, Sanders, Machon, Lawson, Hake and many more

Please check out my blog at

Comment by JESSE SHERWOOD on September 27, 2009 at 4:13pm
Families settled into New Madrid, Chariton, Linn, Saline, Johnson Counties in the 1820s -1860s. Buchanan county in the 1870s. Surnames Sherwood, Allen, Doan, Johnson, Cross, Phillips, Stanley, Dunklin and Plank. I am located in Kansas City.
Comment by Ora Carroll on September 27, 2009 at 4:03pm
Our families were from Buchanan county. There are several from Marion Twp. around the town of Easton . Carrolls,and Clarks. From Tremont twp. the Evans and Andersons . Have hit some walls.
Comment by Katie Heitert Wilkinson on September 4, 2009 at 9:24am
Greetings, all. I'm here because I'm interested in the area around Newton and Jasper Counties. My maternal grandfather, Joseph Dernier Kearney (b: 1892) was fostered by Martin and Mary Kearney who had a farm in Sarcoxie Prarie. Joseph travelled from New York City to Missouri at the age of three on an orphan train. Martin Kearney was originally from Scranton, Pa. and I've wondered what brought him all the way to Missouri. In my research I learned that there were a large number of Kearney's living in the area, so I've theorized that he might have had extended family there. Haven't been able to find anything to support mt theory yet.
Comment by ROSS L. WEBSTER on August 30, 2009 at 3:52pm
Researching Heishman's in and around Independance.
Comment by Lois Faulconer on August 13, 2009 at 2:20pm
I have Breshears line in Dallas Co., Bowen in LaFayetter Co., Faulconer in Pettis and Saline, Witcher in Pettis Co. Fisher in Mo. Stephens, Morton's These aere both my husband and mine.
Lois Faulconer
Comment by Kay Adkins on August 10, 2009 at 2:28pm
I see the name Searcy came up in my Kentucky group! Hubby's GG Grandpa Edward (Edwin) Remington Adkins (Family moved from Owens, KY, before he was born in Platte Co, MO 4 May 1852) married a Harriet Searcy and moved to UT, but then she disappears. Anyone know anything at all about a Harriet Searcy? I've always suspected her family followed the same migration pattern as the Adkins.
Comment by Claudette (Ricketts) Pfingston on August 5, 2009 at 3:18pm
Researching: McKINNEY, SANDERS, ING, RHYNE, HOYLE, REDMAN, HALE, CAMPBELL, GOODMAN, etc. in Stoddard County and surrounding areas in MO.

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