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Soule Family

Descendants of George Soule, of the Mayflower, also Waste/West, Peterson, and Haskell

Members: 30
Latest Activity: Mar 25, 2022

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JAN van Solle of Tsolle wax seal or mark

Started by Armando Framarini. Last reply by Lynn Patterson May 13, 2014. 8 Replies

John Hascall + Martha Lauson

Started by Joseph John Heath Nov 25, 2011. 0 Replies

Mary Bucket or Becket?

Started by Armando Framarini. Last reply by Armando Framarini Oct 30, 2011. 2 Replies

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Comment by Armando Framarini on December 19, 2012 at 8:41am
Comment by Amber Shae Mattingly on November 28, 2012 at 12:16am

hey everyone, I'm pretty new to this. My mother's maiden name is Soules. Her father told me it actually use to be soule. I'm wondering if this is the same soule family? I am going to try to get more information from him

Comment by Armando Framarini on October 5, 2012 at 9:23am


Possible misrecording of SOLT, but also possible the name transformed in spelling to Sole/Soule.




John Solt fil George Solt de Ffleetwick in Com Bedford tannar to Thomas Cuthett 7 years 21 November 1639

This may also be related:
Bernard Ffare fil William Ffare de Fletwick in Com Bedford yeoman to John Soule 7 years 9 July 1650
William Allen sonne of William Allen of Stagsden in the County of Bedds victualler to John Sole 7 years 6 Nov 1657
John Ffaiercloth son of Thomas Ffaiercloth of Raisely in the County of Bedford gentleman to William Salde 8 yeares 24 August 1656
John Sole son of George Sole of Fflitwich in the County of Bedford tanner to John Baker 7 yrs 24 Sept 1685
Comment by Armando Framarini on September 24, 2012 at 7:20am

As part of a Social Media grant, Soule Kindred's Newsletter archives can now be viewed free of charge. Current Soule Kindred members can view the newsletters by going to, click on Newsletters in the red menu bar, and s
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Comment by James Alfred Locke Miller Jr. on November 19, 2011 at 10:09pm

My HTML was not so good below. The below should read: "Jü>ssen".
While we are in the HTML mode; I often sign my postings as: <∞> focusononinfinity

Comment by James Alfred Locke Miller Jr. on November 19, 2011 at 10:02pm

Clayton: I find your posting on the Basques and French Pyrenees interesting.

I use to get regular e-mails (in English) from a Basques studies department of a western U.S. university. It was concerned with the Basque language, customs, and history; both in America and the Pyrenees  This flowed from over a century ago when many Basque sheep herders settled in the American West, and fishermen near San Francisco (unless I confuse them with the Portuguese there).

My ancestor, French marine aide Maj. Pierre Gabriel de Juzan (also Jussan) of Mobile, Alabama, was killed in combat against Chickasaws in the 1730's First Battle of Ackia, Tupelo, Mississippi Military District. His kinsman, Canadian marines Capt. Antoine de Tonty, and aide Maj. Charles Pierre de Liette, were killed in the Second Battle of Ackia.

Juzan's mother was Mme. Michelle de Liette de Juzan "of the King's cabins", Versailles, France. Her other sons were one who was a marine supply officer at Bayonne (bad eyes? Old Navy joke) and the other who was Count Pontchartrain's courier to the King.

His son "Don Pedro" was, Francois Pierre Gabriel de Juzan, His Spanish Majesty's Indian Commissioner to Alabama, and DAR ally Patriot. Don Pedro ran Spanish service agents amongst the Indians against British agents amongst the Indians. His son, Choctaw chief, Capt. Peter Juzan, inn keeper, Juzan Lake, Mississippi, in the 1815 Battle of New Orleans, led 52 Choctaws from the swamp against the British right flank ("...powdered the alligator's behinds. Fired! But the British kepta-com'n...").

The Juzan name, according to the Basque Studies Center; is not a Basque name, though the Juzans are from the French Pyrenees. There is a village there of Louvie-Juzan; supposedly "juzan" means "a small village on the side of a hill", but I know not in which language?

Whilst "Don Pedro" spoke French, Spanish, and at least, likely Indian "trade language" (mish-mash of adjoining tribes key words, and Spanish/French/English key trade words; our Creek chief Samuel 'Sam" Moniac, Sr., who 1790 NYC signed the peace treaty with President Washington; allegedly taught Gen. Jackson under whom Moniac served as a Creek nation ally; to use the Creek term which sounded like "OK", and pretty-much means what it does today. Over a decade ago, I was in Paris with Cuban/French Juzan kin (the late Col. Pierre Juzan was once head of French airline security?), when some Parisians were speaking to them in French, and kept saying "OK", frequently. I chuckled; bet they did know the were speaking Creek? Creek, is "Greek" to them?);  prior to Maj. Juzan bringing his French marine company via Haiti, to Mobile, Alabama, he had been a French marine Lt. on the Swiss border.

