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Calling all Greene County researchers!:-)


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I'll be the first to post here. My Pierce ancestry goes back to Greene County. I would appreciate any information on Jesse F. Pierce, who is listed on the 1850 and 1860 slave schedules. Assuming my ancestors took the surname of their last owner, I believe that Jesse F. Pierce was their owner and would appreciate any information on him.

Also, as I am in the process of planning a research trip to Greene County, would appreciate any information on old African-American cemeteries, churches, and other points of interest.
I am researching in Greene County these surnames: Brewer, Lawrence and Askew. My grandfather's first wife was Lillie Bell Favors, and I recently discovered that Noel Lawrence (my grandmother's brother) married Loza Anne/Lozie Ann Favors. So guess I should add Favors to the list as well.
The Taliaferro family is also in Twiggs-early- a burned county- and there is a book on them. I wrote to Twiggs for records before I knew there were none-and the Probate judge was nice enough to send me pages from this book-which was on my Hale's. I do have material on the Askew's in Greene. Brewers, not there, but Taylor Co later.
Lawrence I may have. I have specialized in Greene Co for a long time, and said if I ever wrote a book it would be called Greene County Folks-and I have done pages and pages, but nowhere near a book.
John & Lilly Hill had Virginia William 1808 and Sena 1817
William was born in Ga-and died a 1849 Greensboro, Greene, Ga He married the child of my ancestor-Cynthia Riley born a 1813 died a 1834 3 Jan 1931 Greensboro.
He married Nancy Merritt #1-who also is in my family.1835
They had Josiah, Griffin Ezekiel 1839,Wm S 1841, Joseph 1845, Columbus 1847, Georgia Lila 1848.
Sandra, know this - your TALIAFERRO family is from Wilkes Co. & heck, we could even be cousins. The fact that you haven't been able to follow the line [yet] is just a bi-product of the events of the period.

Greene is next door to Wilkes Co.

My Grandmother was Annie FAVER/FAVOR from Wilkes County married Phillip CARTER in 1869.

Funny, although I know she lived in Wilkes Co. eventually, I have never been able to confirm that she was from there.

She is said to have been of mixed blood - Native American & African.

Nor on subject here-but could not reply on the Wilkes-Warren note-You need to contact Alice Elizabeth "Lallie" (Dozier) Jones Benkowski- Lallie at bellsouth dot net.
She has extensive material on your counties-
She was born in McDuffie (Thomson) Her Mother's Brinkley's are from Warren, her Father's Doziers from Columbia
Her Mother's Riviere, Marshon, Brinkley and Gibson from Warrentin, Camak (Warren Co) for several generations. She has been at it over 30 years and has extensive material in this area, and is always glad to help someone.
We did a workshop in that area-not long ago, she and I, and she was helping a fella whose ancestors were on one of the plantations. She really seemed to know a lot. Gerry
You are most likely right. It is so very frustrating knowing there is a connection and not having the proof to connect the dots and put the pieces of the puzzle together. My Brewer line of Greene Co. is said to be part Native American as well.

I know it's frustrating, but you watch - when the Ancestors intend for their presence [and connections] to be known, they always are.


Sandra Taliaferro said:
You are most likely right. It is so very frustrating knowing there is a connection and not having the proof to connect the dots and put the pieces of the puzzle together. My Brewer line of Greene Co. is said to be part Native American as well.

Not sure if this is where I should post this but since my Pierce ancestors are from Greene county I'll post it here. As I was going back through some of the censuses, again, tracking Jesse Pierce (who I think was my Pierce ancestors owner), I noticed something peculiar at least to me. There seems to be this free family that lived right next to him 1870 and earlier. I tthink it was the 1820 census (not home so don't have information and notes in front of me) that list a Jesse Pierce who has Free People as well as slaves. Other than the free family having a child of the same age as my 2ggrandfather with the same first name as 2ggrandfather, I don't think there is any correlation. I just thought it was interesting that this man had slaves as well as probably "sponsoring" this free black family. Of course I don't know the nature of their relationship but still seemed interesting. Now I want to find out more about this family.
Hey Mav! You've posted to the right place! I'd love to hear more about this family too. Still hoping for the day that I will discover an Ancestor who was a Freedman!:-)

As some of you know, I'm trying to plan a research trip to Greene County for sometime this year (no, my mother still hasn't set a date for us to go). One of the things I hope to do while I am there is visit some old cememeteries but am having a difficult time determining what if any African-American cemeteries exist. Would appreciate any resources anyone may know of to determine this.
Mavis - I'll try to see what I can find out when I head to Wilkes on the 30th.

Rest assured though, when you arrive in town, everyone will know they have a "new" visitor - small town wires are quicker than Western Union and most "old timers" can point you to the cemeteries where slaves and/or African-American rest.




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