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South Carolina Research

For anyone researching in South Carolina....

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Latest Activity: Nov 24, 2024

Discussion Forum

Bryant's in South Carolina--

Started by Ruth Kramer. Last reply by P Bryant Feb 21, 2021. 2 Replies

I need some help

Started by Tammy Mellard Wheeler. Last reply by Lynda Moseley Oct 3, 2015. 9 Replies

Old Orangeburgh District: 1768 - 1868

Started by Jeanie DiLeonardo. Last reply by Lynda Moseley Oct 2, 2015. 20 Replies

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Comment by Loralee Wellington on November 26, 2018 at 5:49pm

Researching MCCREIGHT in Fairfield Co, who arrived in 1772 on the Pennsylvania Farmer, and  MCMICHAEL, who lived in the Long Cane area of Abbeville Co in the 1790's;

Comment by Kimberly Latrice Harriott on January 19, 2014 at 11:00am

Hello, everyone! Happy New Year! I'm trying to find more information about my third great-grandfather Abraham Richardson & his siblings, if he had any. Abraham Richardson was born in SC; lived in Hartsville. I'm also trying to find more information on his children. I have information on one of his sons, Colonel Richardson, who is my second great-grandfather. But the rest of Abraham's children, I cannot find no information on descendants to save my life. There was Daniel, Margaret, Priscilla, Colonel(I have info on his line), Mary, Henry, Martha, Catherine, and Charles Richardson. I believe I have them in order. I also do not have no information on the women; whether they married and if they did marry, their married names. Sigh. Can anyone on here help? I'd greatly appreciate it.

Comment by Lowcountry Africana on October 22, 2011 at 12:09am

Hi Genfriends :0)

     It's Toni Carrier writing from Lowcountry Africana, to invite you to come and join the discussion in our new Facebook research community. You can post queries, discuss research and learn about new resources for SC, GA and FL.

     Here's the address, please coma and join in!





Comment by Patricia (Trish Funderburg)Walls on August 26, 2011 at 3:25pm

Researching the Anthony Funderburgh line in Edgefield S. Carolina as far back as 1790. Anthony furnished supples during the Revolution. I can find records that he was in Wilkes Co., Ga in 1773. from Land Records. He went back to Edgefield by 1790 and died in 1809.  His son, Isaac was said to have been a Captain in the Revolution but that has not been proven. Anthony married a McCarty and his son, Isaac, later also married a McCarty. Most likely a cousin. Would be interesting to find more info on these two. I have just joined this website and look forward to sharing and finding new info

Comment by Jason Joiner on August 10, 2011 at 9:46pm
Is there any one researching Hampton and Jasper Counties, SC
Comment by Sharon Attaway Brogdon on April 12, 2011 at 8:30pm
I am searching for information on Joseph or William Attaway in Spartanberg, SC. I have 1830 census showing them there but would love to have marriage or probate records. Some think they moved to GA after this but not sure if they are talking about the same people.  Thanks for any help.
Comment by Zoe (Marble) Smith-Fallgren on March 1, 2011 at 11:22pm
Thomas Ladson Boone born in Sumpter SC moved with his family to Galveston TX.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Comment by Annette Marie Madden on January 22, 2011 at 9:44pm
I am researching the descendants of Berry and Amanda Finley, Julia Ann Crout and 1) Azariah Crout and 2) unknown Cunningham, Martha Pitts and (perhaps) Reuben Pitts, Perry and Harriet Madden, all from Laurens, South Carolina.
Comment by Lowcountry Africana on August 4, 2010 at 1:44pm to Digitize SC Estate Inventories and Bills of Sale in a Free Collection

Please Volunteer to Index These Records to Make Them Searchable!

-Newly Digitized Records Preserve the Names of More Than 30,000 Slaves -

We are very excited to announce a collaboration with, the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, FamilySearch and Lowcountry Africana, to digitize every surviving estate inventory for Colonial and Charleston South Carolina from 1732 to 1872, as well as selected Bills of Sale for the same period, in a FREE collection!

When the project is complete, the names of more than 100,000 SC ancestors from Charleston and surrounding counties will be indexed in a FREE online collection, preserved for generations to come. The South Carolina Department of Archives and History holds the original records and has provided access to them and given their kind permission to place them on the Internet, FamilySearch International donated the copies of the microfilms to be digitized, contributed the time and expense to digitize the films and host the collection, and we in the research community can index the records to make them fully searchable.

The Power of YOU! To Volunteer, Please Fill In the Sign Up Form HERE!

It will take many willing hands to index the records to make them fully searchable. Every name and place that we index in a document will enable researchers to discover that document via a Google (or other search engine) search, and's search engine.

If each of us indexed 10 pages of this free collection, they would be searchable in no time! We would like to challenge [OK, beg, :0) ] each of our friends in the research community to index 10 pages of this remarkable collection. Your contribution will make an enormous difference in making these records accessible.

To volunteer, please fill in the sign up form HERE. We will contact you to show you how to get started. Don't worry, we will teach you everything you need to know to index records.

Thank you so much for helping bring these extraordinary records online in a FREE collection. The ancestors must be smiling!

Did You Know? Records for 1839-1867 Are Posted for Browsing! Here's How to Access Them

As we index these records, the names, places and dates we index will be placed in the Footnote search engine to make the collection searchable on Footnote and via an Internet search.

But you can already view any document in this FREE collection by browsing the documents with the Footnote browser! To view browsing instructions, please CLICK HERE.

Happy Ancestor Hunting from the Crew at Lowcountry Africana!
Comment by Bill Drayton on July 25, 2010 at 11:31am
Can anyone help me with the following people - Nancy Weston (1810, SC-1895, DC), mother of Archibald (1847-1930), Francis (1850-1937) and John Grimke (1852-1915), Whitefield McKinlay, and Samuel O'Hear, cousins to their cousins.

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