If there Lt. de Juzan spoke fluent Swiss; this brings to mind a hunch? The 'French' Juzan, Jussan name may have originally been Swiss Jussen, Jussian, or German Je<Ü>sien? This may be less than far-fetched; as our Adam Hollinger of 1750's Hollinger's Island, off Mobile, descended from 1649 Irish militia Capt. Ruprecht Robert Hollinger, who came to Ireland from Switzerland, where he was born 1590 at Waldshist.

Lastly let me at to the early American, French Juzan, French & Indian Juzan heritage, our early Mobile French, Indian, African American Juzangkin. The added 'g' i in Don Pedro's son, Charles Juzan's (1800?) will in which he provides for both, but distinguishes between within and without wedlock Indian families. The w/o branch in time, added our later African American blood "Juzang" cousins.

Comment by Armando Framarini on November 19, 2011 at 12:44pm

Today I came across the marriage of a John Vonssell and a Mary Scarle in the parish of St Marylebone in Westminster in April if 1686. After looking at the entry on, I sent them a correction notice to change the name to John Vonssoll and Mary Searle. Could this be a descendant of a brother of George Soule? Maybe a van Solt/van Soldt? or both? Also the family name  of SEARLE is some how changed from Salls/Saule! Curios if anyone knows of this union?

Comment by Clayton L. Soules on November 9, 2011 at 8:06am

I have been fairly successful in my search of my family in America going back to George Soule.  When it came to try to trace the tree back further, however I soon learned of the controversy that I had stepped into. As with many researchers, I had assumed that the Eckington thread was credible, even though my Father had told me a very different tale as I was growing up.  Because the "story" seemed a bit far-fetched to me as a kid, and once I learned of the Eckington-Connection, I assumed that the "often repeated FACTS" to be accurate and worth pursuing.

The tale that my Father told was that the man who came to America on the Mayflower was " in FACT", a man of Basque decendency.  The way the story went was that he was an outlaw and he escaped the Basque Region to avoid the French Police.  In his escape, he assumed the name of a "French Province" in the greater Paris vicinity and settled into a new life there.  It was never clear to me how long or where he lived during this period of time, but when the "heat was on", he escaped to England and took up with the English Separatists, and eventually booked passage on the Mayflower as an indentured servant.

I then decided to try to find the French Province in the 17th Century  that presumably holds the name of our namesake.  Not too surprisingly, I found nothing throughout the history of the area that held the Soule name. But then I spotted something that got my attention in the Basque region in the French Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain.  It turns out that there is a French Basque Country, or "Northern Country"  (called "Imparralde" in the Basque language), and translates to "the North Side"  Imparralde has three Provinces, the smallest of which is called Zuberoa in the Basque language, or in English "SOULE".

Now the "story" that my Dad told, begins to make more sence.  In my discussions with the Sole Society in England, and with the Kindered Soule Society here in America, as well as this FORUM, I find it entirely possible that "George" (or perhaps his Father) actually escaped to The Netherlands or even to Belgium and began to blend in with a new society in order to hide his true identity.  Presumptions asside, the truth is that he became somehow aquainted with Edward Windslow, perhaps through the "illicit printing scheme" that Louise refers to in her writings and the religious pursuits of the time, which were against the King's religious edicts.  The "Rest of the Story" is well documented and swerves back into "FACTS" as we know them.

Louise has advanced the theory that there is a Holland, or perhaps a Belgium connection to the story, which butresses this theory and the tale that my Father learned of as a child from his sisters and brothers.  My Dad never knew his Father, who who died of an industrial accident four months before Dad was born, so Dad had to have been told the story by his siblings, which had been handed down through the family tree.

I invite those of you who have other "theroies" to share them to see if this thread can be considered is, thus far just a "story"

Clay Soules


Comment by James Alfred Locke Miller Jr. on November 3, 2011 at 7:35pm
Does anyone know of an 1800's Soule family connection with any of these eastern, southern families: Woollen Woolen, Malcolm, Malcom, Page, Landreth, Anderson, Heath, or Lee?
Comment by Armando Framarini on November 3, 2011 at 7:10pm

There is a discounted price going through the Soule Group at


If you decide to go to  you will get all 3 tests for $99.00! plus a year subcription. It gives the Y-DNA, mt-DNA, and Autosomal-DNA test.

I am looking for Soule descendants who have taken the Autosomal-DNA test which cost $289.00 at FTDNA. was giving away 10,000 Y-DNA kits free to regular subscribers until 11/5/2011! But thats $160 yearly subscription.


Members (30)



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