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Georgia Root Diggers

An open forum for researchers digging-up ancestral roots in Georgia!

Location: Georgia
Members: 154
Latest Activity: Nov 24, 2024

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New Lowcountry Africana Facebook Research Community

Started by Lowcountry Africana Oct 22, 2011. 0 Replies

NEW WEBSITE: A Friend of Friends

Started by Sandra Taliaferro Mar 8, 2010. 0 Replies

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Comment by Vashti T Jones on January 5, 2020 at 5:13pm

I am researching the Touchstone family.  My Great, Great Grandfather was James Touchstone from Barnswell District SC who moved to Lanier and Echols County Georgia. Our family line dropped the “s and “e” on our name sometime in the last 100 years.  We now go by Touchton.


Our family line came into the US through Maryland (I think) in the 1700s. Family tradition says that 2 brothers came over and one went north and one went south.  James probably is the grandson or great grandson of one of them. I am interested in connecting with other Touchstones and Touchtons.  I now live in Kansas so going to do search at these places is not something easily done.

Comment by Darnell Baker on May 31, 2015 at 2:45pm

Searching for any information on William Virgil Hudson who married Nancy Margaret Edward who was from of Elbert County. They were married in Wilkes County, Georgia  29 Dec, 1923. William Virgil Hudson is my brick wall.

Comment by Alice Dixon on May 24, 2014 at 11:42am

Hello all, I'm new to the site and the group.  I've got family all over the state and have been researching for over ten years.  I live in Houston County, GA and don't mind helping out in this area.  My Georgia surnames are Griffith, Redding, Sanderlin, Dyess (and its various spellings) Barberie (Barbre, Barbree, Barbee, and lots of other spellings) Dixon, Myrick/Merrick and several more surnames.  Have verified more than one Revolutionary War soldier in the family but am always looking for more information.  

Comment by Denise Damm on September 14, 2013 at 6:08am

I'm looking for help on decipering a card in the Name Index File from the Georgia Archives. This may be a big clue that I need in proving a relationship the last place there is a record of this man is in 1805 until I found this.  The source is Ene (or Enc), 151 Dist Co (Warren Co), ?m, Feb 14, 1812 - (MC 1809 - 12, p 89,

There is not a closed parenthesis only a comma. After learning what it is my next question would be where might I find it.  Thanks for your help in advance.

Comment by Denise Damm on August 5, 2013 at 7:29pm

Thanks, Dawn.  I will check out that article.  I can't seem to find any digital newspapers in the areas of these counties and I've thought about church records and thought I would try that but this other article sounds more interesting.

Comment by Denise Damm on August 2, 2013 at 7:39am

I am trying to prove a relationship between my third great grandfather and the man I believe is his father.  I have located at least one record of my subject in Washington, Greene, Warren, Baldwin, Marion, Cherokee, Houston and possibly Lee and Macon Counties. So far my primary sources have been census, tax records, and Land Lottery. Most of his life seems to have been in Washington 1770 - 1800, Warren 1800 - 1830 and then Marion from 1830 - 1846. Like all of you my biggest obstacle is burned courthouses where "all records were lost".  What is the best record group or repository that any of you have found for working around these burned courthouses? I'm in California so on site research is not much of an option.

Comment by Sandra Taliaferro on October 10, 2011 at 3:37pm
Thanks Allen.  Sounds like an interesting book, and valuable reserch reference.
Comment by john armstrong on October 10, 2011 at 3:33pm
ty allen
Comment by Allen McClain on October 10, 2011 at 11:57am

A new book published entitled: "African Americans of Washington County, Georgia: From Colonial Times through Reconstruction Period," by Adam Adolphus, is now available for purchase.  This book in library quality hardcover consisting of 694 pages plus Front Matter can be obtained by sending a check in the amount of $55.00 (to cover $50.00 for the book plus $5.00 for S & H at the following address: 

Washington County Hisorical Society

129 Jones Street

PO Box 6088

Sandersville, GA 31082


Additional information can be obtained at:


I am researching Washington County, Georgia and can't wait to receive my copy.

Comment by Madehlinne on September 1, 2011 at 9:04am

Hi there!


I just joined this group to share information.


Here is a link to Historic Georgia newspapers.


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