Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network


Soule Family

Descendants of George Soule, of the Mayflower, also Waste/West, Peterson, and Haskell

Members: 30
Latest Activity: Mar 25, 2022

Discussion Forum

JAN van Solle of Tsolle wax seal or mark

Started by Armando Framarini. Last reply by Lynn Patterson May 13, 2014. 8 Replies

John Hascall + Martha Lauson

Started by Joseph John Heath Nov 25, 2011. 0 Replies

Mary Bucket or Becket?

Started by Armando Framarini. Last reply by Armando Framarini Oct 30, 2011. 2 Replies

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Comment by Clayton L. Soules on November 3, 2011 at 6:54pm
I am intrested in participating in the Y-DNA testing to contribute to the pool of knowledge in the direct Soule line to old George.  Should I start at the familytreedna link to get started?
Comment by Armando Framarini on October 29, 2011 at 3:25pm

Interesting discoveries made with AUTOSOMAL-DNA! Autosomal-DNA is different than Y-DNA(male lineage) and mt-DNA(female lineage)


A few months ago I believed I matched a Soule descendant through Autosomal-DNA test comparisons. She claimed it was a False Positive. Through another series of test her match came up again, yet she still claimed a False Positive! I have been searching for George Soule descendants who have taken the Autosomal-DNA test. It has been quite a search. Last night I discovered a match with a THROOP which is a name listed in the George Soule Y-DNA list at and shares a very close Y sequence with G Soule. Just minutes ago I received a match with a Soule descendant. I would like to confirm a few more matches before any conclusions can be made. So if you have descended from George Soule directly or Indirectly and have taken an Autosomal-DNA test please contact me. This may be a clear indication that George came from the van Solt/van Soldt family from Belgium and the need to confirm this with Y-DNA from a male van Soldt.

Comment by Julia Mitchel on September 25, 2010 at 9:08pm
Armando, thanks for the link. Yes I do know it is the male line for the Y-DNA, that's why we had my Uncle do the sample for our Slayden, Slaton, Slayton DNA project and not me.
I am a member of Sould Kindred, guess I should check out the website. Thanks.
Comment by Armando Framarini on September 25, 2010 at 6:39pm
Hey Julia, It is the male family member that carry's the Y-DNA needed to trace the the paternal lineage. Here is the link to Family Tree DNA Soule Y-DNA results >>>>>
I am not a member of Soule Kindred ( or the Sole Society ( which may have additional results
Comment by Julia Mitchel on September 24, 2010 at 9:39pm
Where can we find the DNA project, at Soule Kindred?
We have a DNA project of the Slaton, Slayton, Slayden, etc surname, and have over 40 DNA's grouped by different Haplogroups. Interesting if you are not sure of the progenitor.
I no nothing about DNA except that my uncle was a contributor. Its very complicated.
Comment by Armando Framarini on September 24, 2010 at 2:45pm
Great to have you on board Arthur! I think your DNA will only help to clarify!
Comment by Arthur Joseph Soles on September 24, 2010 at 2:16pm
Checking in and have sent for a DNA test. This should help sort out my family tree quite a bit (or completely mudify it!
Comment by Julia Mitchel on September 13, 2010 at 5:35pm
Surely there are more Soule's out there on this board.
Comment by Julia Mitchel on September 13, 2010 at 11:57am
Louise, I would love to be going to London to research, but just bought a new car (used) as mine was dying, so I wont be going anywhere for a long while.
Comment by Louise Walsh Throop on September 12, 2010 at 11:01pm
Ha! Ha! Perhaps you know someone who is already scheduled for a trip to London and who knows a bit about genealogy research......

Members (30)



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